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"'Victoria Olinski and Laura Coleman reunited at Julius Bay's Party'
Everyone knows that Victoria Olinski and Laura Coleman are long term BFF's. But they haven't been seen together since their last job as colleagues, the photo shoot for Fissy, a clothing brand, last December. This last Saturday (17), however, that changed - both models were invited for Julius Bay's birthday party in London, an event very expected by the general public. Laura attended the party with boyfriend Joe O'Neill, artist manager at NB Management*, whilst Victoria surprised everyone by showing up alone, without her boyfriend of almost 3 years, the actor Lucas White. Both girls were photographed and seen together, talking and dancing the entire night. Don't you just love this friendship? We sure do!"

"'Julius Bay's birthday party gathers all the celebrities'
Last Saturday (17), Julius Bay had his huge birthday party that everyone has been talking about for ages - and managed to invite all the most famous and important London celebrities. His guest list had names such as Samantha Truman, William Bale, Victoria Olinski, Leo Smith and even Gordon Lupe. The event was considered one of the biggest of the year so far - Julius practicality broke some sort of record by having so many people attending his birthday."

"'Theory Of The Week: Victoria Olinski and Lucas White Break Up?'
We know you love a good gossip conspiracy theory, so for this week's TOTW we brought you some juicy news. The actors Victoria Olinski and Lucas White have been dating each other for what feels like forever - the couple was first seen together during the filming of The Undomestic Goddess**, back in 2010, a movie where they both shared the leading roles. That gives us 3 years of dating, so far so good, as they seem to have a healthy, happy and steady relationship. But - that's where the story gets good. Are they on the verge of breaking up? We think so. Here's why: last week, on Monday (12), Victoria was seen (click here to see the photos) at a Starbucks near her manager's office, crying her eyes out, all alone. A few hours later, Lucas showed up there, and it seems like they were having a heated argument. Neither of them has been seen for the rest of the week, alone or together, which is odd, considering we get almost daily pictures of them out in London, together most of the time. Then, Saturday (17), they were both invited to the most anticipated event of the year - Julius Bay's birthday party. However! Only Victoria attended - alone, of course. Lucas White was nowhere to be seen that night, suspiciously. But, even with all this evidence, the strangest thing happened on Sunday (18). Victoria went out for lunch with Laura Coleman, the model. Everyone knows they're very good friends. The thing is - were they on a double date?! It sure seems like it! The girls were out with Joe O'Neill and a mystery guy whose name we weren't able to find out (sorry about that, btw). Laura's been dating Joe O'Neill for a long time now, so that's not new. But Victoria? With everything that's been going on, we have some strong reasons to believe that this guy is her new love affair. And you wanna know more? He was also seen at Julius' party. With Victoria! Only the two of them. So, what do you think about this? Let us know. We'll keep you updated. If you know who the guy is, send us a message! We're dying for more information.
(Click here to see the pictures from Saturday and Sunday)."

"'Victoria Olinski out in London with mysterious guy'
Victoria Olinski, 18, was seen just yesterday (18) leaving a restaurant in London with a boy whose name no one seems to know. Together with her friend Laura Coleman, Victoria and this guy had lunch and left the restaurant after a couple of hours - stopping on the pavement to talk and say goodbye. Laura was with Joe O'Neill, her boyfriend, so it did seem like a double date. Fun fact: Victoria was also seen with the same guy just the day before, Saturday (17), at Julius Bay's birthday party. Trouble in paradise? Victoria's in a long term relationship with the actor Lucas White, who wasn't at the party Saturday neither at the restaurant on Sunday. Could they have broken up? So far, it's still a story to be uncovered. We'll keep our eyes open for any major updates."

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