Cheeky Mornings (Jack Harries Imagine)

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My eyes open slowly to the sound of birds chirping right outside the bedroom window. I furrowed my eyebrows and glared out the window as if the birds would get the message to shut up. When they didn't, I groaned into my pillow and lifted my head, looking around. I huffed as I flipped so I was lying on my back. I stared up at the ceiling and stretched. I felt stirring next to me and I looked to my left.

My eyes softened at the sight next to me. Jack was lying on his stomach, shirtless and sleeping soundly. I knew because his back muscles rose up and down to the rhythm of his soft breathing. He was working late in the office last night so when I went to bed, he wasn't home yet. So I love those moments when I wake up and he suddenly appears next to me.

His eyebrows twitched every now and then, meaning he was in a deep dream. His arms were tucked under the pillow his head was on and his head was turned to face me, meaning he was looking at me right before he fell asleep when he got home. His lips were slightly ajar, his cheek squished against the pillow and his hair in a disheveled mess.

I turned my whole body to face him and I continued to stare at him, soaking in the quiet moment before it would be ruined by daily activities. I brought my hand to his cheek and gently stroked it, my fingers barely touching his cheek. I traced a line, following his jawline, to his lips. I ran my finger across them, admiring how pink they looked and how lucky I was that I got to kiss them practically everyday. All of a sudden, his lips opened and he bit down on my finger.

I looked at his face as a whole and saw that his eyes were barely open, my finger still between his teeth. He let go and smirked at me. "What're you doing, love?" He said, his voice sleepy and groggy. I shook my head, laying my head down so I was eye level with him. He moaned as he stretched, rubbing his eyes. He smiled at me. "Good morning." "Good morning to you too, Harries." I said, acting posh. He groaned as he moved so he was on top of me, pinning me down.

He slipped his arms under the pillow my head was on, leaning down until our noses touched. "What do you want to do today?" I wrapped my arms around his bare back, tracing lines up and down his spine. "You don't have to go to the office today? What about the video you have to finish editing?" He shook his head, our noses rubbing together. "Nah, I finished the video last night so I can spend today with you." He gave a cheeky smile and kissed my cheek. I snuggled my head against his neck. "Then can we not rush right now? I want to stay like this for a bit longer." He chuckled, his chest rumbling against mine. "Sure, love."

And we did just that. There was a comfortable silence between us, nothing but the sound of our breathing. Just then, Jack pulled his arms from under my pillow and he placed his hand on my waist, me jumping from his sudden warmth. I smiled but so enough, he started tickling me.

I started laughing, trying to get away from his grip. "Jack!!" I screamed, laughing. He laughed with me as he continued tickling me. "Jack, stop!" I yelled, tears forming at the edge of my eyes from laughing so much. He finally stopped and I laid there, trying to catch my breath. I hit him on the shoulder. "Jack, what the hell?!" He laughed out loud and planted a kiss on my lips. He playfully bit my nose and touched his nose with mine. "Sorry, love. You know I love doing that." "Yea, well, I don't!" I said, trying to act angry but ended up laughing as well.

I grabbed his hand and started playing with his fingers, him staring at me with soft eyes. I loved his hands. Not because of a sexual reason but because I can do just this, play with his fingers when I get bored. He didn't mind. He just loved watching me, eyebrows furrowed at how I could love it so much. He asked me once too why I did it. I just shrugged and continued playing with them. He didn't complain either. He did the same with my hair. He loved my long hair. Whenever we were somewhere and we were bored, he would start playing with my hair, grabbing some and twirling it in his fingers.

The comfortable silence came back as I played with his fingers and he planted a kiss on my forehead, then both of my eyes, then my cheeks and planted little kisses along my jawline. He stopped right at my lips. "I love you so much." He whispered, as if it were a secret between the two of us. I let go of his fingers and cupped his cheek with my hand. I leaned up and kissed his top lip. "Me too...maybe even more." I smirked at him and he smirked back. "Cheeky Ms. Ana." He said, giving me a Cheshire Cat grin. I kissed his nose, then his neck. I traced his collarbones with his thumb. He stopped me by grabbing my hand and kissing each finger. He intertwined our fingers together and kissed the back of my hand, staring at me while he did. I closed my eyes, focusing my sense on his touch, memorizing every second of it. He kissed down my arm and across my shoulder, up to my face where he kissed my bottom lip. "How about breakfast?" He asked, kissing my lips again. I nodded, smirking at him. "Cheeky, Mr. Jack." He grinned at me, pulling me up from the bed, picking me up bridal style and carrying me downstairs, both of us laughing along the way.

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