In thd Style of 'Grease' (Finn Harries Imagine)

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"Jess!" I turned around, hearing my best friend's voice in the distance. I see her running toward me, grinning like an idiot. "Hey (BF Name)!" I grabbed my coffee from the stand, thanking the cashier. "What's up?" I asked her curiously, standing on the side with all the condiments, adding my cream and sugar to my coffee. "You'll never guess what musical we're doing for the Spring!" I sighed, rubbing my face with one hand. "(BF Name)!" I whined. "You know I love acting and singing...but this university's choices in musicals...isn't the best." I said slowly. She laughed at my choice of words.

"Yea, yea, I know. But you're going to like this one!" I put a hand on my hip and stared at her. "Alright...lay it on me." I sighed out. She jumped up and down, squealing. "'GREASE'!" I froze, a pack of sugar in hand. "You're not serious?" She was still jumping up and down. "DEAD SERIOUS!" I smiled and wide and started jumping up and down, squealing with her. I grabbed my coffee and start fast running ahead of her. "Well, come on! We got to sign up! I HAVE to be Sandy (the girl main character)!!" I yell behind me. She starts giggling and runs to catch up with me.

We walked to the drama department and walked up to the reception desk. "Hi! I'm here to see about auditioning for the Spring musical?" The receptionist showed me where to go and we ran into the drama club representatives. "Jess! Surprising to see you here. You used to be in EVERY musical when you first started here at Leeds...what happened? You sort of just stopped auditioning." One of them asked. I laughed nervously. I didn't want to be rude and tell them I didn't like their choice in musicals. "Oh you know....I just focus on my studies for a little bit." I said, scratching the back of my head. My best friend gave me a look but shrugged it off. The other representative gave me a sign up sheet. "Here. You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for this, right?" I nodded thankfully, adding my name to the list of girls who wanted the part of Sandy. I wasn't surprised. 'Grease' is a popular musical.

I thanked them and my best friend and I hurried to our afternoon classes. Behind me, I heard one of the representatives acknowledging another competitor. "Hey, Jess. I think I just saw Finn walk up to the representatives..." She said. My heart skipped a beat and I looked behind me but no one was there.

The day came for the auditions to be held. All the people who signed up were first years and were pretty nervous, which shows in their performances. I remember when I was like that. I did a lot of musicals when I was younger but university was a whole other level. But since I was a third year so I was used to the nerves. I had rein act Sandy's song "Hopelessly Devoted to You".

Later that day, I got a call from the drama committee saying that I got the part. I started jumping up and down, screaming. I called my best friend and told her. She was just as excited as I was.

Later that weekend, I went to the drama building for the first day of rehearsal. I started talking to the other actors and actresses, getting to know them. When it came closer to rehearsal time, I didn't notice anyone who was supposed to play Danny (the male main character)." I tapped an actor on the shoulder as he was passing. "Yea?" He asked. "Hi, um, I'm playing Sandy and I was just wondering...who's supposed to play Danny?" He looked at me confused. "You're playing Sandy and no one told you who's playing Danny? It's Finn, of course." I froze in my place. "Finn?" He raised an eyebrow at me. "Yea...?" "Like, Finn...HARRIES?" I asked, emphasizing 'Harries'. He nodded, looking at me weirdly and continued walking to of wherever he was walking.

As if on cue, Finn walked into the room, talking with who seems to be another actor. He noticed me staring and smiled at me, waving slightly. I waved back and continued talking with the actor. He said bye to the actor and started walking over to me. I looked around me, making sure he was walking up to me specifically. When he got to me, he held out his hand. "Hey, I'm Finn. I'll be playing Danny. And my friend over there told me you'll be playing Sandy?" I nodded, shaking his hand. "Uh, yes. " I clear my throat and laughed nervously. "Yea, I'm playing Sandy. It's a pleasure to work with you." He chuckled, waving a hand at me. "No need to be formal!"

The rehearsal went well. We practiced the first song as well and Finn was not bad at singing, I might say. It was a lot of fun. He was funny during breaks and in character when he needed to be. We talked some more when the other actors practiced parts that we weren't in. He was really sweet. We talked about some classes we're taking and also how we sort of knew each other from a few acting classes.

He said that his twin brother encouraged him to take some drama classes even through his brother was the one majoring in film. Finn wanted to major in graphic design.

He surprisingly walked me to my dorm building and then we said our goodbyes. As soon as I got to my room, I called my best friend and told her about to today. She was so excited that I was in this play with Finn and how he walked me back to the dorm. "I can SO see you guys together. You guys are my OTP!" "(BF Name)..." "What?!" She whined. "Please don't use your internet slang in our conversations..." She huffed over the phone. "Whatever..."

Finn and I got to know each other more and more over the days, even on days where there was no rehearsal. We would spend the day at a cafe somewhere, talking about our lives. I told him about when I was in musicals in my younger years and told him about some embarrassing moments. He told me some similar experiences on this show that he and his brother were on called 'School of Comedy'. He even face timed his brother one day so I could meet him. I could barely tell them apart. Jack was his name. He was more bubbly than Finn was and teased his brother about how "Finny finally got a girl." Finn would blush and scold his brother, while I blushed and giggled.

The day of the musical finally came and I was backstage, pacing back and forth, going over difficult lines. I warmed up my vocal chords, doing simple exercising my singing coach taught me. Finn found me backstage. "There you are!" He said. He looked good in his little 50's T-Birds outfit. "I was looking for you to wish you good luck!" "Well, thank you, Mr. Finny...or should I say...Danny." I said, smirking at him. He chuckled and gave me a hug.

The musical went better than planned. I loved playing Sandy...I Just loved performing my favorite movie in general. Finn played an awesome Danny as well. The one thing I was nervous about is that we didn't rehearse our kissing scenes. So when it came time to do them, I was more nervous than actually staying in character. Finn must have noticed because he was as gentle as possible. When he kissed me, it was one of the greatest feelings in the world and it just felt right. My favorite part was when we all sang "You're the One that I Want". It was fun and everybody was smiling and just having a good time.

Jack came as well and I was introduced to him. He was more energetic in person and congratulated Finn with a headlock. While they were having their brotherly moment, I went to find my best friend. "Jess! Over here!" I followed her voice and was welcomed by one of her hugs. "That was amazing! You were amazing!" She said, hugging me harder. We talked a little more about the play when Finn walked up to me. "Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" I nodded saying bye to my best friend.

"Where's Jack?" "I asked him to get me something to drink..." I rolled my heels, nervous as to what he wanted to say because he looked nervous. He looked me straight me in the eye. "Do you want to go out with me?" He said fast. I stopped. "What?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "Will you go out with me?" When the words processed I smiled wide. "Of course!" I yelled, jumping in his arms. He started laughing and spun me around with me lifting my feet of the ground. He put me down and kissed my cheek, grabbing my hand. "I can't wait for our date." He said randomly. I smirked at him, pretending to smoke an imaginative cigarette. "Tell me about it...Stud."

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