Stay Calm (Finn Harries Imagine)

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As I entered my and Finn's apartment, I slammed the door more forcefully than usual. I flinched at the sound and looked toward our room, knowing that Finn would be sleeping at this time. I let out a frustrated sigh and walked to our room, dragging my aching feet across the floor as I walked. I opened the door slowly and looked at the bed. Finn lay there motionless in a heap of blankets. I could hear his soft snoring as I got closer. His whole body was covered by the blanket, leaving only the top of his head to the outside. I went to the bathroom and got myself ready for bed, changing into my pajamas and brushing my teeth. Before I walked out, I grabbed a cup and filled it with water from the faucet.

When I got back to the bed, I slowly slipped beneath the covers. Finn started stirring and his whole head poked out from under the covers, eyes half closed. "Ness, love, welcome home." I grunted in response and grabbed two Advil from my night stand and I took them with the water. Finn sat up and rested his body weight on his elbow. "Long day at work?" The whole day's events came flooding back and frustrated tears started to form in my eyes. Finn immediately wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. I spilled to him all of what happened today. He listened, rubbing my arm, humming in response every now and then. That's the thing with Finn. He was never one to give advice because he didn't like putting his opinion on others, but he always listened.

After I was done, Finn looked like he was contemplating something. "Finn?" He looked at me after a second and shook his head. "Nothing, love. Come on, let's go to bed, you're exhausted. We'll talk more in the morning, I promise." I nodded. He planted a soft kiss on my head and snuggled close to me under the covers. Instantly, I scooted closer to his body, my body being a magnet to his warmth.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of clanging of pots and pans. I yawned and threw my legs over the bed, planting my feet in the ground, flinching at the feeling of my still sore feet. I went to the bathroom and did my daily routine, minus showering. I looked in the mirror and stared at my reflection. I had bags under my eyes, my makeup smudged. I groaned and reached for my makeup remover. After I removed the makeup I washed my face and moisturized it.

I followed the sound to the kitchen and saw Finn crouched in front the stove. He turned around, a pancake on the spatula he was holding. When he noticed me, he smiled. "Ness! Good morning!" He said cheerfully. He placed the single pancake on a plate with about ten others. The table was set with two white plates and vase with two roses in it. As I stared at the table, Finn called out to me. "Ness? Could you help me please?" I walked back to the kitchen and helped Finn bring the pancakes, orange juice, coffee and bacon to the table. I stifled a laugh as I saw Finn go back to the kitchen and come out with the syrup bottle between his teeth.

We settled down on the table and enjoyed a breakfast filled with laughter, talking and occasionally flicking of food (Finn started it...I swear). After we ate breakfast, Finn led me to the couch where I sat while he walked over to the shelf and ran his finger over the collection of movies. He ended up picking White Chicks, which was his favorite movie (don't get me wrong I loved it too). He popped the DVD in the player. As the DVD loaded he scurried off to the bedroom to grab a blanket. I giggled when he almost tripped on his way back because he got his feet stuck in the blanket while walking. He turned off the lights ad sat next to on the couch. He sat there for a minute and then shook his head. I looked at him confused. He then switched positions until he was laying down on the couch. He opened his arms and I took his invitation, laying down on the couch as well, his arms wrapped around me and his head on top of mine.

Throughout the whole movie, Finn played with my fingers and kissed my head. His chest was pressed against my back so my back would vibrate whenever he laughed at a part in the movie, causing me to laugh as well. After that movie, we watched about fou more, Finn and I taking turns to go get snacks. The movie marathon ended with two cups of finished hot chocolate, bags of opened chips, and soda bottles everywhere.

Finn got up to stretch and I sat up on the couch. "Finn, we should clean this up." But he didn't listen to me. He walked to the shelf for the second time. He kneeled down till he was face to face with the stereo. He pressed a few buttons and soon and song begun to fill the air. I recognized it right away. It was the song that was playing when I first met Finn. Everything by Michael Bublé. Finn walked up to me and held out his hand, wiggling his fingers. I looked at him, eyebrows raised. "Are you serious?" He shrugged, sending me a soft smile. I shook my head, laughing as I took his hand. He wrapped one arm around my waist, and held out my hand with his free one.

We begun to spin slowly in the middle of the room. As we spun, I came to realize how relaxing this actually was. I placed my head on his shoulder, taking in his scent. He smelled like syrup and pancake batter. I turned my head so my face was buried in his shoulder. "You smell good." I mumbled. He chuckled. "Thanks, do you." He said planting a kiss on my neck. I closed my eyes and let the moment envelope me.

After the dancing, we ended up in the bed again, cuddling and listening to music. We sat there talking about whatever came to mind. This time, Finn cuddled up next to me, his head on my shoulder. As we talked, I ran my hand through his hair and played with it, admiring how soft it was. When I was about to stop, he spoke up. "Don't stop...that feels nice." I nodded and kept stroking his hair. Finn looked up at me. "Vannesa..." I looked down at him. He only used my full name when it was a serious situation. He had a serious expression but it soon broke into a smile. "I love you." I leaned forward, kissing him on the lips. "I love you too." I then thought for a bit.

"Finn?" "Yea?" "Why'd you do this?" He sent me a confused look. "Do what?" I looked around the whole room and toward the kitchen. "All of this...the pancakes, the movies, the dancing...why?" He sat up until he was lying next to me, his back against the headboard. "Because you needed just looked so worn out from work that I decided that you needed a day to recuperate. So I wanted to make sure this day was as relaxing and calm and drama free as possible." He then turned his body to face me. "I never want to see you sad're too important to me. If you're down, how can I be happy. I want to make sure you're happy before I can even think about my happiness. I know this job might be hard, but once your works take off, you'll never need that stupid job again..." He looked down. "I want to help you Ness...please come to me when things get tough. I want to make sure you're okay." He looked up at me through his eyelashes.

My eyes started tearing up and I started sniffling. He immediately began shuffling and hugged me. "Oh no Ness...I didn't mean to make you cry." I shook my head and wiped my eyes. "No, I'm really happy." I pressed my forehead to his. "Thank you." I said. He smiled, kissing me passionately. After the kiss, he kissed my cheek and brought me back down on the bed, me on top of his body, my head on his chest, and his arms wrapped around. After a minute, exhausted from today's activities, we fell asleep to the sound of our calm breathing.

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