Best Friend to Best Lover (Finn Harries Imagine)

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"Finn? Finn? Fiiiiiiiiiiiiinn?" Finn looked up at me from his phone. "Oh, Michelle. Sorry, I was tweeting...what's up?" I pouted at him. "What's up? What's up?! I've been talking for like five minutes and you probably didn't even hear what I said!" "That's not true!" Finn said in defense. "Okay, what did I just say?" Finn frowned. "Um....something" I smacked him upside the head and he flinched. "Hey!" He yelled. "That's what you get." I said, laughing. He rubbed his head, glaring at me. We were at Starbucks, relaxing after a long day of web designing. He asked for my help to helps design the new site for a client and I agreed because I didn't have any clients of my own at the moment.

"What even were you tweeting?" I asked curiously. "Well, now I might not show you." He said proudly. I rolled my eyes. He chuckled and showed me his recent tweet. 'Hangin' with the bestest of the best! @[Y/T/N]' I smiled and gave him his phone back. "Awh that's sweet of you Bestie." I cooed. His face flushed. We finished our coffee and walked out in the cool London air. "Do you want to come by my place since it's a shorter walk?" He nodded. Finn sleeps over at my place a lot. It's not uncommon for us. He would call his parents or text Jack saying that he would be spending the night with me and they would say fine. We walked arm in arm to my place, practically skipping and laughing along the way.

When we got there, we took off our jackets and sat down on the couch. "Movie or TV?" I asked. He thought about it and answered, "Movie." We ended up watching a scary movie by Finn's request. I don't know why I had scary movies in my collection...I don't even watch scary movies. I hate them. They're....well, scary. Finn laughed at my jumps and screams through out the whole thing. We ended up falling asleep through the second movie with me laying against his chest and his arms wrapped around me. I felt safe in his arms. I snuggled closer and he tightened his grip.

I was awoken by the sound of banging pots and pans. "Shit!" I heard someone whisper. I sat up on the couch and looked around, trying to find Finn. "Finn?" I called out. He appeared from the kitchen. "Good Morning, Miss. Michelle. I'm making your favorite, waffles!" I got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen. "Is everything okay? I heard you scream 'Shit' just now." "Oh, that well, it was nothing..." All of a sudden we smelt something and burning and Finn quickly turned around to the waffle maker. "Shit!" He exclaimed. I pointed at him. "Yea, like that." He sent a glare my way as I smiled and laughed at how ridiculous he looked.

I ended up helping him fix the disaster he called waffles. We finished eating, and took turns going through ha hygiene check. We went back into the kitchen, cleaned up and were back on the couch. I looked outside and see that it was about to rain. "Hey Finn? What do you want to do? It's about to rain." Finn looked outside as well. "Well, maybe I'll stay here a bit longer and leave tonight." I groaned and laid down on the couch, my legs draped over his lap. "Argh, I have to deal with you until tonight now?" He playfully gasped and pushed my legs off of him. "How about we watch some videos on YouTube. I added some videos to our playlist!" I exclaimed, running to my room to get my laptop. Finn and I do this thing where we each have playlists on YouTube where if we find videos to show the other person, we save them on that playlist and we show those videos next time we see each other. I ran back to the couch and jumped into Finn's lap. He grunted and jumped a little. "Michelle, watch how you land there! Remember Finn jr.?" A put a hand to his mouth. "Too much information, Finny." He laugh and wrapped one arm around my waist to keep me from falling. As we went through the videos, I wrapped one arm around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder.

After we watched the videos, I looked at my wall clock. "Oh no, I got to water my garden!" "Oh no, not your garden again." I smack his arm. "Come on, lazy butt. You're helping time." He sighed, getting up and following me outside. I started watering and looked at Finn. "Grab the hose and spray those." I ordered. "Yea yea." He said in a bored voice. Little did I know that I was about to get sprayed on. Finn carefully aimed the hose at me when I wasn't looking and sprayed my back. I squealed and turned around. "FINN!" I screamed, gasping. He was practically on the ground laughing. I pointed the hose at him and he stopped. "" I smirked. "You asked for it." Before he could finish, I let loose. I sprayed him right on the front. When I cut off the hose, he was soaking wet. His blue Johnny Cupcakes shirt stuck to his body, defining. Every part of his upper and lower body. I blushed at how fit and hot he looked right now. I was so distracted I didn't realize that his hose was pointed at me again. "Like what you see?" He winked and he opened the hose on me. I screamed and try to get away from his aim. He dropped the hose and began running after me. When he caught up to me, he wrapped his arms around me and spun my around until I was facing him.

Water was dripping off his hair and he breathing heavily from running after me. He lifted a finger and pushed a piece of my wet hair behind my ear. He then moved his hand down and moved the hair from my neck. He leaned forward and planted a kiss on my neck, pulling away slightly so his lips were barely touching my neck. My breath quickened. "F-Finn?" I said quietly. He then proceeded to plant tiny kisses up my neck, along my jawline and he stopped right before my lips. He lifted his head, gently grazing my lips with his. I grabbed a handful of his shirt. "Jesus, Finn. If you're going to do it, just do it already" I whispered. He smirked and gently placed his lips on mine.

I kissed back, resting my hands on his chest. He placed his hands on my waist, lifting up my shirt and hold my bare waist, causing my to gasp from his cold touch. He took this opportunity to stick his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance, but I being weak under his touch, lost the fight and I let his tongue explore my mouth. His hands left my waist and he stuck them in the back pockets of my shorts. I slipped my hands under his shirt and felt his stomach. His muscles contracted under my cold touch and he groaned. I planted a kiss on his neck. As I was still kissing up and down his neck, he whispered in my ear. "Michelle...I love you." I stopped and pulled myself away from his neck, but stayed in his arms. "What?" I said, my eyes wide. He gave a small smile and blushed. "I love you..." It took about a minute before what he said sunk in. "Really?" He nodded excitedly. "Me too." I said, smiling like an idiot. "Are you serious?" He asked, his eyes shining. I nodded and he picked me up and started spinning me around screaming "YEESSS!!" I giggled, wrapping my legs around him so I don't fall.

He put me down and cupped his hands around my cheeks. "I'm going to make you the happiest girl in the world." He said. I smiled softly at him. "You already have."

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