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Edward walked her to all her classes that day

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Edward walked her to all her classes that day. She knew he was trying to get to know her but she needed to keep her space before she spoke to her parents. She didn't want to get too close to him, as she didn't want her heart broken. Her parents had retired for a reason and she didn't want to be the reason for them to move again. She walked out of her last class towards her car. Alec was already leaning against the car, waiting for his sister. The older twin could feel his sisters conflicting emotions. He frowned as she walked towards him, "What's wrong?"

He was trying to figure out what was wrong with her. The twins hardly had any classes together and Amara usually ate lunch alone, whereas Alec liked having lunch with others.

Amara sighed, "Nothing." They both got in the car. Alec could see that Amara was staring at someone across the parking lot and knew why she was conflicted. He knew that she hated being the center of attention and didn't want to cause the family any problems. He let her be, knowing it would be easier for her to talk to the whole family.

"What's wrong?" Their mother asks as Amara as they all sat down for dinner. Both parents had noticed that their daughter was a little distant. Max, however, was still in his own world.

"I think I found my soulmate today?"

Alec frowned at his little sister, "What's wrong with that? Shouldn't you be happy, I mean, I know how long you've waited for your soulmate?" Alec couldn't understand why she was so hesitant. She was smart, beautiful and brilliant, anyone would love her.

Amara sighed, "He's a vampire. From the looks of his eyes, one that feeds of animals but a vampire nonetheless. I don't know what to do?" Both parents looked at each other before smiling. They both knew they couldn't keep their daughter away from her soulmate.

She deserved to be happy. It was their duty as parents to make sure all their children were happy and they weren't about to stop Amara from being with her soulmate, even if he was a vampire.

"Amara, you are our little girl and nothing is going to change that. He is your soulmate and you deserve to be happy. We can't keep you from him. I know you're worried about us moving but is coming here meant you have a chance at some happiness," Robert smiled softly.

"Your father is right. You deserve to be happy. Don't let anything get in the way of being happy. We are all here for you and want you to be happy," Maryse continued. Amara was her only daughter and she wanted nothing more than for her to be happy and be loved and have a beautiful future with her own family.

Alec pinched her cheek, "Mum and Dad are right. You deserve to be happy. He's your soulmate, no one can change that. I'm always going to be here for you. You are amazing and for once you need to let go and let someone take care of you and love you unconditionally."

Amara smiled softly, "Thank you guys. I really needed to hear th-."

Before she could finish her sentence, she felt a hissing pain on her wrist. She grabbed it to see a dark mark slowly appearing. As the mark slowly appeared, a euphoric feeling was left behind. She couldn't describe the feeling but it felt like she was floating on air.

"What does this mean?" She asked softly.

Robert grinned at his little girl, "You've just accepted your soulmate."

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