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"Who the hell is Bradley Will Simpson?!" I heard a voice say, and my body froze immediately. I wanted to turn around to see who'd said that, but couldn't bring myself to move. I just stood still in front of the counter, waiting for my drink.

"Did you hear that?!" I whispered-shouted to Joe when I returned to our table. He was typing on his phone and barely listened to me.

"Huh?" he said, looking away from his phone and up to me.

"Did you hear someone yelling my name just a few minutes ago?!" I repeated.

"No," he frowned. "Wasn't it the employee calling for your coffee?" I gave him a glare.

"No. It was someone else," I looked slightly behind me. "But I didn't see who," I sighed.

"Probably a fan then," he replied, typing again on his phone. "Look, it's 7:37 so we should get going."

I sighed and got up. I quickly scanned the room with my eyes to see if there was anyone staring - they'd be if they were a fan. But no one was staring. I only recognised the girl from earlier, the one who bumped into me and that was crying for most of the time I was there. Now she was talking to another woman, who had her back turned to me, their faces very close to each other like they were telling secrets. I still had the feeling I knew the girl from somewhere, but couldn't place her anywhere in my memories.

"So, tell me again who's the girl I'm supposed to date?" I asked Joe, as we walked towards the building where was our meeting.

"Victoria Olinsky, Brad. The girl from that show. It was literally called Olinsky," he turned his head to look at me, placing his hands on the pockets of his jacket.

"I know the show, but the only girl I can remember from that is a child," I said, again.

"Well, she's no child anymore, obviously. By the way, she wasn't a child by the time the show ended. So I don't get it how you don't remember her."

"I'm not really into tv shows, you know," I stated. We were having the same conversation we'd had this morning.

He told me I was supposed to get into a fake relationship with this - allegedly - famous actress, but I didn't really know who she was. Sure, I knew the name and did remember Olinsky, as it was one of the most watched tv shows in the country for many years, but I couldn't picture specifically that girl in my mind. And Joe just didn't understand that. He even told me that James had a huge crush on her since forever, which was also news to me.

We arrived at the building and Joe introduced us to the security guy, saying we had a meeting with Olivia something. The man let us in and we took the lift to the 8th floor.

When the lift doors opened, we entered a big hall, with lots of separate rooms with glass walls. Right by our right side, there was a girl sitting behind a desk, typing desperately at a computer. She looked at us behind her glasses when we stood there.

"Oh! Hello. You must be Joe O'Neill and Bradley Simpson?" she said, walking to us quickly.

"Yes," Joe answered. "We have a meeting with -"

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