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"Well, I can't sign this contract."

Everyone immediately stared at me, except Nicole, who didn't even bother looking away from her tablet. Olivia had her eyes widened, surely wondering if I'd gone crazy.

"Why not?" Nicole asked, nonchalantly.

"I just don't think I'm the right girl for this job," I stated. All eyes were watching me carefully while Nicole just kept typing as if I was just telling her the wheater.

"Oh yeah? How come?" she was so unbothered she just glanced at me for a second before returning her attention to the tablet.

"I've got a few reasons," I said. Olivia stared at me and I could actually see the question mark in her eyes.

"Which are...?" Nicole moved her hand in a gesture for me to continue, but still not looked at me. She was starting to get on my nerves.

"Well, to begin with, I am dating someone already."

"Break it," she said, simply. I blinked, taken aback. Was she serious?

"Second of all," I ignored her comment. "I have never even heard of Brad's band," I shrugged, apologetically.

"That's cause we're not famous," Brad muttered, rolling his eyes.

"That's even better!" Nicole finally put her tablet away. "It makes it easier to believe. If Brad was as famous as you or more, people would look at this couple of yours and think, I don't buy it, they're fake for sure. Cause it'd be too predictable. Now, if Brad's just at the beginning of his career, people will believe it's genuine. They will look at you, sigh and say, this is true love, and you'll be able to actually see the hearts leaving their eyes as they watch you," she shrugged. "It's perfect."

"It doesn't make sense to me??" I replied. "Two famous people, one can't "steal" the fame from the other. Now, one famous person and one unknown person, everyone will say the one who's not famous is just using the other to get attention. It's worse and, in my opinion, harder to buy it."

"I don't care what you think, darling," she shrugged. "It works the same way. And I prefer this way."

"Third reason, then," I said, snorting annoyed. "Brad's too young for me. People will be outraged."

Brad widened his eyes and exhaled loudly.

"How old do you think I am?!" he exclaimed, in an offended tone.

"Honestly?" I frowned. He nodded. "Twelve," he raised his eyebrows, surprised and offended. "Okay, not twelve, but fifteen at most," it wasn't my fault that boy looked like a bloody child.

"Well, Brad's seventeen, right?" he just nodded in agreement. "So that's not a problem at all," Nicole said. "What else have you got? You can keep going like this the whole morning, darling, and I'm just gonna have a solution for your problem every single time," I swore to god if that woman called me darling one more time...

"I'm a pretty busy person, you know. I actually have a full schedule all the time. So I won't have the time needed to focus on this. I mean, it's hard enough with a real relationship, imagine a fake one that demands constant work. Also, I'm in the middle of a deal negotiation for a new show," I decided to use my last excuse, a bit desperate now. "And..." I paused dramatically, sighing. "I didn't really want talk about this yet but... I don't want to sign this deal. I mean, I'm sure Brad doesn't want to either, but at least he's getting something good out of this, yeah? I don't want to sound like I'm bragging here or being arrogant or whatever - even tho I know I do... but it's pretty clear I'm much more famous than you, Brad. You haven't even released an album yet. So my fame it's gonna help you when you do, right? That's the thing for you in this deal. But for me? No. Besides all the reasons I've already told you guys, the fact is that I don't need this. I'm in the spotlight all the time already, even when I take time off. I have a solid consistent career, I have this upcoming new show that me and Olivia are thinking about..." I was so desperate that I was just talking and not breathing. I stopped for a moment and took a deep breath. "What I'm saying is, this deal doesn't benefit me. There's nothing in it that I need or want. There's literally no point in me signing to this. Especially cause I already have a boyfriend. If I didn't-"

"Stop it," Nicole suddenly interrupted me, getting up from her chair at the end of the table. "Just stop talking." So I did, taken aback again.

Olivia was biting her bottom lip so hard that I thought it'd start bleeding. I didn't tell her that I was planning on saying all these things, cause I knew she'd try to talk me out of it, so it was easier to just let her in the dark. Even though she'd probably considered that possibility, having worked with me for all these years. But I could tell she was nervous. More than I'd ever seen her.

I had no idea what Brad or Joe were thinking, but I felt bad for being so stubborn, cause it sounded like I had a problem with them, when in reality I actually liked Brad and thought we could be friends if we'd met in different circumstances.

I just really disliked the idea of being controlled and manipulated and bossed around. Please do not boss me around, there's nothing on earth I hate more. And worse: by that woman. I just - ugh. I couldn't stand her and the thought that she worked for my so called father and that all of that had come out of his brain. It was a nightmare. So I had to stand up for myself and try to get me out that mess.

Nicole snorted heavily and rolled her eyes. She ran her hand through her hair and crossed her arms in front of her chest, looking up and then at me.

"The thing is, Victoria. You're not fully understanding the situation here," she paused and looked deeply into my eyes. "There may not be anything in this contract that appeals to you. Or that you want or need or like. And yeah, mostly, Brad's the one who's gonna get the best part out of all this. But the thing. Here. Is." she said, slowly. "Pay attention." She made a dramatic pause, looking so deeply into my eyes I felt like she could see my soul. "You won't have any upcoming new shows to sign to if you don't do this," she finished, serious. "That is the deal. And you have no choice."

I froze, immediately, my brain running to comprehend the words she'd just said.

Wait. Wait a second. Did she just threaten me? I raised my eyebrows, surprised. Olivia moved in her chair, uncomfortable. The room fell into dead silence.

I looked over at Brad. He sat straight now, his hands holding the arms of the chair strongly. Joe just had look on his face that I couldn't read exactly. And Nicole was shifting her eyes between all of us.

"Oh," my voice didn't come out louder than a whisper. I cleared my throat, straightening myself on the chair. "So this is blackmail then."


Okay I know this is super random but have you guys listened to the Maine's new album Lovely Little Lonely??? If you haven't, YOU NEED TO CHECK IT OUT ASAP!!! It's a masterpiece omg

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter 💞

Please comment and vote to make me happy!! Thanks.


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