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Jennifer's POV.

"Jen! Hi!"
"Hey, Alexa! How are you?"
"All good. You look good." She smiled.
"Aw. Thanks. You too! I like your dress." I said and continued walked towards my office.

It was a tight dark purple dress that ended a little bit above her knees, her hair was up on a ponytail, she looked gorgeous.

"I noticed you liked the cookies from that restaurant yesterday so I kind of bought you a little box, as a welcome gift. Here..." she said. I smiled to myself. "Where?" I asked on purpose. "Her- ohh..." she laughed, "here."


"Thank you! That's really kind from you."
"Oh no, it's nothing. So Miguel went out of town for a meeting, he left some stuff to get down, and well, since he's not going to be here today, I'll show you around and also work with you." Her accent was so hot that I couldn't focus without being completely melted by it.

I nodded.

"So I'll give you some time so you can get comfortable and read your emails and all that stuff. It's always important to go through your emails, everything will be notified by there." She explained.
"The one we created, right?"
"Hm, yes! The one they made you open the other day. So go through that, and let me know when you're ready." She said with a sweet smile and then walked away. "Thanks!" I said out loud and she turned around and winked at me.

So, I did as she told me. I started to log on my MacBook and in the mid time, I opened the little, — not so little — box, filled with cookies, chocolate chip cookies... I kind of loved her. On the inside there was a little note.

"Welcome to the team, I know you're going to do amazing!!!

— Alex, xo"

I grabbed one cookie and started eating it while logging into my account and all that stuff I needed to do.


"Alright, I think I'm ready. I had like a thousand emails. I read them all. Got some stuff written down. I'm good." I said leaning against the doorframe of Alexa's office.

"Okay, really good." She said, she looked down her phone and then turned it off standing up and walking towards me. "So let's see. I'll give you a little tour. Follow me" she said. I did.

"So, that's Miguel office, it's like the biggest one on the floor. This is his assistant's desk, that's the photocopy room, this..." she opened a door, "this is the break room, or how I like to call it, the get as fat as you can room. Literally, every single drawer is filled with food, everything you can imagine. We even got ice cream up there. It's so good and not so good sometimes, when I'm on my days, I eat like that's all I need to survive, what's air?" She laughed, I giggled. "Anyways, you can always come here for whatever you want, coffee, there's a blender, there are juices, sodas, water...literally, everything. I'm giving this room a little more attention because it's my favorite one. I hope you've noticed." She said and I laughed. "I kind of did. This is awesome." "I know! And over there are some couches, and the view, the view is amazing. I sometimes just stay here for a little longer just to watch the sunset. You should try it one day." "I definitely want to." I smiled. She looked at me and smiled also. "Okay well, next stop. This is Mary, Sandra, and that's Ruben over there. They'll help in whatever it's needed regarding meetings and whatnot, marketing and all that. Below us it's HR and other departments like marketing, and other businesses, since we handle a few small companies, down there you can find whatever, from boards of hospitals, to fast food restaurants. Everything. We recently got together with a hospital, they needed assistance since they wanted to improve their machines for some research they're currently working on. It's way too expensive and well, we got into it, so now we are part of the board, so from time to time we go there to some meetings, mostly when we need to update them on stuff." "That's pretty interesting. Like...I could sit here and listen to you explain that to me, or honestly whatever else. I love your accent." I said and smiled sweetly. She laughed and blushed, ohhhhh that's cute! "Thank you, I'm glad to hear that, because I love to talk." She shrugged softly.

"So that's my office, that's Camille, my assistant and that's your office." She laughed. "Thank you for the info." I winked. "You're welcome anytime. So yeah, that's basically it. Well, at the entrance you already saw there's this blonde girl, she's Samantha, she's always gonna be there saying nice stuff when you come in, when you get out, and in general, she's extremely sweet. She's the receptionist." I nodded. "Do you travel a lot?" I asked. "I- hmm...well it depends. Last month we visited ten different states and went to three different countries, getting stuff done. It's fun." "Woah, that really sounds like it's fun. I feel so tiny, there's a lot. I'm stressed already." I laughed nervously. "Oh don't you worry, darling. Again, if Miguel got you in, it means you can handle this and a whole lot more. It's okay. Deep breath. You can do it." She smiled softly. "Let's get to work. I have some stuff for you to read, so you can get into this new business we are currently in. The hospital. It's nice, not too overwhelming, and I feel like you're gonna do just fine. So, I'll send it through email, go over it, and if you have any doubt, let me know, I'll be in my office." She winked. "Alright, I will do. Thank you. By the way..." "Mhmm?" "When are we off to lunch? Like...is there any schedule I need to follow?" "Hmmm, not really... obviously you are not going to take a four hours lunch, unless it's with clients. But you can go whenever you want to. Wanna go for lunch?" "Hm, I'm sorry, maybe tomorrow. I already made plans." "Oh, sure! It's okay. Well, I will get to work, let me know if you need me." She smiled and walked away.


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