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Amara woke up the next morning happier than she had been in a long time

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Amara woke up the next morning happier than she had been in a long time. She was excited to see Edward again. This time she made it her mission to get to know him better. She had finally accepted him as her soulmate and she needed him as much as he needed her. She hoped to get to know him better before she told him about what she was. She couldn't shake the feeling that he was near all night, part of her assumed that he didn't want to be apart from her so he watched her sleep, something she would not tolerate. She cared about him but watching her sleep was just creepy and she wouldn't have it. She liked her independence and needed a healthy amount of space, as everyone did.

"I'll see you later," Amara smiles as she bids her brother farewell as they get out of the car. Amara had always hated Alec's driving, feeling that he drove too slow but never drove herself as Alec refused to get in the same car as her if she was driving and her parents had cautioned her after having driven over the speed limit once resulting in a fine, which her parents made her pay.

"In a rush?" Her brother teased. Alec was glad that his sister was happy and hoped that she wouldn't get hurt. Despite how strong she was, she had a fragile heart but didn't show it. Alec knew his sister better than anyone and knew that if Edward left her, she would be heartbroken, especially now that she had accepted him.

Amara pouted, "I don't like you."

Alec grinned, "You love me." The twins laughed before making their way inside. Alec went to find his friends while Amara went to her locker to get her AP Biology book. She was lost in her own world till she felt a warmth wash over her, knowing Edward was standing behind her.

"Good morning," he smiled.

Amara turned around to find him smiling down at her. Being short was something she hated. She wasn't even that short but hated when people picked on her for it. She knew she was short, she just didn't need everyone pointing it out.

"Morning to you too," she said grinned.

"I was wondering if you would allow me to walk you to class?"

"And here I thought chivalry was dead. I would like that very much." Edward walked her to their AP Biology class. They made small talk as they walked to their class. He lead her towards their teacher Mr. Molina before making his way towards his seat next to Isabella Swan. Mr. Molina had given her the work sheet they needed to complete for the lesson and assigned her to sit next to Mike Newton behind Edward and Bella.

Amara practically ignored Mike during the entire lesson. He made her feel uncomfortable and she hated the way he practically undressed her with his eyes. She could feel the jealousy radiating off Edward and the low growls every time Mike spoke to her.

She kinda felt bad for Bella as Edward ignored her the entire lesson. Amara knew the brunette had a crush on Edward but Amara knew Edward was hers and nothing could change that. Soon enough the bell rang and Amara moved to gather the things. She could practically feel Edward stare at her and smiled slightly, knowing he was jealous. She heard Mike sigh in annoyance before walking out the classroom. Bella moved to say something to him but he moved closer to Amara, resulting in her looking up at him.

"I don't like the way Mike looked at you," was the first thing Edward said to her when she looked up at him. Bella stood awkwardly behind him but walked away slowly when she realised he wasn't paying any attention to her.

Amara giggled slightly, "It's not my fault. I don't like Mike, if you're asking."

Edward felt a wave of relief wash over him, knowing that she didn't like Mike romantically. He smiled slightly, "I wanted to ask if you would like to accompany me to dinner Friday night?" He had never felt more confident, she brought out a side of him that no one rarely saw.

Amara grinned, "I would love to."

"Great, I'll pick you up Friday at 7."

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