Safe and Sound (Finn Harries Imagine)

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"Finn, can we go eat now?" I whined, falling face first on his bed. He raised an eyebrow at me from his desk, not looking away from the screen. "Just now...I'm almost done here." He said, typing away on his keyboard. I groaned into his pillow and pulled his covers over my head.

Finn and I have been best friends since we were in school. We did everything together and people would call us twins just to piss Jack off. Every time we decided to do something together, Jack would groan and say "Just have sex already!" which would cause us to hit Jack over the head.

"Alright, let's go." He said, getting up from his seat. I jumped off his bed and ran down the stairs, excited to finally fill my stomach. I grabbed my penny board and Finn grabbed his right after me. We said bye to Finn's family who were in the kitchen and we rode all the way to Nando's, a common stop when we couldn't decide where to eat.

The hostess welcomed us and led us to our table. Finn and I talked about upcoming Jacksgap projects and some of my own projects while we ate. For the first time, we talked about all the memories we had growing up and how we've been friends for so long.

After dinner, Finn and I walked around London, pennyboarding down sidewalks and doing crazy tricks that resulted us falling on our asses, laughing. It was now dark we decided to ride the London Eye. We looked out the window at a birds eye view of London at night. I looked over at Finn while he looked entranced by the city. I took in his features and noticed how defined he got since school. The bright lights of the city illuminated his face, making his eyes shine, even at night. They shone with a ray of curiosity, happiness and contentment.

One thing that wasn't spoken at dinner and the thing I didn't bring up, was how much I had fallen for him over the years. I had only fallen in love with him a couple years ago so I didn't want to ruin a friendship that has been going on for many years than to admit a love from two years ago.

The day ended with Finn walking me home. We hugged, said our goodbyes and Finn went on his way home. I walked into my flat, did my nightly routine and hopped into bed. I thought about what happened in the London Eye. Was Finn thinking the same stuff I was? Probably not. I'm not one for those cliché stories where the girl likes her friend and she wonders if he does too and she thinks he doesn't but he actually does. But that does happen in real life. It's happening to me right now. I honestly believe that Finn has no feelings for me. Our friendship is too strong. He probably thinks of me nothing more than a friend.

All these thoughts always went back to the same thing. I was in love with Finn. And each time I said it, the stronger my feelings became.

Before I knew it, I found myself ignoring Finn. My love for him grew stronger and it got to a point where it hurt to be around him because I knew that he couldn't be mine. It may sound selfish but it was the only way I knew how to cope. Finn called and texted many times...even emailed, but I never responded. He would pop by my flat every now and then but I laid low so he would think I wasn't home, which worked.

I felt horrible for doing this to Finn out of the blue but...I didn't have any other option. I decided to at least check the answering machine and listen to his voicemails. All of them were the same. He kept asking what he did and hoe he himself was getting pissed off cause I won't tell him what's wrong and that I suddenly stopped talking to him. Jack called a few times too. He, of course, called because he played the role of the caring brother. He begged me to call Finn because he said that all Finn did nowadays was try and figure out what he did wrong.

The last voicemail was from Finn saying that they were going to Kenya for charity purposes, and I quote, "if I cared." My heart broke. I pushed him to a point where he though I didn't care anymore. I dropped to the floor next to the phone and sobbed, my head in my hands. I didn't want it to come to this. What have I done? I stopped talking to Finn to get rid of my feelings for him but instead ruined the whole god damned friendship. Why didn't I stop it earlier? I obviously knew what I was doing, but for every passing day this went on, I got more and more scared to face him.

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