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Jennifer's POV.

When we got to the place it was only Ally and me until like ten minutes after, this guy, Miguel was there.  He was really handsome and really fun to hang out with.

"So yeah that's basically it." He finished, and to be completely honest I have no idea what he was talking about. I nodded and smiled.

"So Miguel, what do you do for a living?" I asked and Ally looked at me and rolled her eyes. I had this thing, I would act like ally's mom, all the time.

"Businesses..." he smiled big, blinding me with his bright teeth, "I work at my dad's company. We handle some stuff here and there. He's based in L.A. So I'm over here, taking care of stuff for him. I actually travel from time to time because of the same. I love it. What about you?"

Oh nice. Awesome.

"That's really cool... Well, I'm not the boss, but I work at a company, and let's just not get into it."  I rolled my eyes and shook my head. He was confused.

"She's stuck on the intern position." Ally told him. "Ohhh, I see. That sucks. Well, if you need something better you can always try it with us, there's always something available. Maybe you can go and see what we can do about it." He smiled showing his really shiny teeth, again. He was actually really sweet and kind. "Oh really? That'd be awesome. Well yes, will do. Thank you."

It was amazing, whatever it was, I knew it was going to be great, he was trying to hit on Ally, so I knew he was down to help me with this one just because of her.

"You're so sweet." Ally whispered looking at him. By this time, almost an hour into it, Leah was not there. I was basically third wheeling so I decided to leave them some time alone while our food came.

"I'll be right back." I smiled and walked out of the restaurant and to my surprise when I was walking out Leah was getting out of her car. She looked so good. I was just staring at her. She looked at herself in the window of her car and fixed her lipstick. Then she started walking towards the entrance, and that's when she saw me. We were both smiling at each other. She walked really close and stood up there in front of me still smiling.

"I'm sorry, I'm late." She said with this sweet voice. "I have a feeling I'll have to get used to it." I said. "Well, this was my fault actually, I woke up late and I had to get some stuff done before coming here so..." she bit her lip and tilted her head. "I was tired, I'm sorry." She apologized again. That made me smile even harder. "I'm not mad. It's okay. I understand." "Okay good" she leaned over, placed her hand on the back of my neck and kissing my cheek really slowly. It made me close my eyes. That was one hell of a way to kiss someone's cheek.

"How are you?" She asked with this husky and really sexy voice. She was still really close to me. I wanted to crash my lips on hers, but we were not dating or anything, we were just friends, who've kissed before...but that's not my point. Anyways.

"I'm good, how are you?" "I'm good...my day just got better." She said and we both smiled again. "Is she dating him?" She asked looking at Alessia and her new friend. "Eh, I guess so. They like each other but they're -friends-." I shrugged and she laughed. "Right...well, do you think they'd mind if I steal you for a bit?" She asked and I raised my eyebrows. "Where am I being stolen to?" "Spend the day with me. It's my day off, and I'd like to spend it with you, I feel like I owe you this." She said and put a piece of my hair behind my ear. I bit my lip and looked inside to where Ally was with Miguel and then back at Leah who was too freaking close to me, it was so tempting.

"Let's go." She said and placed her hand in front of me for me to grab it. "I don't know I don't wanna leave her alone with him because - I ..." I looked back inside and she seemed to be having a great time. I turned around and grabbed Leah's hand, she smiled and we started walking towards her car.

Jennifer: iMessage.

"I had to leave. I'm sorry. Please don't kill me."

Ally: iMessage.

"I would if he wouldn't have asked me to go somewhere else just the two of us. So it was meant to be. You're good. Have fun with her. 😉"

I was surprised she knew who I left with.

Jennifer: iMessage.

"How tf! 😳 Well, thanks. Same to you. See you later on tonight."

Ally: iMessage.

"I saw you two holding hands and getting into a car 😏. So yeah, I was just waiting for your text. Have fun. See you. Love you!"

"So, put it down already" Leah said. "Oh I'm sorry, I was texting Ally." I grinned. "It's okay.


So, we went for brunch. Then walked around, watched a movie, ice cream and all of the sudden it was already night time. It was almost 8pm. I wasn't ready to just go home. I loved the time I spent with her. She was fun to be with and it's undeniable the sexual tension that existed between us. I just want to push her against the wall and kiss her for hours. But I just didn't know if that was the most appropriate thing to do. Maybe I was wrong and she didn't want that, so since I've been there before, and I know how it could end up, I decided to just leave it alone and just enjoy the time with her without pushing too far. Things could get really messy and complicated, even painful if you're the only one who's into it...


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