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I had no idea what to wear whatsoever. It was Saturday already - remember that thing about my days feeling endless? Yeah, it didn't happen during my final days of holiday. It went too quickly and I wasn't feeling like partying at all. I felt like lying in bed, watching crappy movies, grieving for my now gone blessed days off and feeling sorry for myself. That was the definition of a perfect Saturday for me as of that moment.

But noOoOo. I had to go to the party. It was gonna be boring, I knew that for a fact. Julius Bey was the most boring person of all time, and I honestly wasn't planning on showing my pretty face at his party if it wasn't for this contract thing. I didn't even bother going out to shop anything special. It was whatever.

So there I was in the middle of my closet trying to find something at least fine to wear. I had no idea. Was there a dress code? Was it going to be fancy? Or more casual? No. Idea.

"Whatever," I mumbled to myself. I left the closet and threw myself on the bed, checking my phone. Nothing. Boring. I decided to text Lucas, to see if he was on his way already. It was still seven-ish and the party wasn't until 10:30, but Lucas loved getting early at my house - just so he could annoy me saying things like "we're gonna be late if you don't hurry up". My response was either silence and an annoyed eye roll or just throwing a pillow at his face shouting I didn't care. But he always thought he was funny saying that. Not at all.

[07:18 pm] VO: babe what time are you arriving here? I could use some help picking an outfit xx

That being done, I stared at the ceiling and ended up thinking about that again. I was avoiding the subject all week because I was in denial. I didn't want to believe I had actually signed a contract to be in a relationship. A fake one. And I didn't want to believe I was gonna have to break up with Lucas against my will. I was okay with dating Lucas. We weren't truly madly deeply in love with each other and we were aware of that. I knew he wasn't the love of my life. But we were comfortable with each other and I honestly didn't want to break up with him. But I also didn't want to keep a secret relationship with him and a fake one at the same time cause that would be too exhausting. So I didn't really know what to do, which was why I was postponing that decision.

"You don't wanna think about that right now, Victoria," I said to myself, getting up from the bed. "You're gonna be lying on this bed forever if you don't move right now. C'mon."

I walked back into the closet, still not knowing what to choose and still waiting for Lucas to reply. Then my eyes caught something. A black dress I haven't worn in a long time. Hmm. Interesting. I picked up the dress and put it in front of my body, analysing myself in the mirror. That could work out with the right shoes and accessories. You can never go wrong with a simple black dress. I smiled at my reflection, glad that I'd finally chosen something. As I was getting dressed, I heard my phone beep, probably Lucas replying. I looked over at my shoes, trying to quickly choose one, and deciding for a simple black one, then walked back to where my phone was laying on the bed, picking it up to see the notification. It was Lucas indeed.

[07:26 pm] LW: oh I'm sorry babe but I won't be able to make it - management wants me to be somewhere else. X

"You have got to be kidding me," I said, rolling my eyes at the text and snorting.

[07:26 pm] VO: oh god Lucas and why didn't you let me know earlier? Now I'll have to go by myself to this stupid thing ah fuck off

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