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Jennifer's POV.

I never thought I would be doing this but I needed someone to check on her so...

"Yes...this is her, who is this?"
"Hey! It's Jennifer. You saved my ass at the bar..." I giggled.
"Oh" she laughed, "Sure I remember you. What do you need?" She asked sweetly.
"My friend went through some situation and right now I'm like...desperate and I don't know what to do, so I called you...to see if you could check on her? Please...I know this is too much but..."
"No! It's okay, can you bring her to the hospital? I'm actually on call right now."
"Oh good, I'll do it. Thank you."
"It's okay. Ask for doctor Remini once you get here." She said and I bit my lip unconsciously. Okay...
"I will do, thank you, see you in a few." I hung up and walked into Ally's bedroom.

"Get up we are going to get some doctor to check on you."
"No!" "Alessia, I ain't dealing with you being a kid right now, you either get up and cooperate or I'll make the call, you damn sure know I can do it! You know where my brother works, so get the fuck up right now." She buried her face in her hands and started crying. "I'm sorry...I'm just- not too happy about all of this happening...not at all actually. You don't deserve this yet you keep on falling for the same thing. Why did you come back with him? He's a sick bastard. He knows he can just use you, and now that he's done it once, he's going to do it again, so please...make it stop, it's your choice and it's not to make someone else happy, it's about you, only you." I rubbed her back and she cleaned her face breathing deeply. "He won't just leave me alone, Jen..." "Well, let's try it nicely, if he doesn't leave you alone, then we will have to do something, for as much as you don't want to." I said and she sighed. "Okay." "Okay...let's go." I helped her to get up and get in the car and drove us to the hospital where Leah was waiting for us. As she told me I asked for her and they started treating me differently, in a good way. Leah must be well known in here.

Alessia was terrified.

"Are you okay? You seem ...I don't know...weird." "I've never seen him being that mad. I have no idea what happened. I did nothing." She said with this horrified look. "It's okay, you're okay now" I smiled at her and squeezed her hand and that's when I started to hear heels hitting the floor. They got closer and closer and then the curtains were pulled to a side.

"Hello..." she smiled, that smile. She looked different though. She was wearing a blouse tucked in a pencil skirt with some pumps, totally stunning. Her hair was up in a ponytail and she had a white coat on with her name written on a side and her stethoscope hanging on her neck. I was just staring at her.

"Hey" I said pulling myself out of my daze. "So what happened to you?" She looked at Alessia and she started explaining it. She changed the whole story. "Okay. So let me see..." once she touched Ally's ankle she screamed loudly. "Damn shut up" I whispered to her and she looked at me with her eyes wide open. "It. Hurts." She shoot me a look. "Mhmm, twisted ankle, it's not broke but just to make sure everything is okay, I'll get them to do some X-rays." Leah smiled as she was writing something on a chart. She looked up at me and smiled before walking out and away.

Few minutes later some nurse came to get Ally away and Leah stayed with me.

"Sooo..." I looked at her. "She's gonna be fine. She's going to be here in an hour, maybe less than that." She let me know and I smiled. "Thank you." "Wanna go get something at the cafeteria?" She suggested and I nodded, "Sure."

On our way there, almost half of the people we saw, greeted Leah like if she was a celebrity.

"A lot of people know you." I smiled. "Is that a good thing?" She grinned. "I don't know, is it?" I shrugged sitting down on a table drinking my coffee. She laughed and then fixed her eyes on mine. "Well...I may or may not be the chief's daughter." She sipped from her coffee like if that was not a big deal. "My parents, I'm "well known" because of them, and well... because I'm a great as doctor." She winked making me smile. "That's so cool. So both of your parents are doctors?" I asked excited. She nodded. "My mom is the chief of surgery, and my dad handles the boards, he's the CEO." I smiled widely, "He basically owns the place, huh? You're such an interesting person." I said and she made a face. "There's a lot you'd love to know." "Well I have time." I said and smiled looking at her anxious, I wanted to know about her. She seemed to be this person who always had something interesting to tell you. "Yeah, right now I'm sorta busy, but....I won't be tomorrow night...so, what about going out for dinner?" She asked and I gave her a look, not my intention. "I-" "As friend, just a meal." She told me. "Okay...I think I could do that." I smiled and she smiled back, her smile...she was so cute. I heard a beeping noise and she sighed. "I gotta go. It's just a consult so I'll be back in a few, you can wait for her here or..." "Can I go with you?" "Ha...sure...but you gotta stay outside." She stood up and I walked behind her excited.

"Here. Don't move. Don't talk. Don't breathe." She laughed and bit her lip slightly before walking inside the room where a little kid was laying down. I was just staring at her. She was all smiles and I found myself smiling too. She checked this kid and then grabbed a chart and walked out. She was beside me and started writing down some stuff. "Is he okay?" "Yeah, he got surgery, he just woke up, he's okay...Hopefully he will stay that way." She said and looked at him with this sad face on. "What is it?" "He got a tumor...a small one but very...dangerous" she said. I raised my eyebrows and she made a face, she sighed and continued writing down. "Did you do the surgery?" I asked and she nodded, "Mhmm. Alongside some other specialists." She said.

This was all so amazing, like I'd always watch it on tv but actually being there and seeing it all, that was fun. "That's awesome!" I smiled. "It is!" She giggled, "Let me know if something happens, keep me informed." She said to the nurse behind the desk and this girl nodded. "Let's go back to check on your friend." She smiled and we walked there.

Ally was sitting down with her phone in her hands. Leah grabbed the X-rays and bit her lip hard. "This is gonna hurt." She mumbled. "It's not broken, but it was pretty close. Does this hurt?" She started touching up to her leg. "Ouch...yes, but that's just part of the same thing, I fell down and well, it's my leg." "We don't know that. And I'd like to make sure about it so let's do an MRI. To look at the bigger picture, literally."

I found myself one again staring at her there, it was so fascinating to look at her do her thing.


She was doing all dat to be w Jen, Ally was fine. 🤷🏻‍♀️ js

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