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Why the fucking HELL is my phone ringing so early on a Sunday?

That was the first thing my mind thought of when I opened my eyes and reached for my phone. The slight sunlight entering through my curtain was enough to make me regret that decision. I should've just let that fucking phone ring until the person gave up on trying to talk to me. On a Sunday morning.

"Hello?" I groaned, my words barely understandable.

"Good morning, love!" Someone way too happy for that time of day said on the other line. "Are you up yet?"

"Isn't that obvious? I am not. And I'd like to continue not being up for a long time. Who is this by the way?" As soon as I said that, I felt bad for being so rude. I was always rude if someone woke me up, but then I would always immediately feel bad. But, hey, it was a Sunday and it was early. So.

"It's Laura, silly. I was wondering if you'd like to go for lunch with me and Joe?" She said happily, not affected by my rude modes.

"Oh, hi Laura. Uhh... isn't it a bit too early to worry about lunch?" The light coming from the window was really bothering me and I couldn't keep my eyes open. Plus, I could already feel a headache. Not nice.

"Actually no, sweetie. It's 11:30 already, babe. C'mon, I know we just saw each other last night but that made me miss so much our times together! And it also made me feel bad for going so long without meeting you. Please?!" Laura said, with her I-am-so-cute-and-you-can't-say-no-to-me voice.

Laura and I were actually very good friends, we just happened to not see each other that often even if we enjoyed being together. It was a shame, really, but what I liked about it was that, no matter how long we'd go without talking, it'd always feel the same when we finally catch up.

"Aw, sweetie, thanks, but I have the worst headache ever," I mumbled. "I think I might have to skip it this time. Can we reschedule for tomorrow though?"

"Sorry, I'm not taking a no for an answer. Just take an aspirin or something and get your ass out of this bed, c'mon!" She ordered.

"Lauraaaaaaa!" I grunted. "An aspirin won't help me, just leave me be for today, please?!"

"Nope. You're coming. Chop chop! I'll text you the address. Don't take too long. Love ya, bye!" And then she just hung up on me. How dare she?!

I sighed heavily, thinking whether it was worth it going out today or not. Since it'd been way too long since me and Laura properly got to see each other, I decided that it was worth it after all. With all the energy contained inside of me, I made my way out of bed and entered the shower. My head was exploding and I'd need lots of pills for the pain to go away. As usual, I was wondering why did I have so much to drink yesterday. That tequila shot was not necessary at all.

Impressively, I got ready in less than an hour - it was 12:20 by the time I looked at my phone. Well, truth be told, I didn't bother putting any makeup on except for some mascara, so that was probably why. Checking my messages, I saw that  Laura had chosen a cute little restaurant that we both loved and wasn't that far from my apartment, which I was glad about, cause driving with a hangover was the worst thing of all time. I ran to the kitchen, craving water, and I sat on the stool by the kitchen island, drinking contentedly, not being able to ignore the headache.

To: Laura Coleman

[12:26 pm] VO: i still can't believe I'm up with this annoying headache and i hate you for it

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