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Jennifer's POV.

A few orgasms after, we were both laying down on Leah's king sized bed.

"That was...good." She said still breathing heavily. "That was awesome!" I said and laughed a little.

This has never happened to me, but I felt weird. I didn't know what to say or do. I was...uncomfortable? No... but I didn't know what was going through my head. I was confused, or maybe too afraid to accept what was actually going through my head.

"You can stay if you want to. There are clean clothes there. You can shower, whatever you want." She said and I was blank. "I will take a shower, the clothes and I guess I will go." I said. I thought that was the best thing I could do.

"But- you can stay. I can drive you to work tomorrow." She offered.
"It's okay, don't worry. I bet you got a busy day tomorrow I don't wanna make it worse. I will just- shower and then call an uber or something."
"What? No! I can drive you home, it's okay. If that's what you want. Go shower I'll get you some clothes." She said and I nodded walking towards the bathroom.


"Apparently. Well I'm not sure. But she's fine. Just.... yeah... okay... let me know. I'll be there early tomorrow...yeah...okay bye, have a good shift. Me too."

I was standing by the bathroom door. She was just talking to someone on the phone.

"Oh hey. You ready?" She asked and yawned. "It's okay, I can just call some uber." I said, she looked tired. "Why do you wanna leave? You always leave, you get what you want and leave." She said and grabbed a glass that was on her night stand. It was a brown, yellowish, liquid. Judging by it, it was obviously alcohol, maybe whiskey or something like that.

"I- I don't have an actual answer." I shrugged. "I was expecting that. But...Then stay. You can sleep at the guest room. I- hm, I don't get it." She said and finished the drink, frowning. "Is there anything bothering you?" She asked. "Was that whiskey?" "Bourbon, yeah. But tell me...it's just that I don't get it. One day you're all over it then you just distance yourself. One day I feel like everything is fine and then something happens and you just, I don't know it's something I'm not able to explain." She said, "Do you like me? Are you attracted to me? Was that just whatever or it meant something? What do you want? That'd be nice to know." She finished and sat down waiting for answers. I sighed, "I think I like you, I don't know, I'd be lying if I said I did completely, I'm definitely attracted to you... but I don't know, we don't know what could happen." I answered her questions the best possible way. She laughed and shook her head. "Unbelievable. Yeah good...that's what I thought." She stood up and walked outside. I followed her and she went downstairs to refill her glass. "Go call an uber if you wanna leave. I just drank this and I won't be able to drive." She said sounding upset. "I'm- I'm sorry if I made you feel s-" "I don't care, Jennifer, just go do whatever the fuck you wanna do. I'm so tired of people just playing games because they think it's fun. You're down or not, but don't fucking play with me, or if you do, tell me, so we are both on the same page. I'm tired, seriously tired. I don't wanna go through all of this for you to just lie to me to just have a good time when you need it and then leave. So don't even try to explain yourself right now, it's not going to do any better. Just go, take the uber and leave." "But-" I mumbled. "What!?" She turned around to look at me narrowing her eyes. "Nothing." I replied. "Good. Leave." She demanded, "I'll go to bed." She said and started walking towards the stairs.

That was the thing I was best at, fucking shit up. You name it. I'd fuck it up. Why? I don't know. Maybe I was scared, or maybe I wasn't sure. Maybe I didn't like commitment and that's it. She looked like the kind of person that'd want to be into something serious and I don't know if I was ready for that.

I grabbed my stuff and called an uber. I waited for about it 10 minutes before it arrived. I went right back home and to bed. The next day I called in sick. I didn't want the job anyways so, whatever.


"I'm glad you accepted to have dinner with me." "It's Friday, I didn't have plans..." I shrugged. He laughed, "ohh okay, flattering." "I'm sorry, but - yeah whatever I'm glad I made it here." I laughed a little, "How was your day?" I asked trying to make conversation with this guy, Gino, I truly had nothing to do, Leah hadn't texted me. I texted her the night I left letting her know I left and that I was home, she left me in read. I wasn't going to be texting her again, obviously. Why girls get upset for this shit? Literally for every fucking thing, you never know what to do or say, it's so frustrating. Oh, my god. It's so hard sometimes. It's not even necessary, like chill. Thank god I wasn't like that, or at least not anymore, they're always on their feelings and stuff. I was just trying to have a good time and that's it. No attachments.

"So are you dating anyone?" He asked, right away, straight forward. I grinned. "Hm I may be, who knows."

Well, I did know. There was no one but I wanted to sound interesting.

"If there was someone you wouldn't be here with me." He winked. "How are you so sure?" I winked back at him. "I just know." He pushed through. I shook my head slowly and took a sip from my drink.

We made small talk, about work, life and whatnot and by midnight I was home. He was interesting, cute, hella smart... and a very rich person, seemed like all the people I meet have their lives figured out, but me, which is pretty depressing.



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