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"I'm sweaty. I'm hot. That was amazing." I said biting my lip. "That was awesome." She said and laid down on my hot and sticky chest, hugging my body.

"How's work going?" She asked looking up at me. "It's going great. I found out the hospital I'm about to start working to is this one." "Really?" "What are you going to do exactly?" "You guys asked for financial help for some research. I've been doing presentations and reading all about it. This is like the best most popular hospital, and your name came up a few times. And well, congrats on being chief of surgery. Thanks for telling me." "Oh...I'm sorry, babe, it didn't come up, and we were in the middle of something, I wasn't going to go like 'hey I'm chief of surgery now, so how are you?' No, that would have been weird and well, I'm pretty happy about it, I haven't celebrated it how I'm supposed to, you won't believe me but the only person I wanted to run and tell that was you, and the only person I wanted to celebrate with, was you..." "Now I'm here. Congratulations baby, come here." I said and she climbed up and kissed me. "I'm proud of you, that's a big deal. My girl is the chief of surgery." "Hmm, my girl...It sounds really good. Thank you." She said and kissed me again. "You're going to be part of the board now..." "I figured it, if I convince Miguel about it then I'll get to be part of the hospital board. But just as a representative." "That's still awesome. You earn exactly as much as any of the others sitting there. Which is a lot. So that's awesome, you're doing great babygirl." "Hm" I kissed her tenderly, I couldn't stop. "I guess so, I hope I get it." I said. "I'm so tired." I closed my eyes and started scratching Leah's back until we both fell asleep.

This was nice. Very very nice. I didn't picture this day to start the way it did and definitely did not picture it ending the the way it did. Which was really really good. I was happy.


"Where are you going?" I asked Leah, still asleep. "I need to check on a baby, but you just stay there...sleep, it's okay... I'll be back in a few. I'll lock the door, just in case...I mean, you're, naked." She laughed a little. "What time is it?" "2:40am." "Ohhh nice. Just go have fun. I'll stay here, and yeah lock the door." "Alright." She kissed my forehead and then left. I was too tired for this.


"I like that...it's like a mixture of chocolate and chocolate with a little chocolate on top." She laughed. "This is actually the best cake I've ever had." "I know, it's really good, this cafeteria has some really good food, I know, but I've tried better cake." Leah smirked at me and bringing the spoon to her mouth. It took me a second. "Oh my- Leah!" I tried not to smile to hard. She shrugged and pecked my lips., "facts." "Thank you for breakfast."  I told her smiling softly. She brought me breakfast, that's the sweetest.

"It's okay, glad you liked it." "What time is it?" I asked. "It's 7:50am" "What?" I jumped. "Ohhhh, my god. Ohhhh, my god, I gotta be at work work in 10 minutes. Kill me." I rubbed my forehead. Leah laughed. "What is so funny?" "You." She continued laughing. "Hm, it's okay. I'll let you borrow some clothes and you'll get just fine. It'll be just a few minutes drive." "It's so stressing. What about my makeup? Dear lord. I don't even wanna go. I'll call in sick. I'm in a hospital already you can just write something up." I pouted. "You're so-" she leaned closer and kissed me, "you're so cute. Go get dressed, and you can do your makeup in the middle of it, I'll drive you." She said and started caressing my cheek. "You're amazing. Thank you." "Hmm, kiss me." "Consider it done." I joked and started kissing her deeply. She got closer. Her legs were in between mine. But...

"I need- hm...I need to go to work. I'm in the middle of a presentation." "But-" she continued kissing me. "No buts...I need to go." I kissed her again and then I pulled away and stood up. "How is it so round and perfect?" She said following me and literally grabbing my butt. "I work out from time to time and genes I guess." I laughed. "I'm gonna wear this...and this...ohhhhh this is really nice." I was going through Leah's clothes. "That's my favorite blazer. I wore it when I went to the interview for chief of surgery." "Damn, that's a big tittle. How do you do it?" "I'm just good at that, I've been into it for so long, surgery after surgery and I guess my application was the best one. I'm really grateful for that, I feel like I deserve it. I worked extra time...I actually still do, I was here and there always doing something related with my job. I'm so..." she sighed, "grateful for how things have turned out to be." She smiled, "I feel like everything is going great right now. I'm happy." "You're amazing, I'm happy too." I said and walked closer to her, "I think it's safe to say we are part of each other's happiness and that makes me so...happy." I giggled and kissed her. "That is correct." She kissed me again and then we pulled away and we had this moment. We just stared at each other and smiled...I broke the silence because I was really, really, late for work.

"Look at the time!!! It's 9:15am. Oh, god. Let me just, text Alexa." I said grabbed my phone. "Who...who is Alexa?"



You know, just the girl I work with, who happened to just confess her love for me and I kind of told her I liked her back...

Nothing, really.

Oh boy.


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