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Jennifer's POV.

"Whyyyy?" Ally complained. "I just need to make sure. After that I'll let you go." Leah smiled softly and Ally rolled her eyes, "Fine. Meanwhile can you give me something for this pain? I'm dying..." "Let's do the MRI first." She said and then Ally was taken away once again. "Can I just...walk around with you?" I asked knowing damn well the answer could be no. "Sure. I'm not doing anything right now. So..." she smiled and we started working.

This whole thing was pretty crazy. I was walking around a hospital with this gorgeous girl by my side. Her pager started beeping again. "Shit" she mumbled and started walking and I just- followed her. We walked into the emergency room, I knew this because I've been here before. "Stay here." She said walked rushed to some room away from me, but I could see her. There was blood everywhere and people yelling at each other. To my surprise I wasn't scared or anything, I was intrigued actually.

A few minutes later she walked back to me, with a blue coat all covered in blood and some gloves too. She took it off and threw it away. She sighed and walked to me. Her skin glossy, she was sweaty. "You okay?" I asked quietly. "We lost her." She whispered. "I'm sorry." "I hate when little kids go through this. She was ten years old." She sighed and started walking away. As a little dog, I was following her around. "I'm sorry" I said as I joined her in the elevator. "It's okay, it's usual to me now." She said and rubbed her forehead.

We walked to where Ally was.

"These are okay, yeah, it's nothing we should worry about." Leah said, "We are just going to immobilize your ankle and I'll give you some shot for the pain? Or...would you rather pills?" "No, pills take too much and I can't handle it anymore." "Okay" Leah giggled. She immobilized Ally's ankle with a boot, and after like two minutes straight of Ally yelling in pain, she got it all done.

"You're ready to go. You'll need just a cast, to help you walk for about a week or two, until you can fully place your foot in the ground. It's process, if you don't do it how it's supposed to, you'll have this issue with your ankle going on for a really long time, you need to take care of it. You'll have to do some work outs and stuff. Recovery process. Try not to get in any other accident, for good." Leah gave her a look and then handed her a little card. "That's a friend, she'll help with your recovery process." Leah winked and then closed the chart and smiled. "All done." She said and looked at me. "Okay..." I looked at Ally and in that moment a nurse came to help her go to the car.

"So...tomorrow night?" Leah asked as she walked to the exit with me. I nodded, "I'll text you the address." She said and I was a step away to leave the place. "Thank you for your help, you're amazing." I said and hugged her. She hugged me back and I stayed there a little longer than what I was planning. Her scent was a mix of a yummy perfume and hospital, like she smelled like alcohol and latex and...I don't know, that particular scent hospitals have, with some really amazing perfume, I was amazed. I wanted to stay there forever. I pulled away and walked to the car where Ally was and drove back home.

"Thank you for taking care of me." Ally said as she laid back in her bed. "It's okay. Since you're staying here tomorrow, why don't you start studying for finals?" She sighed, "Okay Jen, I will." "For your own good! And oh by the way...tomorrow I'll get someone to change the lock of the door, just in case." I let her know and she nodded. "I'll go order food, I'm starving." I said and she laughed. "Bring me an ice pack please!!!" She yelled from inside the room and I did so.

I always played this role. I always played the mom role in here, she just, didn't know anything about boundaries and I knew a little too much that I acted like my mom. Oh well...I was good that way.


Sunday night.

I picked some cute red wine dress and some heels, I put a jacket on and some makeup. Not to brag, but I looked really cute. Like I would actually hit on me if that was possible. I let my hair down and showered myself in perfume. Leah sent me the address this morning and I googled it, it's not too fancy but it's still a big deal so...I had to be dressed nicely. I was applying some lip gloss when I heard a knock at the door and then Ally let herself in. "Wh- where are you going?" She asked shocked. "Somewhere." I said and she raised her eyebrows. "You- you look amazing, oh my god." she shook her head. I giggled, "Thank you, thank you. How are you feeling?" "Better than I deserve." she shrugged. "Shut up!" I shook my head. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. It was 6:55 and I was supposed to be there at 7... guess who was going to be late? Yup, me. I just got too into numbers and stuff, I needed finals to come already. I was over it.

"Okay I'm gonna go now, I'm late." I made a face. "Where are you going?" She asked. "To have dinner." "With who?" She asked again and I turned around and bit my nail. "Oh- oh my god." She stood up with her eyes wide open and walked to me— well...debatable considering she had a boot in her foot.

"You are going to have dinner with Leah, don't you?" "I didn't say that." "YOU ARE!" she jumped once and then complained. "Okay fuck I shouldn't have done that." She said and I laughed grabbing my purse, my phone and walked out of my room. "Damn you look hot." I turned around and winked at her. "I'll see you later. Don't open the door, don't pick up the phone, unless it's me or someone you actually trust." She knew why I was saying that. "Okay mom, have fun!!! Get in her pants!!!" She said and I looked at her with this shocked look, internally that's all I wanted but, hold on, let me take it easy. "We are just friends, Ally, shut up" "Sure thing" she nodded slowly with a grin across her face. "Okay I'm done with you for the night, call me if you need anything, have a good night." I hugged her and walked out.

"I'm sorry I'm gonna be late."

I texted Leah and seconds later she texted back.

"Same here, just a few minutes, you're good."

I sighed, relived.


Hmmmkay vote.


GUYSS my cover is finally (almost) done. My desperate ass wanted to publish the fic that's why I made the one I had before, however, Gabi sent me this and well, now we have a much (much) better one, which is still not yet completely done but yeah. ANYWAYS, enjoy. Would be nice if y'all commented and whatnot. 😊 okay bye, happy Thursday ✌🏻

- gabi's user on tw is @/luhyalopez (:

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