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Jennifer's POV.

"So..." I closed the door beside me and sat in front of my boss desk.

"Well...first of all, congratulations on your graduation." "Thanks." I crossed my legs and stared at him. I wanted answers, and he was just going back and forth. "Alright well, I understand this mean you're going to have a position, something different from what you're doing now s-" "something more into what I studied for, yeah. Sort of." I said, not noticing my tone. "Listen darling, you need to understand that degree means actually nothing, we have no other positions available at the moment. There's nothing we can do right now, so you can either continue where you are at or leave." He finished and my heart dropped, I bet my jaw did too. He was never the kind of nice boss, but he's never been like this. I had mixed emotions at the moment.
"I understand. Well I guess I'll wait." I said quietly and stood up. He nodded. "Close the door when you walk out." I nodded and walked out and straight to the restroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror and my eyes were watery. I was expecting more.


As usual.


"I guess he's a dick!" Ally said. We were just talking, and I was telling her about the situation at work. "Don't worry, just continue there and start looking for something else. That's it. I bet there are some other places you're gonna be better. He's an asshole so don't worry about it." She said and then grabbed her phone.

"Yeah I guess so. Whatever. I've been depressed since he told me that, I guess I was expecting more." I said and she looked up at me. "You know that's never the right thing to do." She said and shook her hand. "Life lessons by Ally." I joked, "anyways. How's that Miguel guy?" I asked also getting on my phone and she started smiling super big. "He's nice. We've been texting. We went for breakfast yesterday and tomorrow we are gonna go to the movies." "Aw how cute." "I know. He's really nice. I wanted to go out, as in a...double date." "With who?" I asked not really paying attention. I was on my phone scrolling through Instagram.

"Well...Miguel and me, Leah and you..." she said and I stopped what I was doing on my phone and looked at her like if she was actually crazy. She smiled. "Oh come on!" She insisted. I laughed a little. "But we are nothing?" "I know, Miguel and I are nothing also...let's go out as friends." I bit my lip. "Alright, I'll tell her. Maybe on Sunday? I gotta ask her when she's available." I said and went back to my phone.

Jennifer: iMessage.

"What about having breakfast on Sunday?"

Leah: iMessage.
"Hello there. Well, sounds great!"

Jennifer: iMessage. 10:25pm
"Alessia is coming, and her new friend also😂 hope you don't mind."

Leah: iMessage.
"Not at all. You're good. I wanted to actually ask you out some time, but I've been really busy."

Jennifer: iMessage
"It's alright. How's Rachel?"

Leah: iMessage. 10:27pm
"Oh I've forgotten. She's way better!!! She's recovering in such an amazing way. I'm happy for her. She's going to be leaving the hospital really soon. Thanks for asking. I gotta go now, ttyl😊"

Jennifer: iMessage.
"That's so good to hear. Alright, enjoy the rest of your night. See you on Sunday. 😘"


"It's just breakfast, Ally!"
"I know! But he's going and I wanna look good, he always looks good and expensive." "You always look good, cut the bullshit. I'll go get a shower and start getting ready. Just put the clothes you feel comfortable with." I shrugged and started walking towards the bathroom.

I took a shower, did my makeup and put my clothes. In that order. I was wearing a loose floral dress with a blue jean jacket and some flats. My hair was all messy from blow drying it but I eventually straightened it. My makeup was soft. I looked and felt really cute.

"See. That's what I was talking about. You look good." Ally was wearing some high waisted jeans with a hoodie that showed her belly a bit and she was also wearing flats.

"Let's go. He's on his way. Have you texted Leah?" "Yup. She already knows where the place is. She texted me goodnight and she told me she was excited to see me today." I smiled and Ally smirked. "You two are way too cute." "We are friends. Please, behave." "Same goes to you." She said and I smiled. "I will. I always do." I winked.


I'll update twice today bc this was short af lol. ✌🏻😬

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