Going Up (Finn Harries Imagine)

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"Good morning Danielle!" The Barista chirped as she saw me walk in. I gave a small wave and smile. "Good morning." I said groggily. She frowned when she heard my tone of voice. "Rough night?" I shook my head and frowned. "Yea, didn't get much sleep last...last minute paperwork...you know." She nodded, understanding. "Yep, I know. And I also know what to make you to wake you up!" She said cheerfully. I gave her a tired smile and thanked her. As she was making my coffee, the shop door bell rang. Out of curiosity, I looked over my shoulder to see who it was.

It was a man who looked around my age. His hair was done up in a quiff but you could tell his hair was starting to grow out and he put it into a quiff to try and tame it. He wore a simple dark blue t-shirt with jeans. His eyes were a pale green and his smile widened as I saw him take a deep breath, inhaling the smell of the shop. "Man, I missed this place." He said, his British accent eminent in his voice. The barista turned around.

"Finn! It's been too long!" She exclaimed, her eyes brightening as she saw him. He turned to see where the voice was coming from. His eyebrows raised in question and as soon as he saw the barista, he smiled. "Hey! Yea, two months is way too long for me to be away from this little shop." He noticed me and gave me an acknowledged nod. I gave one back and he sent a little smirk my way. I looked away, blushing at the ground. I was never good with boys. I always got awkward or weird whenever one tried to flirt with me or if I'm just near a cute guy. I flicked my eyes in his direction, catching little glances at him as he stared at the menu, eyebrows knitted in concentration, his fingers tapping the counter in a specific rhythm.

"Danielle!!" The barista knocked me out of my trance. "Huh, what?" She turned to where (or in this case, who) I was looking at. She smirked and handed me my coffee. "Have a nice day." She said, giving me a cheeky smile. I blushed, sipping my coffee. "But in all seriousness, take care of yourself." She stated. I thanked her and walked out of the shop, looking over my shoulder to get one more look at Finn.

As I entered the office building, I was bombarded by the lobby secretary. "Ms. Danielle. The director wants you to process these right away. Apparently, they were part of yesterday's papers but they were missed during delivery." I almost dropped my coffee, my mouth agape. "But yesterday's papers are due at noon! I can't possibly finish the rest of them by noon!" I whined. She frowned and gave an apologetic look. "Director's orders..." She said quietly. "Yea, director's mistake too." I grumbled, snatching the papers. The secretary kept looking at me with sad eyes. I sighed and shook my head. "Sorry, it's not your fault. 'Don't shoot the messenger', right?" I said, giving her a small smile and walking past the lobby desk.

I walked to the elevators and pushed the up button. As I waited, I thought about this job. I didn't want it. I wanted to draw. I was an artist in the making and now I'm working in a graphics design company to make money and hopefully make myself known. But for now, I'm stuck doing other people's bidding as a lowly assistant. One day, I told myself. One day.

The doors dinged as they opened and I stepped into the elevator. Just as I was about the doors were going to close, I heard a voice shouting "Wait! Hold the elevator!" I instantly pressed the 'open doors' button and the person ran into the elevator just in time. I looked and saw that it was the guy from the coffee shop. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and exhaled, leaning against the wall of the elevator. "Thanks for that." He said kindly. He opened his eyes and looked in my direction. He had a shocked expression on his face and pointed a finger at me."Hey, you're that girl from the coffee shop." I nodded, giving him a little wave. He grinned and held out his hand. "Finn." I shook his hand. "Danielle." He nodded hid, bowing a little. "Nice to make your acquaintance, Danielle." I giggled at his chivalry.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. "I work here." His face changed to one of realization and continued to look at the glowing numbers as they incremented. "What are you doing here?" I asked him this time. He turned his head to look at me. Looking at me when he's talking, that's polite. "I have a potential partnership with this company on a special project for my brother." "What kind of project?" "My brother and I put up a website for the internet community and well, as our goals changed to more world changing ones, our website looked a little childish." "You and your brother designed the website?" He shook his head. "Nah, only me." My eyes went wide. "Only you? Without some sort of team or anything?" He nodded. I raised both of my eyebrows at him. "That's amazing!" He gave me a cheeky smile. "Thanks...what made you decide to work here?" I looked up at the ceiling, thinking. "I want to be an artist. I wanted to take this job because I thought I would've been able to show some of my work at the company's conferences and galas..." I now looked at the ground. "But for now, I'm just and assistant....pushing paper."

Next thing I knew the elevator jerked to a stop. My eyes went wide, as did Finn's. "Oh no..." I mumbled. The lights of the elevator shut off and we were both in the dark. I then remembered that this elevator was not the most reliable. The company knew that but refused to shut down the elevator to get it fixed. Finn looked at me the same time I looked at him. "Uh, does this happens a lot?" He asked, laughing nervously. "Argh!" I groaned in frustration and dropped to the floor. Finn, however, was calm. He did sigh though and followed my actions, dropping to the floor. He rested one arm on his knee and leaned his head back against the wall. I cannot believe that this was happen to me. Today, of all days.

I started thinking about what needed to get done. The papers, organizing for the conference, and so on and so on. I started fidgeting. My hands starting started getting clammy. My breathing became uneven and I got scared. I brought my knees to my chest. "Hey, you okay?" Finn asked concerned. But I didn't hear him. My hearing was impaired as I got dizzy. I put my head in between my knees and started taking deep breaths. I was stupid, taking this job when I knew how bad my anxiety could get at times.

I jumped as I felt arms wrap around my shoulders. I hear whispering in my ear. "It's fine." "It's going to be okay." "Take deep breaths" "There you go." I come to the realization that the voice belonged to Finn. Little to my knowledge, he scooted over to where I was. Even though the inside of the elevator was hot, due to lack of air conditioning, I was feeling cold. I leaned into Finn and he wrapped his arms tighter around me. We fell into a silence whee the only thing that can be heard was my deep breathing.

"I wonder if this will turn into one of those romantic stories where the guy and the girl get stuck in the elevator and they fall in love with each other." Finn joked. For the first time in the whole two hours we were in this elevator, I laughed. My head was against his chest so I couldn't see but I could feel him smile at his triumph of getting me to laugh. He continued to talk and make jokes to pass the time. He told me about how his little sister has these anxiety attacks as well and how either him or his brother would calm her down. He also told me about his brother. His twin brother, actually. He said how he wanted me to meet his twin brother. He said his brother's name was Jack. I started to realize that I did want to meet his family. I wanted to meet Jack. I wanted to meet Emmy. I wanted to know more about him. I wanted him to show me how he lived and how he and his brother films videos. I blushed at the thought.

"Can I?" I asked. He looked at me confused. I was still in his arms. Not because of my anxiety attack. That ended like half an hour ago. I was still in his arms because it felt nice and just plain right. "Can I meet them?" He smiled at me and his eyes softened. He rested his lips on my hair, gently kissing it. "Of course."

We heard a cranking sound and looked toward the door. We saw a crowbar make its way through the slit between the doors and Finn and I broke apart. We stood up and stood next to each other. The fire marshal pulled the doors apart and a breeze of collar hit my face. One of my coworkers stood behind him, her eyes filled with worry. "Danielle!" She hugged me as I walked out. "Thank god you're okay!" She pulled apart from me and looked behind me to find Finn walking out as well. She gave me a look and I giggled shaking my head.

The fire marshal got our testaments and ordered the company to fix the elevator. When everything had settled down, my coworker went back to her station and Finn and I were left alone again. Finn was told that under the circumstances, the company made some extra time to finally meet with him. Before we parted, Finn turned to look at me. Before he spoke, I did. "I have a lunch break at one." I said, smirking at him. He grinned and nodded. "I'll be waiting in the lobby then." He said, turning to walk away. Before he could I grabbed his hand. He turned back around confused and I kissed his cheek. He stood there dumbfounded, holding his cheek. I giggled and walked away, leaving him standing there.

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