Too Hot (Jack Harries Imagine)

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You coming? I read over the text a couple of times. This kid. He always wanted to go out with his friends. Does he ever get tired? I texted Finn to ask if he was going. Finn was less...hyper than Jack. Jack was the social monkey. He loved entertaining people and hanging with his friends. Probably as much as he loved filming. Finn sometimes didn't go with Jack to these gatherings because Finn actually had a sleep cycle. Jack wasn't a partyer, per say. He didn't go to clubs and got drunk every night. He would just go out and have dinner with friends. But even that can make you tired. This time, it was a get together at Alfie's place.

I sighed and finally texted Jack an 'okay' before getting off my comfortable bed to get ready. Jack loved when I was around. He loved spending time with me and going out of his way to making me feel special. He took me out on surprise dates sometimes to the cutest spots. He showered me with love. I also loved having him around. He always made me laugh and made me actually feel good about myself. I was self-conscious, but I see that with the help of Jack, that's starting to change for the good. I rummaged through my closet, pulling out a pair of jeans, and a white shirt with a denim jacket. Finn texted me back saying that he was going to sit this one out. Great. After that I got a text from Jack saying that he was going to be here in five minutes. I quickly got dressed and put my hair up in a ponytail.

On time, my doorbell rang and I skipped to open it. I was met with a smile that always seemed to make my day. "Hey babe." He said, kissing my cheek. "Hello to you too." I said, giggling. I walked out, making sure to grab my purse on the way out. I locked my door and gladly took Jack's hand as we walked to his car.

We got to Alfie's place in no time and was greeted by the lovely Zoe. "ANA!" She screamed, engulfing me in a bear hug. Jack laughed, finally trying to pull us part after a good minute. "Alright, Zoe, let her go before you suffocate her." He teased. Zoe stuck her tongue out at him and let go of me. "Come on, everybody's waiting!" She said, grabbing both my and Jack's hand and pulling us into the house.

We were greeted by the whole YouTube gang minus Finn. Finn never thought of himself of a YouTuber, but we like to tell him otherwise.

We played games, told stories, and laughed our heads off. It was a fun night, I'll admit.

We were all sitting in a circle playing little games like Truth or Dare and Would You Rather. I was sat in between Jack's legs with his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder. "Okay, I know what we should play!" Alfie exclaimed, with a smirk. "What's with that cheeky smirk, Alfie?" Jack said. "We're going to play....TOO HOT!" Everyone started blushing and I looked around, confused. "What's Too Hot?" I asked. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy, including Jack. "What?" I asked, clearly more confused. "Too Hot is when you get to together with your significant other, or if you're single, then with a random person, and you have to start kissing..." I blushed when he said 'kissing' and I looked over my shoulder, at Jack. He just gave me a crooked smile. "And when you start kissing, the only rule is that the first person to touch the other loses."

I started thinking who was the first person to touch the other when Jack and I kissed. I came to the conclusion that ever since Jack let his hair grow a little, it was always me. I guess I couldn't help running my hands through his hair...I started blushing at the thought. "What are you blushing about, babe?" Jack asked, kissing my temple. I snuggled closer into him, can't getting enough of having him against me. I shook my head, saying nothing. "I suggest Zoe and I go first!" Alfie practically screamed and Zoe smacked him upside the head, blushing. Zoe looked unsure so I decided to cheer them on. "Yes, Zalfie!" I yelled and everyone else joined in, chanting 'Zalfie'.

She finally agreed and Alfie leaned in for the kill. We all watched intently, waiting for one of them to give up. Jack leaned against me, whispering in my ear. "My bet's on Alfie fucking up." He said, his breath hot against my ear. I giggled and nodded. "Me too." Sure enough, Alfie slipped his arms around Zoe's waist. I started laughing and gave Jack a high five. Markie Butt Butt spoke up. "Hah, you lose, Alfie!" Alfie pouted, lipstick all around hip mouth, still holding Zoe close. Zoe looked at me and winked, obviously drowning in her glory. I gave her a thumbs up and Alfie saw. "Okay, I suggest Ana and Jack go next!" I froze. "Hey, you already chose you and Zoe! You can't pick again!" Alfie smirked. "Ah, but my dear Ana, it is MY party. Plus, what does everyone else want?" He cupped a hand around his ear, leaning toward everyone else. They all started chanting 'Jana' and I looked toward Louise and Zoe, who were chanting as well. I sent a glare their way and they shrugged their shoulders, each muttering a 'sorry'.

"Jack what-" before I could finish, Jack's lips were already on mine. Instinctively, my hands shot up but I quickly caught myself, putting my hands down. Jack and I kept going in, kiss after kiss after kiss. He bit my bottom lip, but I kept my mouth closed. If he can't put his hands anywhere, there's an advantage to me. I bit his bottom lip and he groaned but kept his mouth closed as well, both of us still going strong.

I kept my eyes closed because if I opened my eyes and saw his hair, it would be over. I could feel Jack pushing up against me, trying to get as close to me as possible without putting his hands around me, pulling me close. He groaned again. Not a sexual groan, but a frustrated groan. This was probably torture to it was to me. I finally opened my mouth for him and he shot his tongue in.

"Geez, aren't they having trouble breathing?" I heard someone say. I giggled, biting Jack's tongue in the process. He grunted, bringing his tongue back. He kissed my top lip, then my bottom, trying to get me to give in.

Sure enough, two minutes later, my hands found their way into his hair. Alfie was the first to scream out. "Ana lost!" We pulled apart, breathing heavily. I shot a glare in Alfie's direction and turned back to Jack. He has this look in his eyes that made me want to tackle him and make out again. He looked hungry...but it wasn't for food.

The moment passed and we were back to talking and watching videos on Alfie's laptop, me being between Jack's legs again. Only this time, he was more touchy and kissed my neck every now and then. He would sneak his hand under my shirt and draw little circles on my waist, something he knew I loved. There was something sensual but also comforting in it.

We finally left the party early, Jack saying that he was tired, which was unusual for him, considering he loved staying out until like four in the was only midnight. When we got home, I found myself against a wall. I yelped at the sudden motion. I opened my eyes and saw Jack looking down at me, the same dark look in his eyes. I smirked and raised an eyebrow. "It must have been hell, holding this urge in." "Oh, you have no idea." He growled, crashing his lips onto mine.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling at the ends of his hair. He groaned and tightened his grip around me, squeezing my hips. I squealed and hi snuck his tongue back in my mouth, finishing what he started at Alfie's party.

He detached himself from my lips and went for my neck. He left sloppy kisses and bites, giving me more than one hickey. He then grabbed my right leg and locked it around his torso. I brought my hands to his chest, beginning to undo the buttons of his shirt. I pushed it off his shoulders while he wiggled to help me. Soon enough, the shirt dropped to the floor. I traced his collarbones with my hands. His collarbone were one of my favorite parts of his body. They were the epitome of defined.

I stopped when I heard him growl again. He dropped my leg to the ground. "This isn't working..." He mumbled more to himself. He kissed up my neck to my ear. He bent down and wrapped his arms around my torso. "Jump." He demanded, his hot breath hitting my ear. I gasped and jumped, wrapping my legs around his waist. His low voice turned me on. I'll admit. When Jack and I had sex, it was usually not this...urgent. But Jack wanted me...and he wanted me now. If anything, you need to know one thing about Jack Harries. When he wants something, he'll get it. No matter how hard he has work.

Without stopping the kiss, he carried me to the bedroom. When we got there, he dropped me on the bed and climbed on top of me, pressing his shirtless body against me. He began kissing my neck again, rubbing his hips against mine. "How about we continue this game of Too Hot....except, there are no rules."

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