Leed's Needs (Finn Harries Imagine)

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I closed my university text book, released a much needed sigh and rolled my chair away from my desk. I sat up, stretching before pulling out my phone from my back pocket. I go through my texts and I reply to most of them. I stop at one that automatically put a smile on my face. It was from my best friend Finn. I first met Finn when he used to attend this university at Leeds. I used to see him everyday because we basically had the same classes together, but now since he retired from university to travel and to help run his brother's YouTube channel, I don't see him as often. I called the number and heard a click on the other end. "Hello?" His thick British accent rang in my ears.

"Hey!" I said cheerfully as I began walking around my dorm room, something I usually do when talking on the phone. "Hey Fernanda, what's up?" I smiled and sat on my bed. "Nothing much...you're back from India?" "Yeah, pretty much." "What do you mean 'pretty much'?" He chuckled. "Well I know I'm not in India right now because I just happen to be right outside your window." I had a look of question on my face as I processed his words. I got up and walked to my window.

As he said, he was standing right there. He was looking around the campus like a lost puppy. I giggled into the phone. He looked up at my window and a grin became plastered on his beautiful face...that's right, I said 'beautiful.' I have a crush on my best friend...sue me. He waved, hanging up the phone. I did the same shortly after and ran out of my room. I run down the stairs of the dorm until I got to the ground floor. I ran out the front doors right into his arms. That's weird. He became more muscular than before. He wrapped his arms tighter around me to keep me in place as he spun me around.

He set me down after about four spins. We looked at each other and laughed at what just happened. After we stopped laughing, Finn patted my head. He did that a lot since I was shorter than him. "I missed ya, Fernanda." I blushed and looked down. "You too." He then nodded toward the right. "Come on, let's go to walk in the park we always used to go to to study." I nodded and followed behind him as he started walking.

He noticed that I was behind and he grabbed my hand, pulling me up to meet him so we could walk side by side. My face heated up again and I smiled at the ground. It was at first just our palms together, but as we walked he intertwined our fingers together. It was a quiet but comfortable walk to the park. Not only was I happy I was with Finn, but I also need this quiet atmosphere after all that studying for exams. We arrived at the park and we sat down on a nearby bench.

We talked about my exams coming up and how his trip to India was. "Yea, it was crazy! One of the tuk tuks kept breaking down and one time it broke down in the middle of a storm." I gasped. "Are you serious? I'm glad you guys are safe!" He chuckled. "Me too." We continued talking for about an hour. I looked at the time and frowned. "Finn, I have to get back. I have to study some more and then catch up on some sleep for the exam tomorrow." He frowned too, nodding. We got up and started walking back to the dorm the same way we arrived to the park, walking with our fingers intertwined.

When we arrived at the dorm, Finn hugged me and did something unexpected. He kissed my cheek. I placed my hand where he kissed. He blushed and scratched the back of his head. "Er, sorry..." He seemed to be in thought as he stared at the ground. He finally looked up at me with a serious expression. I stared back at him with curiosity. "Finn?"

The next thing that happened took my a minute to process. He placed both his hands on my face and pulled me in. He placed his lips on mine and slid his hands on my waist. After that minute of processing what was happening I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. We pulled apart till our lips were barely touching. "Willyoubemygirlfriend?" He blurted out. I giggled. "What?" He took a breath and exhaled, his breath hitting my face. "Will you be my girl...friend?" He asked cautiously. I pretended to think about it, causing his face to twist into a face of fear. I giggled and nodded, causing our foreheads to rub together. He had the biggest smile on his face as he leaned in for another kiss. I met him half way as we began kissing again.

All of a sudden, a heard 'whooping' come from behind us. I looked and saw Jack doing a wolf whistle. "FINALLY!" He shouted causing me and Finn to laugh. Jack stopped when he caught us staring. "Oh...sorry, I'll be on my way." He slowly creeped off and I turned to Finn. "Did you know he was there?" He shook his head, laughing. He then hugged me close and I wrapped my arms around his torso, pulling him closer. Yea...sue me.

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