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Jennifer's POV.

It had been a month since I last saw Leah. Since I last kissed her and felt her and I honestly missed her. I had been dying from seeing her posts on her Instagram. That's basically the only source that kept me updated on her. She used it everyday and I was not complaining. The last post was her, wearing a red tight dress with some nude heels and she had her hair messy and had red lipstick. Her caption was something like: "I've had a long week...now it's really time to celebrate. #newbeginnings " it was a mirror selfie and her boobs were pushed together. Dang it. I didn't know what it meant, I tried to find out by the comments but they were only telling her how beautiful she looked and "congrats" no idea, but she looked so beautiful. I did liked her. It took me all this to realize that. But now I couldn't go back to her like: "hey I realized I liked you." Like okay no, that's not even a good start for the conversation and it was ridiculous.

I've gone out with Gino a few times but nothing has really happened. He was sweet, and a really respectful guy. So, nothing happened. We were more like friends.

Ally was all over her new boyfriend, yeah, they made it official, and I couldn't be happier for her. She deserved someone better than the asshole she was with before.

Me... well, I was still on the same place. Even though we both had our places we weren't still fully ready for the idea of moving apart from each other. I already spoke with Miguel and he was supposed to help me get a position related to my career on his dad's company. I was still processing that.

"So, my sister gave birth. Jen! Can you believe it??? I'm an auntie." "April?? Oh, congratulations!!" I smiled and hugged her. "Yes! I'm so happy. Mom just called me she's at the hospital right now." "Oh god, let's go! I love babies." I smiled. "Oh my go, really? I was gonna ask you if you wanted to come!" She smiled like a little kid. "Let's go." I was wearing a hoodie and some sneakers. My hair was on a messy bun. I threw some shades on and I was ready to go. Babies made me happy, so I was down for this one.

Ally turned the GPS on, I started driving towards the hospital.

"Look!" She showed a picture of this really cute and small baby wrapped around a pink blanket and she had a white hat.

"Awww, she's so beautiful." "I know!!!! Her name is Miranda." She said all excited. "I want a baby." She said and I laughed and looked at her, "good luck with that." "I mean, not now but I want a baby." She explained. "Right." "Oh my god! You're so grumpy. You haven't gotten laid recently, have you?" She said and I looked at her about to go off on her with my smart mouth, but she was right, when things don't go my way, that's it, it puts me in a terrible mood. "Shut up." I pouted. She laughed, "go get some di- pussy, go call Leah. Booty call, pussy call" she laughed out loud. I rolled my eyes, "Let me play some music and pretend you're not here, before I kill you." "I'm just messing with you, but you should really get laid, you kinda need it." She shrugged. "Fuck. Shut up. I know, okay? Believe me, I know I need it. It's not my fault I don't have someone like you do." "It's kinda your fault yeah, she didn't leave. There's that." She shrugged. I sighed. "I know, thanks for the reminder." I continued driving now in a not so good mood. I had mixed feelings. I don't know what was wrong with me. I honestly didn't know. I guess I just wasn't ready. I hate the fact that I can't just go straight forward, I always have to leave and leave people wondering, hoping things would solve themselves and expecting people not to have any feelings. It's like I'm the only one who has the right the get hurt and get upset just leaving them there without giving any explanation. I guess I was so used to it, it was a normal thing for me, I don't get attached, sometimes it's just inevitable, and that makes me so upset, that I need to stay away. I just can't do it.

"Oh no- are you serious? Out of all the hospitals, your sister had to choose this. Obviously." "What's it, crazy?" "This is the hospital that Leah basically owns." "Oh come on, you're not going to see her, it's whatever. This place is just too big, it's impossible. Don't worry. We are here for my sister and the baby. Now get your fat ass out. Let's go."

She was right, the place is just too big, it was impossible. But you know what they say, the impossible is always possible.


:) r u guys liking this? do u have any idea for a new one? I kinda have two more in the making, but I'm not really a very creative person so we'll see. Please vote and comment:) be nice

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