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"So that's pretty much it," I finished, as I watched the boys' reactions. "And now I am officially dating... fake dating this girl."

James snorted, annoyed, and got up from the couch where he was sitting.

"And it never occurred to you or Joe to let us know that you were signing this shit? I mean, the band is not only you, Bradley. It wasn't your decision alone, cause it seems like all of us are caught up in this now, even if it's you who's in the relationship", he said the last word sarcastically. I sighed. I knew they'd be pissed off, but I was in the hope that Joe wouldn't let me alone to tell them. Well, I was wrong, cause apparently, he had more important things to deal with.

"I know, James, honestly, I would never have done something like this without telling you first, if it was under any other circumstances. But Joe only told me yesterday and at first, you guys weren't even supposed to know that the relationship is fake," I explained.

"Sorry, what?!" Tristan asked, surprised.

"Yeah, Nicole, you know? The woman who's behind all this, she didn't want me to tell you, so Joe had to negotiate with her because her initial idea was me lying to you about having a girlfriend. So it could be worse, James," I looked over at him with my eyebrows furrowed. "That's why we didn't discuss it before I signed the contract."

James just rolled his eyes again and let himself fall back to the couch.

"It doesn't make the situation any better," he shrugged.

"Well, I don't think it's that bad actually," Connor came in my defence. Thank god for Connor. "I mean, it is a pretty good opportunity for us to be in the spotlight, which we do need. Also, it's easy and it doesn't hurt anyone and it gives us more time to focus on the music, cause we have the certainty that, whatever we do, it will attract attention. Who's the girl again? She's super famous, right? So I don't see why you two are so irritated by it."

Connor was simply the best.

"I agree with Con, guys. I know I'm biased now but that's the exact same thing Joe told me. It doesn't hurt anyone and it actually helps us," I said.

"Okay but now... if we succeed... we'll never know if it's because we're really good or because Brad's dating the girl. And we never wanted that," Tristan added.

No one said anything. He was right. We could never know now. But it was too late.

"Is this a miracle or something?!" Joe entered the room, breaking the silence. "All of you in the same place and no noise whatsoever?" we just stared at him, saying nothing. "What's with the funeral faces?" he frowned.

"We were just saying that if we ever get successful it'll be impossible to know if it's by our own merits or just because Brad will be dating this girl," Tristan replied, breathing heavily.

"Oh god," Joe rolled his eyes, sitting in a chair. "When did you become so dramatic and insecure? The fake relationship isn't gonna perform a miracle or anything. If people don't like you, they don't like you. They won't listen to your music just because they like Victoria or whatever you're thinking. The relationship is only gonna make more people know about you. And if more people know about you, more chances you have of people liking you, but also more chances you have of people disliking you. It's a 50/50 situation. So, if you ever become the band you wanna become, and you will because you guys are amazing and talented, that's gonna happen because you made it happen and because you deserve it," he said, looking at each of us. "No girl, no matter how famous or popular, is gonna do your job for you. You just have to put everything you have inside of you into your music and it'll be worthwhile. Trust me. Success will find you with or without her, cause it's up to you only. People will like what you have to offer for you and not for her; she's not in the band," he completed his motivational speech, smiling, proud of himself. We still kept quiet for a bit, until Tristan decided to speak.

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