Chapter 20

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Song is C'mon by Panic! At The Disco. I've loved this song for a while, and I literally JUST found out Panic! sang it. Wow..... it's only because I barely knew who Panic! At The Disco was when I first found this song, and it was being used as a pmv for a Percy Jackson tribute.


Five days later...

It's been a week now since I was taken away, and today's my birthday. Ryan said I would finally see if I become a nymph today, and I'm scared. I've actually begun to trust him again, because for some strange reason, he hasn't once tried to bite me or hurt me. In fact, he's acting like he was before he became a vampire. I think it might be just a trick to lure me into a false sense of trust, so he can keep me here forever.

I miss Quinn so much it hurts. I wish I could be waking up now, to see Violet, Tyler, Kristine and Alpha Harris, all smiling at me, while Jace and Quinn hold me in their arms. I wish I could spend the day with them without a care in the world. I wish we were all normal humans, and we could go to the mall and shop and have fun.

And... I wish I could have Drake and Ryan by my side the whole time, smiling and joking with Quinn. I wish I could just play with them and bring out my sarcastic side.

But it won't happen. It will never happen. Because now everything's different.

"Happy birthday, Sera," Ryan whispers to me, opening my door.

In his hands, a cake lay, the number eighteen being the shape of the two separate cakes.

"One's chocolate, the other vanilla," he murmurs, knowing I was looking at the cake.

"T-thanks," I stutter.

He smiles softly, walking over to my bedside and sitting down. He looks deeply at my face, frowning at something. He carefully places the cake to the side, before dragging his thumb lightly across my cheek. It comes back with moisture on it: tears. I didn't know I had been crying.

"You okay?" He asks softly.

"Of course I'm not! I'm away from my friends and family! I'll never see them again and it's all your fault! I'll never get to hold Quinn or Jace or have fun outside this room! I'll never get to grow up happy!" I sob, breaking down suddenly.

I feel cold arms wrap around me and I sob harder.

"I'm so sorry, Sera. I really am," Ryan whispers, his voice strained with pain.

"No your n-not," I sniffle. "You enjoy my pain. And I'll be stuck here forever, too. With you."

He sighs, letting go of me. Someone knocks at the door, and Drake opens the door slowly.

"Hey, Sprout, Ry. You okay?"

"No," I croak, turning away from them both.

"Sera, I need to tell you something. About your change. It should be happening soon, okay? It won't hurt, but it will take a lot of your energy. Eat some cake, you'll need the sugar to keep your blood sugars normal."

I take in all he tells me, sniffling occasionally.

"You ready?"

"I don't know. I don't w-wanna' change," I sniffle, feeling tears start to burn my eyes again.

"Sprout," Drake sighs. "I know you don't want anything to change, but trust me, you will be happier in the future."

I sniff again, pulling my covers over my face. I'm still mad at Drake. He lied to me all these years, and he killed my parents. I'm not as bitter about the past; I understand his point of view, but it stung me to know that he never told me about anything.

A small shift in my bed and then the sheets being pulled back alert me to someone now in my bed. Someone's arms wrap around me from behind and I pull away. I know it's Drake trying to comfort me, but all I want is to be with my real friends and family, not these monsters who were once my friends.

"Get away from me!" I tell him, scooting to the very edge of the opposite side of the bed.

Another pair of arms encircle me, but they're colder this time. I scream, curling in on myself. I hate them, I hate them, I hate them!!!

"Sera-" Ryan begins, but I cut him off.

"No! Get away, you monsters! I hate you!" I scream, putting my hands over my ears.

The bed shifts again, feeling lighter now. Silence fills the room, and I'm glad. I want them to feel hurt. They've hurt me, and I'm tired of it. I just want to go home.

The door suddenly closes, and I peek over my covers. I'm alone. Tears start to fall down my face, slowly at first, before I start sobbing uncontrollably.

This is the worst. I know I should be staying strong, but I can't. I can't do this anymore! Why can't I just have a normal life with a normal family and normal friends?


"This won't work! What are we supposed to do, Drake?! She called us monsters! Monsters, Drake! Why can't we just tell her the truth?!" Ryan yells at me when we leave Sera's room.

"Ry, we can't tell her because if we do, she might not do what she needs to. She needs to think we're monsters for the time being. Trust me, she'll understand when she finds out," I try to assure him.

He sighs, sitting down on the bed. We arrived at his room, since it's the farthest room from where Sera is. If she were to find out what's happening...

"Drake, I hate this! It kills me to see her like this!" He shouts, pulling at the ends of his brown hair.

I sit down next to him, sighing as well.

"I have to go see Quinn. He has to find her. It'll be too late if he finds her after the siblings manage to enact their spell," I say.

He nods, when we hear a sudden sniffle from beyond the doorway.

Ryan curses, turning off the light. Sera's footsteps shuffle across the floor, stopping when she nears the room we're in. Another sniff comes from right in front of the door.

I stare at the door, wide-eyed. The doorknobs starts to jiggle, rattling and twisting around. Ryan inhales quickly, looking just as worried as me. Sera doesn't exactly know that Ryan and I are working together; she just knows I'm still sort of friendly with him.

The doorknob stops moving, and Sera sighs.

"Stupid Ryan, locking his door," she mutters, before sniffling and shuffling away.

Ryan sighs in relief, falling backwards on his bed.

"That was close," he breathes.

I nod. Sera's getting restless, and that's going to be a problem. For her, for us, for Quinn, and for the whole pack. 

Oh no, I remember now that it starts getting a bit confusing now! Sorry, sorry, sorry! Plz just ask questions if you need me to clarify something! 

And also, I'm posting this pretty early, and I cooouuullldd wait for about 20-something more views to say I got to 3k, but I'm too anxious to wait. Me and my inpatient self, lol.

So, THANKS FOR 3K, even though right now it's at like, 2,976 views! 

QUESTION TIME: Let's get a little more personal, shall we? Do you have a crush of any sort? Yes, no? Lol, why do I even try asking these weirdo questions? 

My Answer: No, I do not, and I intend to keep it that way for a loooooong time. 

Comment, vote, and share plz!


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