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Amara was used to excelling in all of her classes and prided herself in being on top of all her work

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Amara was used to excelling in all of her classes and prided herself in being on top of all her work. Hence why she was sat in the library, catching up on the work that she had missed. Alec was currently in Gym, a class she could not participate in due to her heart condition. Besides, she hated Gym.

She had her headphones in listening to music when she felt someone tap her on the shoulder. She pulled out her headphones before turning her face to see the handsome stranger she saw in the parking lot. From his coldness, she knew he was a vampire but she couldn't understand why she felt drawn to him.

She grinned at the stranger, "What can I do for you?" Edward could practically hear the sass in her tone. She was definitely different and he couldn't wait to figure her out. She was a mystery that he needed to solve.

"I'm Edward Cullen. I wanted to introduce myself since I know you're new to the school and wanted to offer my assistance in anyway that I could." He sat down in front of her. Amara could feel that he was try to figure her out and paid attention to her every move.

"I'm Amara Moira but I'm guessing you knew that since small talk travels fast around here. Since you've been here longer than I have, any good book stores around?" Amara loved reading but had to give up her books because she had too many and her parents thought it would be a good idea to give them away to charity, hence why she wanted to seek out a book store as soon as possible.

"I'm guessing you like reading?"

"Yep. My family travels a lot and reading helps me unwind." One more thing he could add to the list of things that he knew about her.

"I completely understand, I have quite a collection myself. There's not many bookstores in Forks, therefore if you want to find a good bookstore, you have to go to Port Angles. If you don't mind, I would love to give you a ride?" He wanted to spend as much time as he could with her and get to know her.

She grinned, "I would like that." Even though Amara knew she should stay away from him because of his nature, she couldn't. For some reason, she was completely drawn to him. She had a hunch why but she couldn't be sure. When she felt him place his hand on her shoulder, she could feel electricity course through her veins. She couldn't describe the feeling but she was already addicted to it.

"Why did you move to Forks of all places?"

"My parents wanted a change in scenery and they both love small towns, hence why we're here." Truth was, her parents wanted to retire and start over. Being shadowhunters, meant they were immortal but having children accelerated their ageing. Their parents would stop ageing when Max would reach 18.

Edward frowned slightly, "And I'm guessing you don't like it here?"

Amara chuckled softly, "I do, actually. I've always liked the rain, besides nature is my calling. I like the fact that we're practically surrounded by forest. I love drawing, so the scenery is great inspiration." She loved the calmness of the forest and the beauty that she could discover while exploring. When her parents had told her they were moving to Forks, she was excited.

"Really?" Edward was surprised that she liked nature.

He hadn't pegged her for someone that would enjoy nature but then again he didn't really know her. The more he talked to her, the more surprised he was. He thought she was a city girl and would be high maintenance but it was the opposite. She was simple, sweet and didn't care what others thought of her. He was happy to see how different she was to Bella. When he first meet her, he wanted to get to know her but was a little disappointed that they had nothing in common. However, Amara and he had more in common.

"Of course. Just because I grew up in the city doesn't mean I don't appreciate what nature has to offer. In fact I spend most of my time outside," Amara exclaimed softly. She was a little annoyed that he jumped to conclusions regarding her having been raised in the city. New Orleans was a great place to live, especially for an artist like her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't meant to offend you in anyway." Edward jumped at the chance to comfort his mate. He didn't want her to be angry with him for a comment he didn't mean to offend her with.

Amara sighed, "It's fine." Suddenly the bell for next period went, "If you don't mind, can you show me where the Art studio is as I have Art next." She couldn't help but feel comfortable around him and feel that she could trust him despite having only just met him.

Edward grinned, "Of course. Follow me, my lady." He got up and held his arms out for her to hold.

Amara giggled, hooking her arm around his, "And here I thought chivalry was dead."

Edward gave a killer smile that had her blushing, "I can guarantee that it's not." As they walked to Art, Amara couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of being so lose to him. The tingling sensation from his touch was something she could get used to. Being so close to him made her smile and safe.

She knew he was her mate but she was terrified. Not from the way that her family would react but rather the danger that it would bring as her family had a lot of enemies. She already cared about him and now worried what would happen if she lost him.

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