Chapter 9

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"What?" I ask, confused.

Quinn looks around nervously, when he suddenly sighs.

"Sera, have you ever heard of werewolves?" He asks slowly.

"Uh, yeah. Why?"

What is going on? Is this a joke? A prank their pulling on me? I search all their faces for a hint of amusement, but the look in their eyes tells me otherwise.

"Well, they're real."

I look at him, slightly concerned for his mental health.

"Did you fall and hit your head?" I ask.

"No. I'm serious, Sera. They're real. I know because..."

"Because...?" I prompt after he stops.

"Because I'm one."

That's when I lose it. I start laughing. They're kidding, right? I look to see if anyone else is laughing, but when I see their serious faces, I sober up.

"Wait, you're not joking?"

"No, Angel. I'm half wolf, half human. Jace and Tyler are as well. In fact, this whole town is a werewolf pack, save for a few humans, such as Violet and yourself."

I stare at them in shock. Jace is a werewolf? My own brother? Tyler and almost everyone else too?

"Prove it," I demand.

I want to know the full truth. To see if this is a joke or not. Quinn nods, standing up from his chair by my bedside. He goes into my bathroom for a moment. When he comes out, it's not him, but a large black wolf. I gasp. It's the wolf that I met in the forest. He trots over to me, and hops onto my bed.

"Oh my goodness, you were the wolf I met in the forest! Whoa," I breathe.

This is incredible! Strange, maybe even a bit worrying, but still incredible! I hug him, burying my face into his fur.

"This is so cool!" I exclaim from within his fur, my voice coming out muffled.

I pull away, smiling. The wolf, or Quinn, I guess, licks my face. I fall back, giggling.

"That tickles!"

Jace grumbles from his place at the door, obviously not liking the attention I'm getting.

"Ahem, I think that's enough, Quinn. She gets it," Jace speaks up, scowling.

Quinn turns around on my bed and growls at Jace. I panic, starting to stroke his back.

"Hey, hey, hey, um, it's okay?" I say, trying to calm his wolf down.

It works apparently, because he stops growling, actually rolling over to give me access to his belly. I stroke his underside, smiling. I've always wanted a dog, but this is even better.

"Ha, looks like the big bad Alpha-to-be is actually a soft little puppy!" Tyler teases.

I giggle. Quinn stands up, giving me a lick on the cheek before going back into the bathroom. The real Quinn comes back out, grinning. He plops down on my bed, laying down next to my sitting form, his hands behind his back.

"So, any questions?" He asks me.

"You've been the wolf this whole time?" I ask in disbelief.

He nods, frowning slightly.

"Sorry I scared you that first time. I was just worried about you."

"It's okay. Um, sorry about venting about you guys to your wolf," I sheepishly apologize.

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