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I just sat there and cried until there were no more tears left for me to cry. I had no idea how much time I spent that way, sitting in the same position and crying my eyes out. All I knew was that my entire face was swollen, my eyes, nose and mouth as red as it could get. The one lucky thing about that day tho - I was wearing little makeup and the mascara was waterproof. So good choice, Vic. 

I was aware of people staring - I was a "celebrity" after all. Were they taking pictures? Probably. Would I be on the front pages tomorrow? For sure. But did I care? Not at all. I could bet the headlines would say something about a breakup. Ha. I wished.

I was tired from crying and my head and body ached. I could barely keep my eyes open. So I got up and went to get a coffee. I was thinking, "oh wow, you're really brave, lady, still looking like shit and yet letting people look directly at your face" when someone bumped into me. It was a boy and he almost spilt his coffee on the floor, and I immediately took his hand on mine, for some reason thinking it'd make him forgive me.

"Oh my god I am so sorry. I didn't see you. Clearly. I'm sorry." 

"Hey, no problem. It was nothing," he said, smiling and shaking my hand. I smiled back and dropped his hand, nodding and walking towards the counter to order my drink.

When I sat back in my seat, I decided it was time to talk to someone. Normally, I'd call Olivia, but I was feeling betrayed by her, so I texted Lucas, my boyfriend.

[03:42 pm] VO: need to talk to u asap

[03:44 pm] LW: i cant rn

[03:44 pm] VO: its an emergency 

[03:45 pm] LW: i'm really busy

[03: 45 pm] VO: it's a real emergency.

[03:45 pm] LW: i'm in the middle of a shooting

[03:45 pm] VO: so how come you texting?!

[03:47 pm] LW: the scene involves texting

[03:47 pm] VO: oh shut up already and get your stupid ass here cmon

[03:48 pm] LW: i swear i cant leave rn

[03:48 pm] VO: and i swear it's an emergency lucas.

[03:50 pm] VO: so if you could hurry up

[03:52 pm] VO: answer me

[03:55 pm] VO: where did you go

[03:57 pm] VO: luke

[03:59 pm] VO: lucas

[04:02 pm] VO: lucassssssss

[04:04 pm] LW: where u @?

[04:04 pm] VO: starbucks

[04:05 pm] LW: ........which one?

[04:06 pm] VO: the one near Olivias office

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