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"I figured I would find you here," Amara smirked as she circled James

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"I figured I would find you here," Amara smirked as she circled James. She was going to end it once and for all before someone else got hurt. He needed to be put down and she wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty. It was her duty to protect humans and he had been allowed to kill for far too long and it had to stop.

James sneered, "We'll see if you get out of this alive. Where's Edward? Shouldn't he be here to save you?" Amara glared at the vampire. She had told everyone to stay away as this was her fight and there was no way in hell she was letting them get involved. James was going to die by her hands. And her hands only.

Amara scoffed, "Why? You don't think you'll be able to take me down on your own? Do you need help?"

James growled before he charged at her, however, she was just as fast and managed to side step. Probably not the best move as James was officially pissed and began punching her but she blocked every punch he sent her way. However, James managed to punch her in the ribs immobilizing her momentarily before she threw him back.

"That hurt," she groaned.

James smirked, "Now you know what happens when you piss me off. Let's finish this."

"Let's," Amara scoffed before James charged at her. However, before James could get to her, she created a forcefield and gave him a brain aneurysm and he clutched his head screaming. Slowly she began to tear him limb from limb before she set him on fire.

Alec and Edward walked to where she was standing while watching the flames. Alec looked at his twin sister with pride while Edward looked at his mate in shock. She had defeated James all on her own.

Alec hugged his sister, "I'm glad you're okay."

"You're not getting rid of me so easily."

"I'd hope not," Edward spoke. Amara smiled at her soulmate as she hugged him. Edward wasted on time in hugging her back. They were all just glad it was finally over. However, something told Amara James wasn't the only one she had to worry about.

"You look absolutely stunning," Edward smiled as he twirled her around while 'Thinking About You' by Ed Sheeran was playing

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"You look absolutely stunning," Edward smiled as he twirled her around while 'Thinking About You' by Ed Sheeran was playing. It had been one of Amara's favourite songs for as long as she can remember.

"Thank you. You look very handsome yourself," she grinned. The two danced for quite a while before Amara could feel eyes burning into the back of her head. When she turned around, low and behold Bella Swan was glaring at her. When Edward noticed what she was looking at, he growled softly.

"Leave it," Amara smiled. She wasn't going to let the brunette ruin her first prom. This was their night and it wasn't going to be ruined under any circumstances.

"I love you," he sighed softly.

"I know. I love you too," Amara smiled as they resumed dancing the night away. Her first prom was definitely a success and one she would remember for a long time.

However, she knew it wasn't over. Something was coming and it was just the beginning.


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