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Jennifer's POV.

It was Friday and I still haven't had a proper conversation with Alessia. She seems to be doing just fine though so, it was okay. I was coming back from class and I was ready for some well deserved nap. It's been a long week. "Hi" I heard her once I walked into the kitchen. I looked up and she was smiling softly. "Hey" I said back. I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water walking away. "How are you?" She followed me. "I'm okay. You?" I continued walking. "I'm okay. I just...I wanted to tell you that I'll go out tonight, if you wanna-" "Nope, I don't wanna, thanks though, have fun." I said and she nodded. "Jen...why are you mad at me?" "I'm not mad." "I'm sorry that my choices can't make you happy." She said and I shook my head laughing sarcastically, "They don't have to make me happy, they have to make you happy, not make you feel miserable and in pain...but that's none of my business." "Ugh, whatever. I'll stay at Matt's tonight, just to let you know." "Go ahead." I smiled and closed the door behind me. She's crazy. But it's okay, I'd be here, waiting for her to run back to me saying how stupid she was and I'll tell her "I told you". It's not the first time. I was pissed because it wasn't the first time.



I was currently driving over to my parents house, I was having lunch with them. It was like an hour away from me. I pulled into my parents driveway and I was welcomed by my mom running towards me.

"Baby!" She hugged me tight. "Mom! Hey..." "I miss you so much, how are you?" She pulled away. "I'm really good" "Ready for graduation?" She smirked. "Definitely!!!" I made a face and we both laughed. "Where's dad?" "He's inside with Noah and her new friend" "Ohhh, new friend?" "They're very flirty and the way he looks at her, I think they're something else but...that's how he introduced her so...." Mom shrugged laughing and I joined her. We started walking inside. "What about you? Anyone?" "Oh no no, mom... No. The only thing that I'm focused on right now are finals and graduation, after that, we will see." I said and we walked inside the house. "After that then comes work and all that, you're just gonna leave it behind." She said. "There's nothing." I told her and walked over to where my dad and brother was.

We sat down to eat and honestly my mom was right, they're very flirty and the looks they give to each other.

"I'm going to the bathroom, excuse me" Madison, Noah's friend, said.

"So...your new friend" "Cut it...Mom already did that. I like her a lot and if I tell them that, they're just going to embarrass me, you know how it is." He shrugged. "So she's more than a friend?" "You could say so, I met her at a bar a few months ago. We were celebrating this huge deal we closed at work, and she was there and...it was attraction at first sight." He explained, "We have been dating for a few now." "When are you gonna ask her to be your girlfriend?" I looked at him. "Tonight actually. I planned something." He said all excited. Noah was my older brother and it was so nice to see him happy with someone. He had his heart broken before and I have never seen him more disappointed about life, it was awful.

"She makes me happy" he said. "I'm happy for you. It's good to see that things are finally working out for you." "Yeah, for once I feel good about something like this, about this relationship." He smiled. "What about you? How's life going?" He looked at me and I sighed. "I'm ready for graduation if that's what you're asking." "Aw my little sister is graduating from college." He pulled me for a tight hug and messed my hair. "Stop it!" I laughed pushing him away. "I'm excited." I smiled. "I'm proud of you." He  said and those words warmed my heart. "Thank you." I hugged him, properly and then Madison joined us. He smiled at her and she leaned closer to him. "So Jen, are you celebrating or something?" "Hm...Yeah, I mean mom told me we were going to a restaurant after the ceremony and then at night I was supposed to be out to some bar with Ally and some friends...but we aren't in good terms right now so I don't know about that" "Am I invited to that bar thing?" My brother smirked. "Of course, if you want to come, you two can come. I'll send you the name of it later on the week." "That's cool." "I think I'm gonna get going, I still got a lot to do before finals so...I'll see you guys soon." I said my goodbyes and then got in my car driving back to my apartment.

When I walked inside I heard someone complaining, it was actually someone screaming in pain. I froze in the spot. It was definitely Alessia. "Oh my- fuck this!" She yelled and then she sniffed. "What the f-" I whispered and walked quietly to her room. The door was slightly opened. I stuck my head inside and there was no one in bed or anything but you could still hear her sniffing. I walked to the bathroom and there she was inside the tub, with her head laid back and she was crying.

"What's going on?" I asked and she jumped. Literally jumped. "Fuck, it hurts." She complained and held her leg. "What the fuck happened, Alessia?" She covered her face and started crying harder. "What happened to your leg, Alessia?" "Please stop calling me like that...I get it, you're mad at me...but that's the last thing I need." She cried out. "Tell me what happened." I said, this time a being a little less aggressive. "It was an accident. Jen, I swear it was an accident." "Damnit. What did he do?" I bit my cheek and she started crying. "We had a little argument and I was halfway downstairs and he just...pushed me trying to get me out of the way and I- I fell down." She said in between tears. "What happened next?" "He got even more pissed and he hit me." "Oh my god...was that an accident too?" I snapped. Losing every drop of tolerance I had in my body. "He was sober. It wasn't an accident. Are you stupid?" I let out, she was just crying uncontrollably. I took a deep breath. "Get up, let's get you out of here." "My ankle hurts, badly." "Be careful, here..." I handed her a towel and helped her out. I helped her sit down on her bed and got her clothes. I was just trying to figure out what to do...


Bitch wat

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Am I updating way to fast? 😂 😂 😂

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