12 | hunted

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"What do you want to do?" Alec asked his twin sister

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"What do you want to do?" Alec asked his twin sister. Amara as well as the Cullen's had gathered at the Moira household after they discovered James's intentions. No one of them wanted him to win and Amara was going to do everything she could for it to stay that way. Thankfully, her parents and Max were in New York on business so Alec was the only one home.

They needed to come up with a way to take out both Victoria and James. Laurent had already come to the Cullen's and surrendered before Carlisle sent him to the Denali's. However, Amara knew she couldn't trust him. Something told her, he would be back.

"As much as I don't want to agree with you, we need to kill him. Otherwise he won't stop," Amara stated in confidence as she looked at her brother. She knew some of the Cullen's didn't agree with her but it needed to be done. James was a hunter and the only way he was going to stop, would be to finish him once and for all.

Alec nodded next to his sister, "Even if we take the fight to him, we have to be smart about it. It can't be in a place that allows him to get close to humans. Hopefully his mate won't follow but we have to consider all our options. She's just as dangerous as he is, we have no idea what she'll do once we kill him."

Edward sighed, "I can't let you do this." He didn't want her to get hurt. He was worried because he had no idea what she was capable of but something told him, he was about to find out.

Amara sighed softly as she pressed a hand to his cheek, "I'm a warrior. This is what I'm made for. Besides I have Alec with me, he's my Parabati. We protect each other at all cost. I know you're worried but I can handle myself. I'm the one he wants. He wants to kill me but I know you won't let that happen. Alec won't let that happen. I need you to trust me that I can take care of it."

Carlisle, however, interrupted the pair, "Are you sure you can do this?" He didn't want her to get hurt. He already considered her a daughter and wanted to protect her.

However, he knew the abilities of shadowhunters and knew she would be able to protect herself. He knew she was stronger than they gave her credit for. Besides, with Alec by her side, he knew they had nothing to worry about.

Amara nodded firmly, "I was trained for this. Besides I have Alec by my side as well as Edward. I'm not going to ask any of you to help me or do something you don't want to do."

Rosalie smiled at the young hybrid, "You're family now and we protect family. You don't have to ask. We will stand by you." Amara could tell everyone was shocked at the blondes statement yet admired her for her protectiveness of the young twin.

"I guess we have a vampire to hunt," Alec smirked.

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