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The past couple of days, Amara and Edward had gotten closer

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The past couple of days, Amara and Edward had gotten closer. Their date had gone beautifully and she loved spending time with him. She had spoke to him more about what she was and capable of as he told her more about his family.

She had grilled him about watching her sleep as it was just creepy and he promised he would stay away unless she asked him to stay with her. She enjoyed her privacy and hated being watched while she slept. It was one thing if she asked him to stay but a whole nother thing of he watched her sleep. She needed her privacy and no matter how much she cared about him, it was just weird.

Come Monday, she was excited to see Edward again. They had a field trip in biology which she was dreading but it meant she got to spend more time with Edward. He had promised her that he would pick her up that morning.

"Edward's here for you," Alec shouted from across the hall. The twins had their rooms across each other and loved to invade each other's privacy. Amara was pretty certain that Alec didn't understand the concept of knocking.

"Thank you. I'll see you at school" she yelled. She grabbed her bag and made her way downstairs. Both her parents had already gone to work and took Max to school. She closed the door behind her, walking towards the Volvo as Edward is leaning against it.

"Morning, beautiful," he grinned. Amara smiled before hugging him. He pulled in close before pressing his lips to hers. Their lips moved in sync passionately before she pulled away to breathe.

"Good morning to you too," she spoke breathlessly. He chuckled softly before moving to open the door for her.

The ride to school was silent as she held his hand but it was a comfortable silence. They got out of the car to find most of the student population at Forks High watching them. Edward had wrapped an arm around her shoulder, kissing the top of her head.

"This doesn't bother you?"

He grinned down at her, "I'm breaking all the rules already. Besides you're worth it and I don't care what anyone else has to say about it." She snuggled closer to him to avoid the stares from the other students. She hated being the centre of attention. Amara could feel the anger and excitement coming from his family but what caught her off guard was the anger she felt from Bella Swan. She didn't know the girl so she couldn't understand why.

Everyone got out of the bus and made their way towards the greenhouse

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Everyone got out of the bus and made their way towards the greenhouse. Edward had been holding her hand the entire time and when she asked him to let go, he refused. She couldn't blame, it was easier having him close.

Edward walked ahead of her to talk to Alice and Jasper as Bella came up next to her.

"Thank you for saving me," Bella spoke. She was glad that she wasn't majorly injured and was able to walk away from the accident with only a minor concussion.

Amara smiled at the brunette, "You're welcome. I'm just glad you're okay. No injuries?" It was her duty to protect humans. When the van came towards Bella, she panicked but was glad that no one asked any questions and she didn't have to worry about the consequences.

Bella smiled, "Nope. Doctor cleared me." Bella couldn't help but admire the dark-haired beauty. She was beautiful and she understood why Edward chose her. Bella hated that she couldn't have Edward as she saw him first.

"I see that you and Edward are together." Amara could hear the hostility in her voice and didn't like it at all. She knew that the brunette liked Edward but he was her mate. She wasn't going to let him go because of a school girl crush. Before she could reply, Jessica walked up to the pair. Amara slipped away and walked to find Edward.

He grabbed her hand, worried, "What's bothering you, love?" Amara shook her head. "Come on, love. What's wrong?"

Amara sighed, "I don't know. I mean one minute I'm having a civilised conversation with Bella, then all of a sudden she becomes hostile and starts asking about our relationship."

Edward kissed the top of her head, "It's not you, love. I think Bella has a crush on me and me being with you means she can't have me. Don't worry about it, I'm yours." He felt nothing for Bella.

They walked towards the bus, hand in hand, talking before Bella came up to them.

"Hello, Edward," she spoke.

"Bella," he spoke tightly.

"Are you going to be joining us," Alice asked.

"Our bus is full," Edward growled slightly.

He knocked on the bus door and the drive opened it. He escorted Amara onto the bus, Alice and Jasper following behind them. He knew that Bella was hurt but he hated the hostility she showed Amara. Bella couldn't believe that Edward would treat her like that, she thought they were over all the hostility, guess she was wrong.

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