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Jennifer's POV.

"You work here?" I asked, incredible speechless. "I do..." "You never mentioned anything about being a doctor! That's freaking cool." "You never asked, and yes, it's pretty cool." she giggled. Alessia cleared her throat. "Ohhh, this is my best friend Alessia...her boyf- she had a little accident at her boyfriend's house and so yeah..." I said. Leah was staring hard at me but then moved her eyes to Alessia. "Let me check on it."

She checked on Alessia and requested some X-rays. "You're fine...it's not broken, pretty painful, nearly broken, but you're lucky." Leah winked, "You just need some pills and you're gonna be fine. Also, some ice in there would be good too." Leah finally said and finished writing down some stuff. "Thank you" Alessia smiled and Leah smiled back and then looked at me. "Ally why don't you go wait for me in the car?" "Oh--okay" she smirked at me taking my keys from my hands and walking away. "This is such a nice surprise...I could've never imagined you as a doctor...Since you were friends with Callie...I thought you would work in an office. "We know each other from high school, we have always been pretty close." "Oh! I see. This- this job...Seems pretty fun." I was excited, I've always loved things like this, being a doctor, saving people and all that stuff.

"It is! Blood, broken bones, dead bodies, traumas, people screaming, crying, dying- it's fun." she laughed a little and I just looked at her with my eyes wide open, "Well, but you get to help people...that's the fun part."

She laughed, "Definitely." "Well...I think I'll go now." "You got my number, call me sometime." She smiled at me, THAT SMILE...cute as shit. Damn. "Okay, I will." I smiled back, "Bye, thanks for helping my friend." I said before starting to walk away.


"Who is her?" Was the first thing I heard once I got in the car. Sigh, Ally could be intense, pushy, annoying even. "She's no one." "Come on Jen! Share it with me, I'm your best friend." She always played that card. I rolled my eyes and started the car. "I'd share it with you if there was something to share, there's nothing. She's no one. And...if she was someone, it wouldn't matter, I'm not interested." I said as I started driving. She rolled her eyes and looked outside. "Could you take me to Starbucks?" "Consider it done, ma'am." she laughed. "It's weird you haven't been studying today...Just saying." She shrugged. "Mhmm, don't even mention it...that's gonna change tomorrow and you should start doing it too...just saying." "Leave me alone, I'm not in the mood." She snapped and I laughed. "You should get in the mood, we have three exact weeks. Get your ass ready." I said all excited.


That same night I was in my room just thinking, that's what I loved to do when I was alone, right before going to bed. What Matt did to Alessia was still going through my head, it was making noise and I knew how these situations would go...She was not over it, he was not over it, they were going to be back, and I needed to keep an eye on them, he did it once, he was going to do it again. Period.


Being the crazily organized person that I was, I started my day with a mental to-do list that consisted in waking up, go to class, go to the gym and then head back home to focus on my papers. The first thing I needed was food. So I got up from bed, had a quick shower to wake me up and then ran out to get dressed. I put on a sport bra, spandex pants and my black Nike shoes. I put on a hoodie that matched with my tight pants and my hair was up in an also tight bun. I grabbed my phone and my bag and headed out to meet Ally fully dressed sipping from a cup. She frowned, "you're going to class looking like that?" "Clearly." I shrugged, "I'm heading to the gym after it so..." "You're crazy you know that?" "Thank you, how's your rib?" "Way better, it doesn't hurt that badly and it's not that swollen anymore..." she said and looked down, "He called me last night" she said in this low tone. I wish I could say I was surprised to hear that, to be honest I wasn't, I saw it coming. "What did he want?" I looked at her but she kept her head down playing with her fingers. "He wants to see me." She said. I just stared at her. "We...we are gonna have lunch." She added and I sighed grabbing my keys and walking away. "Jen, wait!" "No, I'm not up to this, you do whatever you want, I'm going to class." I closed the door behind me and got in the elevator, pissed, she had no self control whatsoever, and it was way too early for me to be dealing with this.

My day went by pretty smoothly, I had my classes, I got my workout and I was sitting at home reading my things. It was raining, really hard and it was cold and dark considering it was only four in the afternoon.

I walked out my room and into the kitchen, to make myself some tea. When I was there waiting for the water to boil the door opened. I looked up and she just walked to her room and shouted the door being her. I didn't say or do anything. I got my cup and went into my room as well. If something happened then it was her fault. She got herself there and I was so pissed.  Back to my things.

It was bedtime and I was incredibly done with the day. Studying my papers and then I had to write an essay. I was so done... I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and whatnot and then walked to my bed. I started looking for my phone and I found it in my purse, when I pulled it out a little card fell on the floor. When I picked it up and saw the name I smiled. I was so drunk that day, I could've just noticed she was a doctor by looking at it. "Dr. Leah Remini" What a flawless name. I went into bed and placed the little card in my nightstand. One day I'd call her, not that night, I wasn't down to get into something with her, but someday I'd do it.


OoooooooooOooOoO crap.

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