Cliché (Finn Harries Imagine)

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Beep. Beep. Beep. I slammed the off button on my alarm and pulled the covers over my head, trying to ignore the bright sun peeking through the window. I groaned, deciding that that was not going to happen and slowly rose until I was sitting Indian style on my small twin sized bed. I looked at my clock. 7:30. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I guess I did press the snooze button a few times before. I had an hour to get ready. I walked to my little bathroom area, my bare feet padding against the wooden floor. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and then ran my finger through my hair. I showered the night before so my hair was still a little damp but at least I won't have to shower. I put my hair up in a temporary bun while I brushed my teeth.

I padded over to my closet and tried to pick out the most boring outfit I had so no one would try to notice me today. When people say that university is nothing like high school, they're lying. University still has those cliché cliques, the cliché cafeteria food, the cliché popular girls, the cliché football jocks and the cliché nerds. I decided on jeans and a simple t-shirt. I took my hair out the bun and brushed it just to put it back into a little more decent bun. I took one last look in the mirror, sighed, and grabbed my bag and I was out the door.

That's when I saw him. Well, I see him everyday at this time, walking out of his residency hall across the mall, coffee in hand. He was the only person who I considered as non-cliché. The way his glasses fit perfectly on his face whenever he wears them, those perfect teeth when he smiles, the cross ring on his fingers that never seems to leave his hand, those interesting classes he takes and just the way he dresses, like the epitome of a classy Brit. Not to mention that he's an identical twin. His Finn Harries.

From what I heard, he studies graphic design here at the University of Leeds, but for some reason, he is one of my film classes. Me, being VERY anti-social, and him being very social, we never talk to each other. He sits in the front of the class while I sit in the back. I watched him meet up with some friends and they began walking to class. I look at my watch and gasped at the time. I should be heading to class too. If I'm late, then I'll be the center of attention when I walk into that classroom.

I reach the classroom in time and take my usual seat in the back of room. This is how it was every class. I never spoke during class and then I would go home, listen to the lecture I recorded during the class and study my ass off. After class, I had some time so I decided to go to the library to pick up a book I needed for my literature class.

I reached the library and started running my fingers over book after book, trying to find the one I needed. In the end, I hesitantly asked for assistance. I walked over to wear the librarian said the book would be and I began running my fingers over the books again. As soon as I reached the book I wanted, another finger touched mine, aiming for the same book. I looked to my left and found Finn Harries staring down at me. He was wearing glasses today. "Oh, sorry." He said. He grabbed the book off the shelf and handed it to me. "Here, you found it first." I was so entranced by his green eyes that it took me a second to respond. "Oh, no it's fine, you can take it." He looked at me questionably. "Don't tell me you're in that literature class that has to read this?" I nodded and he chuckled. "Then here, you need it more than I do. I just wanted to read it for leisure. You need it for class so here." He placed the book in my hands, smiled and walked away in the other direction before I could even say 'Thank you.'

I checked out the book and walked back to my room. I put my bag down on my bed and grabbed my towel. I grabbed my flip flops and walked out of my room, going in the direction of the showers. I showered at night so that way I didn't have to shower in the morning. After I showered, I walked back to my room, humming along the way. When I got back, I towel dried my hair and opened the book from the library. If Finn wanted this book, maybe I could give it to him later? I hid my blushing face in the book. As if I would have the courage to do that.

The next day, in class, I was reading the book, interested in the plot. I didn't notice that there was a presence who sat beside me. I didn't take notice because I just assumed that it was someone who didn't have anywhere else to sit. "Is it really that good?" My head turned in the direction of the voice, all to familiar with it. Again, out of nowhere, Finn Harries was sitting next to me. "What?" I said, confused. He pointed at the book. "Oh, uh, yeah, it is." I said quietly. Finn nodded, smiling and turned to listen to the lecture that had just started.

Halfway through class, a felt a piece of paper being slipped under my arm. My face went red when I felt his fingers brush against my arm. I looked in the corner of my eye and took the paper and opened it. Inside was a number a small sentence that would change my world. 'The name's Finn.' I looked at him but he was paying attention to the professor, a smile evident on his lips. I gave a small smile and he looked at me. His smile became wider and he looked ahead again.

***FF: 3 Months***

"Geez, Finn. If you don't hurry up, we're going to be late!" I yelled into my phone, standing outside Finn's residency hall. As I finished my voicemail, he walked out of the building, phone to ear, probably listening to my message. "Geez, Ana, that's the loudest I've ever heard you talk." He said, laughing. I pouted and put my hands on my hips. "You know how I don't like being late!" He chuckled and snaked his arms around my waist, planting a kiss on my temple. "Calm down, Love. We're good on time." He cooed slightly, calming me down. I loosened up in his arms, burning my face into his chest. "Sorry." I mumbled. He chuckled again, his chest vibrating. "Come on, let's go get some coffee...but I don't think you'll need one. You seem to have enough energy." He said and I smacked his arm.

He took my hand, intertwining our fingers and pulling me toward the coffee cart in the middle of the mall. His name was Finn Harries. He wore glasses every now and then, dressed classy, wore a cross ring everyday, studied graphic design and was an identical twin. Yep, he definitely wasn't cliché, but then again, neither was I.

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