9 | shopping

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Angela had asked Amara to come shopping for prom dresses with her, Jessica and Bella

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Angela had asked Amara to come shopping for prom dresses with her, Jessica and Bella. As much as she didn't get along with the other two, Angela was a friend and she wasn't going to turn down the offer. Edward had asked her to be careful, hating that she refused to let him come along but knew she was stubborn and wasn't going to let him come even if he begged.

"What do you think of this dress?" Jessica asked.

"It looks good on you. Your boobs look great in that dress," as much as she disliked Jessica, Amara wanted to be polite for Angela's sake.

That was until she heard Bella scoff next to her but Amara just rolled her eyes and ignored her.

"I know right. I might just get this dress," Jessica smiled. Angela shoot Amara a grateful smile that she didn't hesitate to return.

"You guys don't mind if I go to the bookstore down the road?" Bella asked. All the girls knew she wasn't the biggest fan of shopping and would find any excuse to get out of there.

"I'll come with you," Amara spoke. For some reason she knew something bad was going to happen. She had a feeling that Bella would be put in a compromising situation and knew she had to do something. Bella moved to disagree but Amara got up before she could. She followed Amara to the bookstore and they split up. Amara waited by the door for Bella.

When they left the bookstore, they took a short cut through an alleyway and Amara felt her heart leap out of her chest. She could feel the pigs at the end of the alleyway waiting for them. The closer they got to the end of the alleyway, she could hear their their disgusting thoughts.

"Hello beautiful," one of them grinned.

"Looks like we are going to have some fun tonight," another smiled. One of the men moved to grab Bella but Amara got in his way. Before he grabbed her wrist, she grabbed his and twisted it. When he cried out in pain, all the men looked at her.

Suddenly a car came swirling towards them and Amara knew it was Edward.

He got out of the car, growling slightly, "Get in the car." Bella tried to get in the passenger seat but from the way Edward looked at her, she moved to the back. Amara did as she was told and got in the car as well.

"I want nothing more than to go back and kill them. Distract me," he pleaded slightly when he got into the car. He drove off as soon as he did.

Amara sighed before sending a wave of calmness towards him, "Relax. We're both fine."

Bella nodded in agreement, "You don't have to go back. By the looks of it, Amara had it handled, we're fine."

"She's right, I could have handled it but I'm glad you were there. I'm fine. Breathe. I'm right here," Amara spoke softly as he took a hold of her hand to reassure himself that she was fine.

Soon enough they pulled up to the restaurant and were greeted by Angela and Jessica. Both girls stood in shock as they got out of the car.

"Where were you guys? We would have waited but we got hungry," Jessica explained. Edward still had a hold of Amara's hand and refused to let go, his instincts driving him to have her close. He could have lost her and every part of him wanted to lock her away to prevent anyone from taking her away.

Bella stood next to Angela and Jessica, not wanting to be any closer to the couple. It hurt her knowing she couldn't have Edward but the pair clearly didn't care.

Edward smiled, "I'm sorry for keeping the girls occupied. If you guys don't mind taking Bella home, I'll take Amara home?"

Angela nodded, "That's fine. We'll see you in school." Angela, Jessica and Bella walked towards Jessica's car but Bella continued to glance at the couple, more specifically Edward. Amara got slightly annoyed that she did but Edward pulled her close.

Amara sighed, "I'm fine."

"Do you want something to eat or should I just take you home?"

"Home, please." She was physically and emotionally drained that all she wanted to do was sleep with Edward close to her.

She had been terrified tonight and wanted nothing more than for him to hold her close and reassure her that everything was going to be fine.

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