Chapter 18

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Everybody Talks by Neon Trees because idk anymore

When I come to, I notice I'm not in the clearing anymore. Instead, I'm in a dark bedroom, wrapped up in gray and black sheets. My head is pounding and my neck aches at a specific, two points.

Memories of what happened rush back to me, and I break down into sobs.

"Quinn, Jace, Drake, Violet, Tyler! No!" I sob.

I hear footsteps right by the door, and I close my eyes again, as the door creaks open.

"Sera, I know you're awake. Open your eyes, Darling," Ryan coos.

I feel someone right by my side and I know it's him. I whimper, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Please? I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to see your beautiful green eyes."

Something soft presses against my eyelid and I gasp, my eyes flying open. Ryan's close to my face, peering at my eyes.

"Hmm, it seems that it's true; you will change. I'll have to ask Drake about this."

"Huh?" I ask, confused, and slightly annoyed.

Why is everyone talking about me changing? And why is everyone so worried about it?

"Oh dear, it seems I need to tell you a story. Come over here," he says, sitting down and patting his lap.

I scrunch up my nose in disgust. I remember I used to do that all the time, but that was before he became a vampire.

"Oh please, Sera, stop being a baby. It'll be like old times."

Ryan rolls his eyes. I shake my head, and he sighs. Grabbing me lightly by the waist, he pulls me over to his lap.

"Hey!" I protest.

"Se-e-e-r-r-a-a-a-a," Ryan groans, sounding like my old friend whenever I did something that annoyed him.

I struggle in his arms, but he sighs, tightening his hold.

"Look, do you want to hear about what you are? Or do you want to spend the rest of your mortal life in a cell?" He threatens.

That freezes me up.

"Good. Now, about what you will be. You know how your brother is a mut-I mean, werewolf?"

I nod.

"Well, that came from your father. He was the Beta of the Blue Moon pack, which is the pack you live with now."

"What about my mom?" I ask, more interested now.

Quinn and Alpha Harris did mention that my mom was a peace-loving creature.

"Ah, see, your mother was a special spirit of the forest, called a nymph. She was a tree nymph, one of the last of her kind, actually. You see, the sorcerers, those two at the clearing, they're kind use the blood and the magic of a tree nymph for certain powerful spells. So the Nymph Hunt began. Luckily, the dragons came in and stopped it all. It was a close one: nearly every species had about fifty nymphs left in the Americas. On the other side of the Earth, nymphs thrive still. That's where half of the survivors fled to. But your mother, Emily, she found out she was your father's mate. So she stayed, and had two children: a little boy named Jace, and an adorable little angel named Serafina," he says, squeezing my cheeks when he talks about me.

For some odd reason, it makes me blush and smile. This feels so much like the good old days, it hurts.

"H-how did she die? And my father?" I ask, already dreading the story.

"I have to warn you: the person in this story loves you very much, okay? He didn't mean to hurt you in any way. I swear. And when they see you again, they can explain, got it?" He warns.

I nod, confused. Who could it be?

"Okay. They were killed a long time ago, when you were eight. Your parents took you and your brother to a meadow. You might remember it from the last time you saw your parents?"

I nod, tears starting to burn my eyes.

"Yeah, I remember that day. We were in the meadow playing, then the forest fire started while my parents were in the forest. They died in the fire," I mumble.

"Mhm, but you don't know how the fire started. You see, the fire was started by a young dragon prince, barely even able to shift. Seeing as he was a royal, though, he was very strong and powerful. The only problem? He had and still has a large temper. He got mad that day, and to blow off steam and light stuff up, he fled to a nearby meadow: The Meadow of Songs. It was your mother's favorite, according to to nymphs in that area. Right where she was born, too.

Anyway, the little dragon shifted, disregarding one of the most important dragon law: always check the area for living organisms. He began burning down trees, when he heard them: cries. Screams of agony and loss. More cries joined in, and terrified, the little dragon shifted back to a human boy, and ran through the fire."

I listen, trapped in his story. I can imagine the little boy, running through the flaming trees as cries echo through the forest.

"What happened next?"

"He saw something: a beautiful nymph, being shielded by a large grey wolf, as flaming branches broke around them. The boy ran to them, but the flames were too hot for his little hands. The nymph saw him, and her eyes searched his frantically.

'Listen, Young One, I know you did this, but I won't hurt you. My husband and I will not make it. I know that. Please, see if my children are alright. Please,' she begged, her green eyes shining with tears. The wolf fell, in his side a sharp, flaming branch stuck deep in his boiling hide. The nymph had let out an ear-splitting shriek, before a tree, her tree, fell on top of her.

The boy screamed, but eventually ran out of the forest into the meadow you were in. He saw your brother, and began apologizing in his language, that fortunately, Jace understood. He then ran away, back to his home. He never told anyone... except me, of course."

"W-who was the boy?" I ask.

I don't really remember him well. I do remember him having a streak of fire-red-orange in his hair. I always found that a little weird.


Wow, so short........sorry? I mean, I put up the usual two chappies, so it's not THAT bad, right? Eh, I don't know anymore.

But hey, this was some pretty important info! 

QUESTION TIME: Hmm, what's your favorite....ANIME? If you don't like anime, say that instead.

My Answer: Well, I really can't say. I like quite a few. Let me just go by my amount of fan fiction I'm deciding to read for each. TOP THREE LET'S GO!

#1 - Yuri!!! On ICE

#2 - Kuroshitsuji aka Black Butler

#3 - Ouran High School Host Club

I have other favorites, but these were the ones with ships I just HAD  to read fan fiction about. Lol, I'm obviously a HUGE Victuuri shipper, seeing as my profile pic is of them hugging. friends probably think I'm insane now.....

Comment, vote, and share plz!


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