Program of Love (Finn Harries Imagine)

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Sophie's POV

Keep walking. Keep walking. I kept telling myself this as I wiggled past the crowded streets of Chiswick, London. I was on my way to my university to attend my Computer Science class. I gained a scholarship here exceeding all of my other classmates back in Leeds. The head of the university told me that my knowledge and capability of Computer Science would more useful here at a university in London. I, not really caring where I went, took the offer, taking it as a chance to travel to another part of England.

I was a quiet girl who didn't really say much. I just "rolled with the punches" as they say. I didn't have many friends...well, I didn't have any friends, but I didn't mind. I just did my own business and moved on. Don't get me wrong, I was nice when I needed to be, but I didn't interact much.

The only thing I really look forward to are YouTube videos. It always amazed me that these people could do crazy things and enjoy them. I don't really subscribe to a load of people. One particular channel that always catches my attention because of all the adventures they had is Jacksgap. I guess you can say that I've been jealous as to how much they travel. Especially when one of the twins used to sit in the same auditorium as me during one of my Graphic Design classes. I've seen some of his work when we've been paired for group projects and stuff and he could really go far with it.

I continued walking down the street, picking up my pace, seeing as though I have slowed down because I was daydreaming. I heard a rumble above and I looked up at the sky. Dark clouds loomed over me and a flash of lightning crackled across the sky. I picked up my pace a little more until I was practically running. I got to the university just in time. I looked behind me as it started pouring. I sighed and walked into the class building.

Finn's POV

"So, we've decided then? I'll do the blogging and you'll do the graphics?" Jack asked. I nodded, stretching. A thought ran through my mind and I decided to bring it up with Jack. "Hey Jack..." He turned to look at me from his desk, while I was on the couch, throwing a rainbow colored ball in the air. We were in his room, finalizing the idea for our website. "Yea Finn?" I sat up, looking at him. I remember taking a computer class on programming at Leeds and I mentally slapped myself for not remembering about the base of the website. "Who's going to program the site?" Jack stared at me with a blank expression. He then caught on and let out a frustrated sigh. "You're right! Good job there, Finny!" I smirked and threw the rainbow ball at him which he caught with ease.

His face had a concentrated look on it. "Who will we get to program it?" we sat there, contemplating our options. We could hire a professional but that would cost a fortune. "Do you know a friend who could do it?" Jack tapped his fingers on his desk, thinking. He frowned, shaking his head. I sighed, falling back against the couch. We did have the money, but if there was a cheaper option, we were all for it.

All of a sudden, we heard our mother's voice downstairs. "Jack! Finn! Can one of you drop by the grocery store for me?"We both groaned. Jack's face lit up as if he remembered something. "I went last time, Finny!" He smirked at me. Before Jack could say it, I beat him to it. "Cheeky Jack." I muttered. He chuckled as I walked out of his room.

Milk and eggs. I kept saying it over and over again so I don't forget it. Since it was only two things, I decided to take my pennyboard for a ride. I came to the store and hopped off the pennyboard. I walked into the store and headed straight for the dairy section, deciding to get the milk first. As I was walking down the aisles, I passed a girl who looked oddly familiar. As I continued walking, she kept my interest and I tried to remember where I saw her. I arrived at the dairy section and I grabbed the milk. For some reason, then it hit me. She was from one of my computer classes when I attended Leeds. But what was she doing here? She couldn't have dropped out. She was a child prodigy at computer...programming. That thought ran through my head about ten times before I rushed to get everything mom wanted and rushed out the automatic sliding doors.

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