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Chapter Two - Brad


"You have got to be kidding me, Joe!" I nearly shouted.

"I'm being serious," he said, looking like he could kill me in one second, eyebrows raised.

"But you can't be," I cried.

"But I am," he crossed his arms.

"I swear to god, of all your bad ideas, this is definitely the worst. Definitely."

"It's not bad, Brad, listen to me!" he sighed.

"But, Joe - a fake relationship? Why do you hate me so much?!" I ran my hand through my hair, sighing. My worst nightmare, to be honest. I knew eventually someone could ask me or the boys to be involved in a fake relationship for publicity, but I've always thought I'd never do that. I wanted our band to be successful and famous by our own merits, and not because of the fame of someone else.

"God, Brad, why you're being so stubborn? Have you heard anything at all that I just explained to you? Lots of celebrities do this and it works. For a fact. Plus, it's only 6 months. You won't die if you have to kiss a pretty girl for 6 months, will ya?!"

I sighed, looking out the window. I was trying to put everything on the scale. We'd just released our first ever single, which was pretty rad. And we were just about to release our debut album, in nothing but a few months. We could use the buzz, I suppose. But I knew the boys wouldn't like it as much as I didn't. And I also knew that Joe had our best interests at heart - he wouldn't propose something he didn't genuinely think would be good for us. I was so confused.

"Look, Brad. I know you don't like this. To be honest, neither do I. But you know I'm always thinking about what's best for the band, and, seriously, I really think this will help. You're a new band, just released the first single, and your album is coming in the next months - you need to be in the media. This is the best way - the way that won't hurt anyone and where all parts win. The girl needs this too. It's only 6 months, and then you're done. Never have to even think about her ever again. You won't need to do anything, actually, me and her manager have everything figured out already. You just have to pretend."

I looked up at him again. I was kinda trapped in the situation. I sighed again.

"Well... okay, I guess. But the boys won't like this. Even more than me."

"Oh, about that..." Joe scratched his head, looking down. "Hum... the boys can't know it's fake."

"What?!" my mouth dropped in complete shock. "What are you even talking about?! Why not?! How in the fricking hell am I supposed to lie to them????? Now you can't be serious, Joe."

"It wasn't my choice" he explained, looking up. "There's something to do with Victoria's manager, I don't know exactly." he placed his hands on the hips. "I think we can discuss this in the meeting later."

"I hate this."


So, hello!

This is the first time ever I decide to publish something I wrote, so, yeah, I'm kinda nervous. But Ed Sheeran just released his new album and I'm excited and inspired and it's 4 am.

So I just posted this on an impulse before I could stop myself. I don't think anyone will read this, tbh, so, if you are, please comment below. It could be anything, even if it's just to say it sucks.

I need to know if I can keep spending my time thinking about this story.

Brad's chapter is considerably smaller cause, well, everyone knows him already, so. This is just an introduction to the story, I have lots of things prepared, I admit.

I hope you like it!!!


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