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Jennifer's POV.

"Hi mom." She said and her mom looked at her and smiled, it was a weak one. "Hi darling." She looked and sounded so tired. "Hi Jennifer." She said and I waved at her, "How are you feeling?" I asked. "Ha. I've been better." She said and smiled. I bit my lip not really knowing what to say. "Mom...we need to talk about something." "I know. Don't bother to explain what's going to happen, you already decided to take it out of my body and that's enough." She coughed,  "I don't want it like that, I would have never removed or even tried to remove a malignant tumor like mine. You know better." Her mom said and I kind of backed off. Leah was stubborn as hell, and this was not going to end up good, not at all, she would defend her position the best possible way she knew how to. Her mom was ten times worse than Leah.

"Mother! I will not sit back and watch you die without even trying the best, you know it was!" Leah insisted. "Leah Remini! I thought you knew better, baby! You cannot remove a malignant tumor like that, that's just too risky. Leah, come on!" Her mom said and started coughing again. Leah served her water and helped her drink it.

"Amelia!" Leah started and she raised her voice a little, and that's it for me, I walked over and held her arm, she turned around and looked at me frustrated.

"Hello everybody!"

Oh well...nice.

"Emma darling, hi. Please talk to her, she's driving me insane." She said and rubbed her forehead. Emma laughed a little. "Alright well...come over here so we can talk...we will be right back, Amelia." She walked out and we followed her to a room filled with scans of I believe was Leah's mom tumor? Or something.

"Alright well," she sighed, "we couldn't removed it all, we removed just a little part...then we were reviewing everything so we could close up we noticed something...right above, it's really small but it's there, and it's spreading. We closed right after. It's just getting worse and surgery will not be an option anymore. So, we are going to stick with chemo and radiation for as long as she decides." She finished and crossed her arms over her chest. Leah's jaw was on the floor. "Oh, my god, you gotta be kidding." "I wish I was." "We cannot let her just stop the treatment whenever she decides. That's not an option. That's unbelievable, we cannot do that." "That's how she wants it. I already discussed this with her and she decided she will do it for a period of time only, she is too tired already and she does the want it like this, she wants her last few days at some island away from the hospital, so- I guess it's up to her, whatever she wants to do with her life." "I need to talk to my father. Damnit." "He was here a few hours ago, he agreed with her...and your siblings also." She said, her attitude was driving me crazy, it was taking all of me to not just tell her a few things and they were not going to be good and/or nice.

"What the fuck?!" Her voice started cracking. "I need some air. I- fuck. I will- I need a moment." Leah said and she started crying and then ran outside. "Oh no..." Emma said and walked after but before she could even make it out the door I held her arm and brought her back. "I will go after her. Go do what you have to do and take care of Amelia, I will take care of Leah." I said and gave her a look. She raised her eyebrows and her jaw was somewhere underground. "Understood?" I said still having a grip on her arm. She nodded and got herself out of my grip. "Good." I said and walked out and to where Leah was. She went to her mom's room and when I got there she was talking with her mom.

"You don't understand! You're being so selfish, Leah! I can't do it anymore. Yet I'm still accepting to try it. I'm dying! We need to accept it, try to spend a happy moment with me while it lasts. Stop giving me a hard time, I have it hard enough already. I love you, Leah. I understand you are concerned and you want to try everything there is. But I cannot do it anymore." She coughed, "we need to accept it." She sniffed, "believe me it's taken me a lot. A lot! But people die, you know this, it's sad, it's not fair, but it happens." She said. "Come here." Her mom said and Leah got beside her and she hugged her.

They needed some time. I left the room and waited outside, just going through my phone and whatnot.

"Jennifer?" I heard my name and I looked up to meet this beautiful blue eyes I knew. "Oh- Gino, right?" I giggled. "Right. How are you? Why are you here, everything okay?" He asked. "I- yeah, well, not really...my girlfriend's mother has cancer and well, we are going through a hard time right now." I made a face. "You have a girlfriend?" He asked, "I do." I smiled softly. "That's nice." I nodded. "Why are you here?" I asked changing the subject before he hit me with the whole 'i didn't know you were gay', we can always skip it, "You okay?" "My aunt just passed away..." he said and some tears left his eyes. Oh, so that explained his red and swollen eyes. "I'm so sorry for your loss." I said and walked closer to hug him. He hugged me back, really tight and started crying. I rubbed his back and he then pulled away. "She was like a mother, it's taking a lot to me right not. I will go now, I need some time to clear my head and have some rest. It was really nice to see you. Have a good day and I hope things get better with your girlfriend's mom." He said genuinely. "Thank you, baby. I hope you get better. You can always text me." I said and he nodded, "Will do, some time. Have a good one." He said and  walked away.

Then right after Leah ran out of the room...


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