Caffeine (Finn Harries Imagine)

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"Emmy!" I yelled the name as I put the hot drink on the Pick-Up counter. A young girl who looked around 15 came and picked up to cup, visually careful of its hot contents. "Thank you." She said sweetly, smiling and walking back to lady with dirty blond hair. I watched as she walked away with her, assuming it was her mother. I smiled as I saw them interact with each other. I walked back to the cashier and faced the new customer that just walked in the door. "Hi, may I help you?" I've been working here in this little cafe for about two years now. I started when I moved here in London for fun. Not because of university, but just because I wanted to. I wasn't one to do something I didn't want to do. I wanted to travel and education would t necessarily hep me with that so I decided to stop my education after high school. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't stupid, I just didn't want to waste my time.

I sighed as I hung up my apron on the rack. My co worker came into the break room, smiling. "How are you today, Danielle?" I squinted my eyes at her. "Good...why are you smiling so much?" "What? I'm happy! Is that a crime?" She put a hand to her cheek and I noticed something shining on it. I took a closer look and my eyes went wide. She smiled wide when she saw my reaction. "OH MY GOD, HE PROPOSED?!" I screamed, throwing my arms in the air. She and I started jumping up and down, latching onto each other. "I'm so happy for you!" I said, giving her a big bear hug. "Thank you so much!" We sat there talking about the new upcoming wedding. This was another favorite part of my life. Beside working, I had not time limit. I could take the time to sit here for an hour without having anywhere to go. It might sound like a loner's life, but I loved it. It was relaxing and problem-free.

"Well, I gotta go...I have an appointment in about half an hour." She said, getting up from her seat on the ground. I got up as well and gave her one last hug. She grabbed her bag and head for the door, but stopped. She turned around to look at me again with a nervous expression on her face. "Um, Danielle?" I looked at her, waiting for her to continue. "Can you take my shift next week Wednesday?" She asked, nervously. I had an idea why she would be nervous. I always end up taking her shifts when she had to be somewhere else. "Why?" She blushed and looked down. "I want to get planing started right away, so I want to go look at wedding venues." I thought about it. I guess for something like this, I should understand. So I smiled and said, "Sure." She ran up to give me a hug. "Thank so much!" She said.

I fell onto my bed after arriving home. I was panting, out of breath. I heard rumbling outside and looked out the window. I started running home when the sky started grey, indicating that it was going to rain. I loved the rain, just not when I'm in it. I went to my little kitchen area of my flat and set water to boil in the kettle. I walked back to room and rummaged through my drawers, looking for comfortable clothes to change into. I ended up wearing yoga pants and my favorite grey hoodie that was really big on me. I loved big hoodies because I feel the most comfortable in them. This one was my favorite one because it had "TW" on the front, which stands for "The Wanted" because they're my favorite band and on the back it says "Sykes" because Nathan was my favorite member.

I walked back to the kitchen and poured the hot water into my favorite tea cup and put my desired amount of sugar. I went and sat down on my couch, taking out my book that I was reading off the coffee table. As I read and listened to the rain, I engulfed myself into the storyline of the book, letting my imagination run wild, falling asleep in the middle of it.

"Jim!" I yelled as I placed the coffee onto the Pick-Up counter. As I walked back to the cash register, I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I sniffles and almost sneezed. It was Wednesday, the day I took over for my co-worker. I didn't mind when I agreed to it, but now that I seem to have caught a cold, I was rethinking my decision. When I got back to the register, I noticed the same little girl from last week is waiting eagerly for me. I remembered I got her decaffeinated coffee last time. I smiled down at her. "Hello, can I help you?" Her smile fell slightly. "Miss, are you sick?" I laughed nervously and nodded. She smiled again and pointed at my nose. "You look like Rudolph with your nose all red!" I raised an eyebrow at her and smirked. "Oh really? Well, since your hair is dirty blonde, do you want to be my Clarice?" I asked, leaning on the counter, getting a better view of her. She face lit up. "REALLY?" I nodded and she nodded.

Just then, the door opened again and naturally, I turned to the door and welcomed them. "Welcome." I said, stopping when I saw who it was. It was a guy. He had brown hair that quiffed to one one side, and piercing green eyes. He was wearing a jeans and holding a red jacket. But what was kind of weird but cute in a way, was that he was wearing a black shirt with what looked like a muffin on it.

He looked like he was looking for somebody when his eyes landed on me. We stared at each other for a minute and then he looked at the little girl over the counter in front of me. His eyes turned to ones of worry and walked up to the girl. "Emmy, geez, don't run off like that! Mum'll kill me!" He said, scolding the girl. The girl cringed back. "Sorry! I just got excited when you said that we could get caffeinated coffee!" She then turned to me. "Mum never let's me get caffeinated coffee. She thinks I get too hyper." I laughed and put a finger to my lips. "Your secret's safe with me." She smiled and nodded. The guy turned to me. "Was she causing you any trouble?" He asked. I shook my head. "Nope, she was an angel...even through she did call me Rudolph though." I said, smirking at Emmy. She giggled and blushed. The guy turned to Emmy again, mouth agape. "Emmy!" He said, almost stifling a laugh, probably noticing my nose as well.

I turned to him. "Hey, don't you even think about laughing!" He then turned to me and scratched the back of his head. "Oh, sorry." He said, chuckling. He then stuck his hand out. "I'm Finn, by the way." I smiled and shook his hand, getting goosebumps from his touch. "Danielle."

I rung up their orders and decided to take my break for the day, sitting down and talking to the two of them in a booth at the back of the cafe. "You're a twin?...and you make videos on YouTube?" I asked, Trying to clarify what Finn just told me. He laughed and leaned back against the booth chair. "Yep! Three million subscribers!" My eyebrows shot up. "That's incredible." "Isn't it?!" Emmy exclaimed. Clearly, the caffeine was already getting to her. Finn turned to her. "Oh no." He turned to me and sighed. "I should probably take her around town so she can walk off her energy." I agreed and we got up from the booth. Emmy said she had to use the restroom and left me and Finn alone.

"So..." He said, looking at the ground and kicking it with his feet. "Do you have a boyfriend?" I tilted my head to the side. "Nope." I said, popping the "p". He looked up. "That's great. Probably would have been embarrassing if you said 'yes'." He said, chuckling. "And yet you still asked?" I asked, giggling. He shrugged, biting his bottom lip. He started rocking back and forth on his heels, obviously nervous. I rolled my eyes. "Just ask." I said, kicking him out of his trance. His head shot up. I smiled softly at him, waiting. He gave a small smile and stood up straight. "Okay...would you give me the honor of taking you out for dinner this weekend? on Saturday? 7:00?" I smiled and nodded. "Of course, Mr. Harries." He smiled and we exchanged numbers.

Emmy came back not to later. I gave her a big bear hug and I gave Finn a hug as well, not wanting to let go. They waved good bye and walked out with Finn holding Emmy's hand. I turned around but the door opened again. Again, naturally, I turned around to greet the customer but it was Finn and he was walking toward me. I stood still as he came closer. He got to me, put his arm around my waist, pulled me close and kissed my cheek. He let go quickly, smirking. He winked and walked out again.

I stood there, with my hand on my cheek. I blushed and walked back to the counter looking forward to this weekend and what would happen after.

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