Chapter 17

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Why Worry by Set It Off because I can

A chilling laugh echoes through the clearing, almost seeming to come from all around me.

"That's right, little wolf," a whisper echoes through the air, having a sort of buzzing quality that has me hiding behind Drake.

"How did you escape?" Quinn growls, his eyes now golden and his teeth bared.

Another laugh sounds, but this one sounds feminine.

"Oh please, Quinny, did you really think my brother would let me rot in your prison?" The same feminine voice laughs, her words sending chills down my spine.

One of the pairs of eyes tilts a bit, and fixate right on me.

"Hmm, it seems your little mate's afraid," another voices whispers, and I can swear I feel breathing down my neck.

I squeak when I feel something like a hand clamp around my neck, ice-cold and hard.

The kids start to sob, curling up further into the nook. I squeak again when I feel my body being moved forward, as if by the cold thing around my neck.

"Help!" I peep, watching as Quinn and Drake try to grab at me, but I get violently yanked forward right before they can touch me. Violet starts to sob, for she sees all the now still wolves, except for Jackson, who whimpers in pain every once in awhile.

The cold force pulls me all the way to the edge of the clearing, where the gray-eyes walks up to meet me. I yelp when I see it's Ryan. I try to struggle, but the force lift my feet off the ground slightly.

"Help!" I squeak, my small feet dangling below me.

Ryans stalks up to me, grabbing me out of the air and carrying me bridal style.

"Let her go!" Quinn roars, clenching his fists.

"Hmm, I don't think I will. Sorry," Ryan purrs, holding me closer.

Quinn growls loudly. Drake shakes his head, his face showing mass concentration on something.

"Ryan... don't take her away. She still hasn't turned eighteen. We need to know if she..." Drake begins, clenching his fist and breathing deeply between,"is a creature."

"It doesn't matter if she's a creature or not. I love her and she's mine. I will help her if she is a creature."

"Please, Ryan, before I get angry," Drake pleads.

Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, please don't make Drake mad! I internally plead, gasping when Ryan chuckles and answers me in my head.

Don't worry, my dear Sera, he wouldn't hurt you again.


Another time, darling. Another time.

No! Now!

I don't get an answer. What the heck was that?! Angered, I start to struggle in his arms, kicking my legs out.

"Let go of me, Ryan!" I protest.


"Do it or I will-"


Ryan looks down at me with his dark eyes, grinning like a psychopath. Okay, he isn't grinning like a psychopath, but he's certainly creeping me out. He leans down and presses his lips to mine, which instantly causes Quinn to explode, and me to start struggling more.

"Drake, stop holding me back! Let me tear him limb for limb!" Quinn growls loudly, almost snapping Drake's arm off.

I'm surprised that Drake easily holds off the angered Alpha-to-be. Meanwhile, Ryan continues to kiss me, making me protest, but it gets muffled by his mouth over mine.

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