The Hook-Up (Jack Harries/Finn Harries Imagine)

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I opened my eyelids to the sunlight that poured into the room. My head was pounding as I tried to move. I groaned and pulled the covers over me. I tried to look around the room but I couldn't recognize where I was. My stomach felt queasy but it wasn't too bad. The headache was a lot more intolerable. I felt stirring next to me and I froze. 'What...?' I slowly turned around to see Jack sleeping soundly next to me. I sighed as I realized it was him and not some stranger. As I turned it came to my attention how smooth the sheets were. "Wait..." I murmured. I slowly picked up the sheets and and looked under them. I gasped and quickly dropped them. 'Oh no...' I slowly turned my head to look at Jack again. Yep, he was shirtless...and I did not want to look under the covers to confirm that he was naked as well. I covered my mouth and looked around the room again. It all started coming back to me now, and much to my dismay, it was NOT good.

***Rewind: The Day Before***

I ran to the couch, laughing along the way. "Anna, get back here!" I heard Finn yell from the kitchen. I laughed harder as I hid behind the couch. Finn asked if he could come over since we haven't seen in each other in awhile because he was busy redoing the whole Jacksgap website. I, of course, said yes.

Finn and I have been dating for about a year now and I couldn't be happier. He helped me get over a love before and I find myself laughing every time I'm with him. I met him through Jack because Jack and I used to go to the same university before Jack left to pursue his youtube career. I became a subscriber and I ran into him again at Summer in the City and that's how I came to meet Finn as well.

We had just finished making muffins because Finn insisted we make them...I wonder why?...note the sarcasm. While he was putting the muffins in the oven, I silently grabbed a handful of flour and chucked it in his hair. Finn, being a little self-conscious about how his hair looked, was NOT happy. So here we are. Me running away from him while he tries to find me, flour in hand and looking around as if looking for his prey. I snickered as he passed by the couch, not noticing me.

I took this chance to jump the couch and onto his back. He jumped and dropped the flour on the living room carpet. "Awh, Finny, you ruined the carpet." I said innocently and he didn't say anything. "Finny?" He then backed up and dropped me on the couch. I let out a huff as my back hit the couch. Next thing I knew I was being pushed down on the couch and Finn was hovering over me. "You're gonna pay for that." He said in his deep voice that I loved. I giggled trying to get out from his grasp, but he quickly put one of knees in between my legs and put the other one on the the outside of my leg, keeping me in place.

He leaned down and snuggled is head against my neck, planting little kisses and bites. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck. Just then my phone rang and Finn groaned like a kid, dropping his head against my neck, looking defeated. I laughed, reaching in my pocket to grab my phone. "Hello?"

***FF: The Party***

I laughed as me and my friend walked up the party, arm in arm. My friend called me when I was with Finn and asked me if I wanted to go to a party. I was hesitant as I wanted to spend more time with Finn but he said it was fine and that Jack was going to be there so he wouldn't have to worry about me. As we entered the party, I was overwhelmed by how many people were actually there. I finally became aware of the fact that my friend knew almost everyone and I new nobody. She friend to introduce me to people but it was really awkward. I scanned the room, hoping to find someone I knew and then I saw Jack. He was talking with someone I didn't know. He was wearing jeans a white button up shirt and his hair was slicked back. He had a cup in his hand, taking a sip every now and then. My heart jumped a little bit I pushed it aside. I guess what I haven't told you already was that love I was talking about, the one that Finn helped me get over, was actually the love I had for Jack.

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