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Jennifer's POV.

"Yes mom! I get it. Just don't be late. Tell Amanda not to be late, please!" I was panicking.

"Honey, relax, we are not going to be late, that's why we are driving there a day before. Everything is going to be okay, just relax, okay?"

"Okay, good. I'm going to some kind of girls day tomorrow with Ally, nails, hair and whatnot. At what time you guys get here?"

"Hopefully by the end of the day, maybe 7... not sure. I'll text you. Vanessa is coming also, she's leaving David and Sebastian with their dad and she's coming. She wouldn't miss it! Mom!" I heard at the end my sister Amanda yelling at my mom, "That was supposed to be a surprise! Oh my god!" She said, "Well, now it's not! Whatever." My mom said and I laughed. "That is awesome. Tell Amanda she knows I hate surprises, for as amazing as they may be, so you did good on telling me. Is Noah also coming?"

"Yes, sweetie, he is, with Madison. They're a thing now." My mom explained and I smiled. I was glad for him. "Glad to know that. I love you guys, can't wait to see you! I'm going to bed now, talk to you tomorrow."

"Bye baby, we love you too. Sleep tight." Mom said and I hung up.

When I was about to lock my phone I noticed I had someone new on Snapchat.

drLeahR. added you as a friend.

Oh...I completely forgot I was supposed to text her. I guess it was too late for that. I added her back and then locked my phone
and went to bed.


"I feel like throwing up." I said taking deep breaths. "Please don't, seriously, that would be disgusting." Ally said. I rolled my eyes and got myself into my dress. I was finally graduating, that was crazy. I was wearing a tight champagne colored dress, it was long and it had a V cleavage, not too deep, but sexy enough. It had long sleeves and I wore some simple heels. I was in love with my outfit, and completely excited to finally be wearing it. My hair was down and wavy. "You look beautiful. Really..." Ally said. "Thank you! You too. I can't believe this is finally happening. Seriously. Feels so unreal." I said and sighed smiling like a fool. Ally was wearing a baby blue dress , she looked really cute, her eyes looked extra blue.

"Alright. Let's go... its happening." I said and grabbed my purse walking out.

"Congratulations on your graduation!" The doorman told us. "Thank you, Bertram!" I said and flashed a smile. "How does he know?" Ally asked. "I told him the other day." "Oh- okay." she laughed.

We drove to the campus and we were backstage getting ready and stuff. The typical graduation situation.

I called my mom, and surprisingly they were all on time. By the time we got there, they were all already sitting and waiting, that was surprising, I was happy it was that way.

When the ceremony started, we walked out, then sat down, everybody started giving toasts, they played some videos, and all that kind of stuff that by the end of it I was teary and trying as hard as possible to not cry my eyes out. When they started saying calling names Alessia squeezed my hand, as tight as possible, she was scared, she tougher she would trip, fall and embarrass herself. Honestly...I thought the same about me. I squeezed her hand back and I looked at her giving her a sweet smile to calm her down. "It's okay." I whispered.

"Alessia Fitzgerald." they called out and she hugged me tight and then stood up walking towards the stairs. I started clapping and jumping up and down. I was so excited for her. "That's my best friend." I screamed and she turned around to look at me and stuck her tongue out making a funny face and mouthing, "I did it, mom," she was always like that. I laughed.

Then it was my turn. I couldn't believe it. Honestly, this was like a dream. Finally, after so long.

"Jennifer Lopez."

I stood up and my legs were shaking. I took a deep breath and walked towards the stairs. Everything went perfectly. My mom, my dad and my sisters and my brother. They were all there, clapping and jumping up and down, mom was crying, and my older sister, Vanessa, was also crying.


After the ceremony we went to have lunch, my parents, my siblings, Ally, and Ally's parents and siblings.

"I'm so proud of you guys!" Robert, Ally's dad said, "it's been a long road, but you made it! Feel proud about yourselves." He finished and raised his glass a little smiling. He's so sweet. "Thank you, mr. Fitzgerald." I smiled and he nodded. "It's okay, kid." He said. "Thanks dad." Ally smiled.

Of course, my dad couldn't let it go like that. "That's right, Rob. They did a great job. Proud of you two! You have a bright future ahead. Take advantage. Love you girls." He said and I smile. "Thank you, daddy." I smiled. "Thanks mr. Lopez." Ally said.

"Jen...look." Ally whispered. I looked up and there was this guy, the one that we met at the campus the other day. Gino? I guess so. He looked at me and smiled. I couldn't help but to smile back. He was wearing a suit, he looked so fine hmmm.
He motioned to me and then pointed at some door that was connected to another room.

"Excuse me for a second." I said and stood up walking towards him.

"Hey you." He said looking at me up and down. "Hey, Gino, right?" He nodded, "Jennifer, right?" I laughed a little. "You got it right."

"You look really good. What are you celebrating?" He asked with this deep voice. "My graduation." I smiled, feeling proud. "Oh! Congratulations. What are you doing after this?" "I- I'm going to a party, graduation one." I shrugged smiling. "That's nice, well today I'm a little busy, but I'll make sure to text you soon so we can celebrate together." He smiled. Alrighttttttt... "that'd be nice." I smiled back. "If you excuse me, I gotta go now." He said and came closer to kiss my check and then left the place.

He's fineeeeeeeee.


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