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Jennifer's POV.

I woke up not really knowing what time it was, not really even knowing what day it was. That was an amazing sleep the one I had.

I looked at the window and I could see a little light coming through the blinds. It was probably around five in the morning. I was ready to go back to bed since I had another hour of sleep. I just needed to make sure I had it.

I turned to a side to look for my phone and I then realized Leah was laying there. Naked, and wrapped around my sheets. I looked down my body and I was also naked. Oh now I remembered. I smiled to myself and grabbed my phone. That woke her up, she smiled and cuddled up to my chest tangling her leg in between mine.

I looked at my phone and it was 4:30am. Oh god, I felt so relived. I had one hour and thirty minutes to sleep.

Good lord!!!

I put my phone on the night stand and placed my arms over Leah's body, ready to go back to sleep.

"I'm kind of surprised you're still here." I muttered trying to fall asleep again and having no success at it.

"I am too. I kind of love waking up to you." She said back and kissed my bare skin. I smiled. "I'd say the same but I ain't waking up, I'll tell you that later when I'm actually awake. Just go back t-"

*beep* *beep* *beep*

"To the hospital? Sure thing." She said sarcastically.

"No!!!!" I pouted. "Ughhhhhh...I don't wanna get up." "At least turn it off." I said. She grabbed that thing from hell and sighed. "It's a consult. It's fucking 4 in the fucking morning. I am not doing this. I'm sorry but no." She said and went back to where she was before, my chest.

"Are- are you staying?" "Yes. Now shh, I wanna sleep. I need to." She finally said and I giggled. "Alright." I said happily and closed my eyes.

A few minutes after, when I was about to finally fall asleep, her beeper went crazy once again.

"I swear to god, Leah Remini..." I was really frustrated.

"I'm sorry." She said softly. She finally got up and turned it off.

"Fuck." I heard her said under her breath. She started getting dressed and then climbed up my bed and kissed my forehead. "I'll call you later, I hope you have an amazing first day at work. Text me about lunch." She said. "I will do. Have a good day, baby." I replied back and as soon as she left I went back to sleep.

Dear lord, I don't know how she does it.


"Ready for your first day of school? I mean- work." Ally mocked me and I gave her a look. "You're so annoying." She laughed, "I know I am. But this pain in the ass got you coffee, your favorite, so you'll have a nice day." She winked and handed me a Starbucks cup. "You are the best pain in the ass. Thank you!" "Anytime. By the wayyyyyy, you look fantastic. Where are those pants from? Oh, my god." "Really? Aw, thanks. I have no idea, I don't even remember the name of the store. It's close to the building though." "You look very professional. Turn around." I did. "And really hot. That's my best friend."

I smiled.

I was wearing some high waisted brown formal pants, a white top and a blazer. Heels and whatnot. My hair was down and kind of wavy and my makeup was warm, a little dark but simple.

"By the way...did you go out last night?" She asked going through her phone. "Hm, no...it was Leah, she came over last night." I said and bit my nail. I knew she would turn her attention to me, and well, she did.

"What? Is there something I don't know? There's clearly something I don't know." She said. "Well, we are kinda dating, I believe."
"Kinda?" She narrowed her eyes.
"I guess." I shrugged.
"Mmm..." she looked away and then back to me. "Sex is good?" She asked pretty serious.
"Sex is really good." I replied right away.
"Alright good. But, don't get too lost into that, you need to know what you're getting yourself into, do not play unless you're sure she's also here for fun." She advised. That was honestly needed.

"Okay, mom." "Jennifer, I'm serious, do not play with someone else's feelings." She said again. "Alright, boss!!!" I said and rolled my eyes. "I'm just saying...you know I say it because I love you." "I know. I love you too, and I appreciate it. Thank you. I don't know what she's in for, I don't know what I'm in for. It's just too new yet, I know I like her. I guess."
"You guess?"
"I know I like her."
"Right...well I don't know, I just said what I needed to." "Thank you. Now I need to go." I said and hugged her.
"So proud of you, kid. Go rock it! Love you, have a nice day." She said sweetly and I walked away.

Okay, first day, here we go.


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