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Jennifer's POV.

It was Thursday and I got the day off and why not, I went to the hospital with Leah. I was curious, and I just wanted to go around with her. I loved to see her do her thing.

"So that's it Mrs. Roberts, it's a simple procedure, just rest for today and tomorrow we'll do it, you're doing amazing." Leah smiled and I smiled too, then we left. She made me carry a notebook around and a white coat, I felt really nice and powerful, people kept on asking why I was there and Leah spread the rumor that I was an inspector.

"What was that?" "We are removing a tumor from her stomach." I widen my eyes, "a simple procedure?" I asked. "It's not cancer or anything, it's just there and we are just removing it before it can escalate. So yeah it's really simple." She shrugged. "Woah.." "what?" She asked. "Nothing, it's just...woah. This is like all so easy and simple for you, like woah." It was mind blowing. "You get used to it." She smiled and grabbed me by my waist. "You ready to go get dinner or something? I'm starving." She asked with this sweet smile and tired eyes. "Yes, baby, I am also. It's been a really long and entertaining day. I should do this more often." I smirked. "Whenever you want." She assured. "Now let's go, I'm hungry."

We started walking towards the elevator and just stayed there waiting.

"You're so beautiful." I said looking at Leah. She smiled and she leaned down to kiss me. We kissed slowly and she smiled in the middle of it making me smile as well. "You are not too bad yourself." She whispered and I laughed. "Ohhh okay!" "I'm kidding, kiss me." She said and we kissed again. When the doors opened, Leah's mom was standing there and we separated quickly.

"Oh...hello girls." She said and smiled weakly. "Mom?! Why are you here? Are you okay?" Leah was concerned, she got like that really quickly. "I'm- I'm okay. I just couldn't sleep and so I decided to come here. I wanted to review some charts and whatnot." "What?" Leah was confused, and well, so was I, that was a lame excuse. "Are you sure that you're okay?" Leah said and touched her arm. "Sweetie, I am okay, I just needed some fresh air and some coffee...my office and some charts to read. I'm okay! Were you two leaving?" She changed the subject really quick, ha! Now I know where Leah's got it from.

"Actually...yeah, we were leaving, we were going for dinner." "Oh good, good. Go ahead. Have fun. I'll go now." She smiled. "Okay, thanks. Take care. Call me if you need anything." Leah said. "Bye, Mrs. Remini." I smiled. "Goodbye girls, have fun." She said and walked away almost as if she was running away from us, well, Leah.

"That was really w-" "Weird, it was really weird." Leah sighed. "She can be like that sometimes, I just need to make sure she's truly okay." "Why are you so concerned? I mean I get it that she's your mom, but she just told you she came here just to kill time." I shrugged as we got in the elevator. Leah sighed and looked away. "What? What is it?" I asked and walked closer to her hugging her. She was so cuddly. I love it.

"My mom, she had cancer." Leah said quickly. "And we found it out because she got some mark over her boob and I just happened to realize. She was like that but she would just ignore it. But thank god we took care of that and she was cancer free, but it can always come back. That's really just- weird. I get she works more than what she's supposed to but that was just weird. I don't know I'm just-" "I'm sorry to hear that about your mom, baby, but she is okay, let her just do that. You can get into her another time." "I was so scared." Leah said as we got in her car. "She almost died. I thought they wouldn't be able to save her. Since I'm her daughter I wasn't allowed to perform surgery on her. So I just had to wait, just like another person, I was at the waiting room. I had to wait for the doctors to got out and tell me news...I-" she got teary, "I'm just..." she sighed, "I don't want her to die, just yet. There are so many more things. It's not fair, she's saved so many lives." "I get it, I'm sorry to hear all that, but she's okay, if she wasn't she would tell you." "Not really." "In that case, you can also talk to her, but she was trying to just get away from you today, just give her space for today, and you can talk to her tomorrow." I smiled and rubbed my thumb on her cheek. "Right. Alright...let me just...let's go eat." She rook a deep breath and started the engine.

Leah was a tough girl, but there were some things that would make her so weak and vulnerable, I loved her. She was everything you could ask for in a person. The good and the bad, she was perfect.

We went to this nice place to have dinner.

"I wanna be a doctor now." I joked. "That'd be awesome. You look hot with that white coat and scrubs." She smiled. "I know, that was the main reason why I made the decision to be a doctor." I laughed and she rolled her eyes laughing. "It's seriously amazing, I just loved every single minute. You're amazing and I'm just so in love with you, my god." I said and she smiled hard and ran her fingers over my hand.

"Move in with me." She said softly. "I wanna move in with you, I do." I said and she smiled. "I want to do it. I thought enough about it." I let her know and she kept her smile on her face. "I love you, Jennifer."


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