Chapter 1

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"Serafina! Get down here or you're walking to school!" My older brother, Jace, screams.

I groan, getting out of bed. I check the mirror and groan again. My long, curly hair is all knotted and messed up. How the hay am I supposed to be ready if my hair looks like a rat's nest?

"Jace! I'm gonna' walk! My hair looks terrible!" I shout.


He leaves me alone in the house now. Our parents aren't here, because they never will be. They died when I was only 8. Since Jace is old enough now, he took me into his custody. Before that, we stayed with our grandparents in another town. Jace moved us here: Wimberley, Texas. Honestly, the name sounds like this place has mythical creatures. I really do expect to someday see a unicorn or something.

Grabbing a Twenty One Pilots shirt and sweats, I dash to the shower. After that, I attempt to fix my hair, actually succeeding in taming the wild beast. I slap on some vanilla scented lotion to keep my skin soft and hydrated. I put on my clothes, then my boots. Right before leaving my room, I grab my glasses. I'm still not used to wearing them since I just got them about a month ago.

When I get downstairs, I rush to the kitchen, grabbing a pop tart, and run out the door. I walk fast to the school. Fairview High. I've never been to the place before, and I'm kind of scared; no, I'm utterly terrified. A new high school is a pretty big deal. I used to have so many friends, friends I knew for years, and now, I have to go to this school with no one. It makes me want to just turn back around and never step on those blasted school grounds.

Getting there, I see that people still mill around. As I walk past them clutching my books and bag, they turn to me, starting to whisper. Their whispers send my heart into a whirlwind, my doubts from before school starting to scream louder in my head. But, then I actually catch what the whispers are saying, and my doubts fly away, only to be replaced with curiosity and amazement.

She's another one of them.

I wonder how she got in?

It's the new girl.

She's cute.

I blush from all the attention and walk faster, wishing I left my hair down so I could hide behind it. Looking around, I notice more stares and whispers. What's wrong with me? Did I do something? The doubts start back up again, but I push them away. For now, I need to get to my class on time, and that means stopping by the main office first.

I find the main office and get my schedule and locker. Hmm, History first. Room 208. Where's that? The bell suddenly rings, so, panicking, I dash around the halls, trying to find the room. Oh no! I'm already late! And it's my first day!

Quinn Harris pov

As soon as I step on campus, I smell the delicious scent of vanilla and something like a forest. Mate! Mate! My wolf, Hunter, howls in my head. I grin. It seems after 18 years, I finally found my mate. I search the halls for her, until I see her rushing down the hall I'm in. She looks so beautiful. Her bright green eyes framed by glasses, her small and petite figure, her cheeks red from running. Then I notice something: she's human, not a werewolf. Uh oh. How can I have her now? She doesn't know werewolves even exist. How can we be together if she doesn't even know that she's my soulmate and I'm a supernatural creature that can shift into a wolf?

She continues to run straight at me, but she doesn't seem to notice me. I step right into her pathway, just so I can feel her soft skin on mine for once. She slams right into me, toppling us both over. Sparks erupt along my skin as she comes into contact with me. We land on the floor, me on the bottom and her on top. Hunter purrs with pleasure and I have to fight the urge to kiss her. Her eyes widen and she jumps off me.

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