Advice to those who believe ! Part 8 (Education)

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Being a student myself , i am going to write my thoughts about education related to student's perspective and i also want to be a teacher , so i will write about the observations i made through learning from so many teachers and what characteristic i think a teacher should have.

A teacher should be encouraging and should treat his students on equal level without being biased  and should avoid favoritism as much as possible and give each student his/her due attention. A teacher's aim should be higher than just making money and passing his 1/2 hour class time. He needs to be conscious about an important concept that maybe some students are fighting against stress and depression from home and surroundings and not to make their life more difficult than it's already. A teacher should show his students a positive view of the world and life and give them reasons to move towards positive change. A teacher should not only teach the subject but also about the purpose of life and real success as real success is not in attaining materialistic things and being at the top of the world but true success is in finding the right path and knowing one's Creator and getting to know the answers of "Where you came from?" , "Who Created you?" , "Why are you here?" and "Where are you going to go after this life?". 

Remember , a single piece of good advice and word can change someone's life towards positive and maybe that's the only push they needed in their life to see a ray of Hope.

"And let there be [arising] from you a nation inviting to [all that is] good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and those will be the successful."

[Qur'an: Chapter #3 (Surah Al'i-Imran: Family of Imran) Verse#104]

"The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and establish prayer and give zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger. Those - Allah will have mercy upon them. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise."

[Qur'an: Chapter #9 (Surah At-Tawbah : The Repentance) Verse#71]  

For student's perspective , all i have to say is that not be a blind follower of majority and focus on gaining beneficial knowledge instead of formal education where your only focus is to get a piece of paper (degree/certificate) and for that you're going to do whatever it takes. With such thinking , you're being a part of the race of being at the top of the world Don't be like that , but try to think that "Is it worth it ?" , because in the end you're going to die and leave all this behind and this world too is going to end sooner or later. So why not try to change your goals and dreams towards your real purpose of life ? (In this way , you do get to enjoy materialistic things  too, but in an allowed limit and you also remain focused on your ultimate goal of life. So a win-win situation i think).

Your goals and dreams should be linked with your ultimate purpose of life which is to worship Allah alone and spending time in doing those deeds which would make you closer to Allah alone. Think about how can you convert your skill into spreading the message of Islam for the sake and mercy of Allah alone.

For example ,  You like to learn web development and want to make websites , so you learn it and try to use this skill in spreading the message of Islam by creating websites. (same for app development).

You like to learn languages , so make your intention like i will learn this language so that i can spread the message of Islam in it and try to translate amazing things you read about Islam in that language and share with native people.

Main point is your intention to learn a specific skill or knowledge and the intention has so much importance in Islam.

These were just simple examples , try to think how can you convert your skill into something beneficial for you in this world and hereafter as well by the mercy of Allah.

Narrated Abu Hurayrah:

The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: "If anyone acquires knowledge that should be sought seeking the Face of Allah(Pleasure of Allah), but he acquires it only to get some worldly advantage, he will not experience the arf, i.e. the fragrance, of Paradise."

(Sunan Abi Dawud Hadith 3664 , Book 26, Hadith 24)

Sahl b. Sa'd reported the prophet (Peace be upon him) as saying:

"I swear on Allah, it will be better for you that Allah should give guidance to one man through your agency than that you should acquire the red ones among the camels."

(Sunan Abi Dawud Hadith 3661, Book 26, Hadith 21)

Final and most important advice, stop looking/following the people who you think are successful just because they have money , power and status/fame. Ponder over the reality and look at those people whom your Creator says that they are successful , follow those people/personalities for the sake of Allah so that you may become the real Successful person in this life and hereafter by the mercy of Allah.

Your goals of this life will affect your ultimate goal/destination in Hereafter. 

Think wisely and act accordingly.

May Allah guide us all towards right path and grant us wisdom and knowledge that would bring us closer to Him alone and make us live and die as True Muslims. Ameen

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