Ellen Interview (Jack Harries Imagine)

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"This lady's YouTube videos has earned a place on the top of the charts with big hit single! The last time she was here was two years ago! Please welcome (Y/N) (Y/L/N)" As soon as I heard my name being called, I was ushered through the mini hall and I came face to face with Ellen's audience. I then looked at Ellen and a smile immediately appeared on my face. I held out my arms and welcomed her into a hug. Ellen was one of my favorite people on he planet and I feel honored to be interviewed by her, let alone her being my television debut. I sat down in the chair next to hers and waited for the audience to die down. "How are you? I've been waiting to meet you again!" "What? That's my line!" I say, laughing. The audience laughed with me. "So what have you been up to lately? New tour coming up?" "Uh, yes! And it's a world tour too, so I'm really excited." "Wow, that's big! First world tour too, right?" I nodded. "Yep." As soon as I said that, the audience cheered.

Ellen clapped along with them. "That's incredible! You really deserve it. You're such an amazing singer." I smiled and swatted a hand at her. "Stop it! Thank you so much. It really means a lot." "Do you still do videos on your YouTube channel?" I nodded again. "Yep. I still like to keep in touch with my viewers. The only thing that's changed is that I include videos of me singing now." Ellen nodded, understanding. "So you still do challenges and stuff like that?" I laughed, remembering when I did the cinnamon challenge. "Yes! I just did the smoothie challenge with Lilly. You know her. She was the one who did that Mirror Move thing with the car?" I explained, pretending like I was driving a car. Ellen smiled, indicating she remembered. "Oh yeah! That's right! She's uh...Superwoman?" I nodded. "Yep."

Ellen then put on a smirk. "So do you plan on doing the...Boyfriend Tag?" I blushed , wondering where she was going with this. "What're you-" all of a sudden a picture of Jack and me that I posted on Instagram flashed on the screen between the two chairs that Ellen and I sat in. Everybody started whistling and I turned to look at the screen. "Oh no.." I said, embarrassed as I hung my head, covering my face with hands, embarrassed. I should've known this was coming. Ellen was known for putting interviewees on the spot about relationships. Ellen laughed as if she read my mind. "You knew this was coming." I nodded, lifting my head. "Yea, Taylor warned me about you." I said, laughing, remembering when I met Taylor Swift not too long ago. She had came to one of my concerts for support and I told her about me being on the Ellen show and she warned me about Ellen's habit of prying on relationships.

Ellen laughed, probably about the fact that it was Taylor who warned me. After the embarrassing moment (in my opinion), Ellen started asking the general questions about my relationship with Jack, pretending not to know like a typical interviewer, but this was for her own entertainment, wanting me to say these things out loud. "So, what's his name?" I blushed. "Jack...Harries." "And what does he do?" "He's a YouTuber like me." "What's his channel name?" "Jacksgap." "How long have you guys been dating?" I put a finger to my chin, thinking. "Two years I think. Not too long after my debut on your show." "Wow, where'd you guys meet?" I smiled as I remembered the memory all too well. "It was actually at Playlist Live in my home state of Florida. It was actually weird because I met Finn first." Ellen raised a brow. "Really?"

I nodded. "Yea. Like, I was meeting up with some viewers and I ran into Finn and he invited me to this get together that some youtubers were having and I went, I met Jack and ...yea." I ended, smiling. "Do you guys plan on doing a lot of videos together?" Another picture came up on the screen of us together. "Um, I personally don't want to because you know, his viewers are watching videos for him. So I want to give them that and not have anyone saying that you know, I'm shoving the relationship in their face." I made a motion of shoving something.

"Do you miss him now? Because he lives in London, right?" I nodded. "Yea, he lives in London, but he's here now." Ellen had a shocked look. "Really?" I nodded again. "Yea, he's backstage actually." "Do you want to bring him out?" The audience cheered and I laughed. "I'll have to ask him..." I said, uncertain. "Okay, we'll be right back and when we come back we may or may not meet Jack Harries." Ellen's theme music played and the audience started getting up and dancing. Ellen pulled close to her so I could hear her over the loud screams of the audience. "Do you want to go ask him now?" I said yes and got up and walked backstage.

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