First Conclusive Observation

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Below is the unedited version, it was written in 2014. So without further ado , Here's the text :-

If there is no God as atheists claim, then this means that there is no purpose of one's life, as death is undoubtedly true (from start till end, death has been there and no one can escape from it) and then after death there would be nothing, like we are created out of nothing (as atheists say) and after death we will somehow disappear/mixed with the sand or air and that's the end.

If all that is true then there would be so much randomness in this world, but a sound human can clearly observe that everything is following some pattern or law, like day and night can't happen at the same time, they must follow an order similarly planets don't move/collide into each other randomly and each one of them is following its own calculated and measured pattern. There is measured distance between planets and the rate with which they move. So, do these numbers come out of nowhere? And without an Originator?

These are humongous objects, a little as an atom follows its given pattern/position as if not then this whole universe couldn't exist from start.

Following are the "3 simple reasons for the Existence of GOD", taken from [].

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