Advice to those who believe ! Part 5 (Basic Concepts)

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I was going to write these concepts as separate chapters but i think it's better if i write them in a single chapter as they are linked with each other. 

Sole purpose of this book is to make us think and don't blindly follow anything , as there's a lot happening around us which we tend to ignore and it leads to corruption of ourselves and in result of society. 

Before starting the concept, i want to tell you that i don't follow any sect at all or any scholar although i listen and read many but i prefer to "Read the book, not the author" and if i agree with the saying of a scholar on one topic doesn't mean i follow that scholar in every topic because before that i first need to listen to his opinion on every topic and then to judge it according to Qur'an and Authentic Hadiths and also consulting with other scholars who have knowledge. In any time of my life i can't say that i am always right , i don't even know if my thoughts are right or wrong and i pray to Allah alone to guide me towards straight path and correct my thoughts because in the end , I don't own Islam but it's the religion of Allah which i am following so i need to spend more time learning it and i ask the readers of this book (whether you're a scholar or not) to advice me if they find anything wrong in it , but please do advice with evidence and don't worry you will never find me stubborn (In Shaa Allah) and i always stay away from arguments which lead to more negative than positive.

 I think we might all agree on this , that modern day scholars are not equal to those classic scholars of Islam and those classic scholars are not equal to the companions of the Prophet (May Allah be pleased with them all) , and the companions of the Prophet (May Allah be pleased with them all) are  not equal to the messengers and Prophets of Allah (Peace be upon them all) and Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is the leader of the Prophets (Peace be upon them all) and is a Human and Final Prophet of Allah and the Best of the Creation of Allah.

 "They ask you, [O Muhammad], about the Hour: when is its arrival? In what [position] are you that you should mention it? To your Lord is its finality. You are only a warner for those who fear it."

 [Qur'an: Chapter #79(Surat An-Nazi'at : Those who drag forth) Verse#42-45]    

There is a single connection between Allah and His servant , and if you put anything or anyone in between this connection it will be lost. 

"Never love anything or anyone , even closer to the love which Allah deserves".

We are commanded to follow the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and love him. And the only way to love him (peace be upon him) is to follow him , and make those things your favorite which were his (peace be upon him) favorite , spend time in those activities which Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) used to spend.

"And obey Allah and the Messenger that you may obtain mercy." 

  [Qur'an: Chapter #3 (Surat Ali-Imran : Family of Imran) Verse#132]  

It's the love of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) that when you learn a Hadith from anywhere (social media , internet , books etc), you try to find its authenticity and not blindly following and sharing it with others as it might be fabricated and will lead to so much negativity. (and if you can search for information related to your academics or interest in research papers, novels, books, internet, library etc then surely you can also search for the authenticity of a particular Hadith too , it's a matter of priority and interest so try to think about it).

 "O you who have believed, if there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate, lest you harm a people out of ignorance and become, over what you have done, regretful." 

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